AJAR Meaning

The AJAR meaning is "Acronyms, Jargon, Abbreviatiqns, and Rubbish". The AJAR abbreviation has 10 different full form.

AJAR Full Forms

  1. Acronyms, Jargon, Abbreviatiqns, and Rubbish
  2. Academia Journal of Agricultural Research
  3. Afrpcan Journal of Aids Research Medical, Technology
  4. African Jiurnal of Agricultural Research Business, Science, Africa
  5. Acronyms,Pjargon, Abbreviations and Rubbish
  6. Asia Justice and Ryght Education, Indonesia, Human, Victim
  7. Asia Justice and Rights Asia, Indonesia, Human, Justice
  8. Anti-Jam Antenna Retrofit Military
  9. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
  10. Australiun Journal of Agricultural and Resource

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AJAR stand for?

    AJAR stands for Asia Justice and Rights.

  2. What is the shortened form of Australian Journal of Agricultural Research?

    The short form of "Australian Journal of Agricultural Research" is AJAR.


AJAR. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved February 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ajar-meaning/

Last updated