AL Meaning

The AL meaning is "Aluminum". The AL abbreviation has 680 different full form.

AL Full Forms

  1. Aluminum A silver-white soft metal, noted for its lightness, high reflectivity, high thermal conductivity, non-toxicity and corrosion resistance. It is the most abundant metallic element, comprising about 1/12th of the earth's crust. It is never found in nature as an elemental metal, but only in combination with oxygen and other elements. In ordinary commercial and industrial use, the word "aluminum" is often understood to mean aluminum alloy, rather than the pure metal. Business, Chemistry, Property, Construction, Real Estate, Architectural, Real Estate Advertising, Business & Finance, Food Additives, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
  2. Assisted Living Medical, Community, Care, Business & Finance, Business Word
  3. Annual Leave Business, Employment, Holiday, Medical, Fda
  4. Albania Business, Technology, Information Technology, Education, Locations, Britannica, Countries, Country, Language Codes, Unclassified, Computing, Albania, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  5. Artificial Lung Medical, Medicine, Health
  6. Average Loss General Average Loss Medical, Genetics, Trading
  7. Amyloid Amyloids are aggregates of proteins that become folded into a shape that allows many copies of that protein to stick together forming fibrils. In the human body, amyloids may cause various diseases, as previously healthy proteins lose their normal physiological functions and form fibrous deposits in plaques around cells that disrupt the healthy function of tissues and organs. Such amyloids have been associated with more than 20 human diseases, known as amyloidosis, and may play a role in some neurodegenerative disorders. Medical
  8. Advanced Light
  9. Anesthésie Locale Pas, Rale, Technique, Locale
  10. Alabama Legal
  11. Atlantic Lottery Business, Canada, Corporation
  12. Activated Lymphocytes
  13. Allocation Logement France, Aide, Aid, Allocation
  14. Asia League
  15. Activity Log Management, Gaming, Activity
  16. Adaptation Layer-Service Technology, Networking, Network, Communication
  17. Adventure League
  18. Antennal Lobe Technology, Neuron, Olfactory
  19. Alberta Canada, Locations, Territory, Post, Alberta, Canadian Province, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
  20. Alcohol A molecule with a hydroxyl group attached to a carbon atom. OR  an organic chemical that contains an —OH group. OR "Any chemical compound where the hydroxy functional group -O-H is bound to an carbon skeleton. You are probably most familiar with the diols (compounds with two hydroxy groups), which are used in the manufacture of polyesters, and the phenols, where an hydroxy group is bound to an arene. Medical, Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, British medicine, Common Medical, NAACCR, Healthcare, Physiology, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational, Clinical
  21. Augmented Lagrangian
  22. Activity Lead
  23. America Line
  24. Add Line Forum, Technology, Coding, Java
  25. Anderson Law
  26. Airflow Limitation Medical
  27. Assistant Librarian Education, Pakistan, Library
  28. Academic Lead
  29. Al Leiter
  30. Artificial Lift One of several methods that provide pressure assistance to increase flow from a well. The most common systems lighten (decrease density) of the flowing fluid (gas lift), or remove all or part of the liquid head from the reservoir (beam and electric submersible pumps). Technology, Oil, Gas, Electrical
  31. Alert Limits
  32. Average Life
  33. Amygdala The amygdaloid nucleus in the brain. 2. The tonsils.These structures were so named because they appeared to be shaped like an almond. From the Greek amydale + the Greek eidos. Medical, Science, Biomedicine, British medicine
  34. Administrative Logistics Business, Military, Dubai
  35. Andy Lee
  36. Alabama League
  37. Athens Limestone
  38. Action Level The action level of formaldehyde was determined as 0.5 ppm. Science, Lead, Sound, Environment
  39. All Locations
  40. Ashok Leyland Business, India, Vehicle
  41. Adams Library Book, Education, History
  42. Adventure Learning Technology, Gaming, Education
  43. Antennal Lobes Medical
  44. Alcan, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  45. Audit Log
  46. Active Low Technology, Power, Circuit
  47. Alternative Libertaire Organizations, Alternative, Anarchism, Anarchist
  48. Additional Lines
  49. Aircraft Light
  50. Left Ear Medical, Health, Body, Therapy, Otorhinolaryngology, Nursing
  51. All-Star Lineup Gaming, Baseball, Star
  52. Area Links
  53. Alert Limit Satellite, Alert, Integrity
  54. Autumn Leaf
  55. Amplatz Left Guide, Catheter, Artery
  56. Administrative Leave Science
  57. Andy Latto
  58. Alabama Lawyers Business, Alabama, Attorney
  59. Athens-Limestone Business, Hotel, Alabama
  60. Action Learning Science, Management, Development
  61. All Loads
  62. AsesoríA Legal
  63. Advance License Business, Service, Software
  64. Antennal-Lobe Medical
  65. Albumin The albumins are a family of globular proteins, the most common of which are the serum albumins. All the proteins of the albumin family are water-soluble, moderately soluble in concentrated salt solutions, and experience heat denaturation. Albumins are commonly found in blood plasma and differ from other blood proteins in that they are not glycosylated. Medical, Medicine, Animal, Nursing, Healthcare, Physiology, NAACCR, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Clinical
  66. Albuquerque Operations Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  67. Audio Level
  68. Active Loop Technology, Radio, Antenna
  69. Alternative Liste Group, Alternative, Fur, Party
  70. Additional Listings
  71. Agung Laksono Indonesia, Jakarta, Bali
  72. Assaulter Lite Plate, Carrier, Warrior, Assaulter
  73. Alice Lloyd
  74. Applications Layer Technology, Service, Military
  75. Alert Level
  76. Autonomic Logistics Technology, Military, Fighter
  77. American Livestock
  78. Ad Libitum Access To Feed Medical
  79. Andrew Luck
  80. Air Lines
  81. Astronomical League Science, Organizations, Club
  82. Accelerated Life
  83. All Languages Language codes (2 letters)
  84. Asesinos De La
  85. Advance Level
  86. Answer List Forum, Technology, Gaming, Military
  87. Album Leaf
  88. Audio Language Technology, English, Translator
  89. Active Living
  90. Alternative Living Government
  91. Adaptive Learning Student, Technology, Education
  92. Agriculture and Land
  93. American League Technology, Baseball, Sports
  94. Aerated Lagoon Medical
  95. Application Logic Technology, Service, Java
  96. Aldosterone Aldosterone is a steroid hormone produced by the outer section of the adrenal cortex in the adrenal gland. It plays a central role in the regulation of blood pressure mainly by acting on the distal tubules and collecting ducts of the nephron, increasing reabsorption of ions and water in the kidney, to cause the conservation of sodium, secretion of potassium, increased water retention, and increased blood pressure. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Therapy, British medicine
  97. Automotive Lighting Technology, Light, Bosch
  98. American Literature America, Book, Education
  99. Ad Lib-Fed Medical
  100. Andrew Ladd
  101. Airline Linear
  102. Assurance Letter Government
  103. Accelerated Learning Program, Military, Education, Training, Handbook, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  104. Alliance Life
  105. Arts Lecture Education, University, Course
  106. Advanced Lubricant Technology, Oil, Engine
  107. Angkatan Laut Indonesia, Locations, Orang, Armada
  108. Alabama Leroy School, Alabama, Massage
  109. Atmos Lab Para, Con, Lab, Aroma
  110. Active Listening Medical, Education, Skill
  111. Alternating Light Navigational beacon light that changes colour in each period of its visibility
  112. Agent Locator
  113. Altitude Elevation as measured in relationship to the earth's surface to sea level. OR Height OR The vertical distance between the airplane and the ground. OR The height of an object, like an airplane, above sea level or above the earth's surface. OR Height, usually with respect to the terrain below (radar altitude, feet above closest dirt) or fixed earth reference (barometric altitude, feet above mean sea level); Symbols: h; Typical Units: ft; Dimensions: Length; or  angle of a celestial object above the horizon. Medical, Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Army, Music, Architecture, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Auto, Construction, Architectural, Weather, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Ordnance Survey, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
  114. Adaptive Leadership Education, Army, Leader
  115. Advice Letters
  116. Application Launch
  117. Amygdaloid Nucleus Medical
  118. Aldo Leopold
  119. Automatic Locking
  120. American Law Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  121. Address Latch Technology, Memory, Circuit
  122. Andreas Lamprecht
  123. Air Lift A surface piston driven pumping unit, similar to a beam lift unit. Airline, Business, Organizations, Drum, Throne, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  124. Association for Leaders
  125. Academic Libraries Research, Education, Library
  126. Allergy Allergies, also known as allergic diseases, are a number of conditions caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system to something in the environment that usually causes little or no problem in most people. These diseases include hay fever, food allergies, atopic dermatitis, allergic asthma, and anaphylaxis. Symptoms may include red eyes, an itchy rash, runny nose, shortness of breath, or swelling. Food intolerances and food poisoning are separate conditions. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital, Physiology
  127. Arts and Literature Science, Book, Culture
  128. Aspherical Lenses Business, Technology, Len, Photography, Camera
  129. Amyloid Light Chain Medical, Technology
  130. Advanced Low Medical, Advance, Language
  131. Angakatan Laut Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Salah
  132. Alabama Legislature Government, Alabama, Senate
  133. At Large Government, Terrorism, Congress, Al-Qaeda
  134. Active Learning Student, Technology, Education
  135. Altec Lansing
  136. Agent License
  137. As Left Group, Locations, Imam, Party
  138. Adaptation Level Medical, Health, Body
  139. Adventurers League Technology, Gaming, Play
  140. Anterior Lateral Medical, Physiology
  141. Alcoholism Alcoholism, also known as alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a broad term for any drinking of alcohol that results in problems. It was previously divided into two types: alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence. Medical, Medicine, Health, Body, British medicine
  142. Australian Light Australia, Military, Horse
  143. Activity Levels
  144. American Lands
  145. Addressable Latch
  146. Andrea Lucas
  147. Air Land Military, Army, Artillery
  148. Assistive Listening
  149. Academic Left
  150. Allen Lee
  151. Ari Luotonen
  152. Angry Larry
  153. Audrey Lee Attorney, Lawyer, Obituary
  154. Aiga-I-Le-Tai
  155. Alles Liebe Technology, Music, Community, Album
  156. Apparatus List Science
  157. Autres Livres
  158. Amanda Latona
  159. AgustíN Lara
  160. Awami Leaque
  161. Arroyo Loncoche
  162. Activity Leader Business, School, Teaching
  163. Assistenza Legale Business, Con, Studio, Persona
  164. Archaeology and Language
  165. Ad Libitum Fed Medical
  166. Arnold Layne
  167. Anonymous Links
  168. American Literary
  169. Arm Length
  170. Al-Anon In Louisiana
  171. Skywalk Airlines Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Call Sign, Governmental & Military
  172. Anonymous London
  173. Adaptation Language
  174. Auris Laeva Medical, Latin, Common Medical
  175. Allowable Level
  176. Approach & Landing Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  177. Air Lease Business, Supply, Stock
  178. Autobuses Latinos
  179. Abandoned Lab Gaming, English, Lab, Refuge
  180. Amyloidosis Local
  181. Acute Leukemia Medical, Patient, Cell, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  182. Astronomy Letters Science, Galaxy, Astrophysics, Space, Astronomy, Journal, Computing, Periodical, Serial Publication, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  183. Allemande Left
  184. Antique Lace
  185. Aegon'S Landing
  186. Authors List
  187. Amy Lambeth
  188. Architecture Logicielle Technology, Presentation, Software
  189. Accelerator Laboratory
  190. Albert Lai
  191. Alice Lockridge
  192. Additional Levy
  193. Atom Life
  194. Alternate Lifeform Science, Astronomy
  195. Aquatic Life
  196. Absolute Legends Gaming, League, Team, Legend
  197. Agent De Liaison
  198. Arid Land
  199. Android Lust
  200. Audit Lingkungan Technology, Training, Seminar
  201. Allergic, Allergy Health, Body, Organism
  202. Appalachian Laboratory Organizations, University, Maryland
  203. Autour De La Lune
  204. Alzheimer List
  205. Agriculture and Life
  206. Awami League Government, Group, Bangladesh
  207. Arrowhead Lakes
  208. Actively Looking
  209. Asian Littoral
  210. Arcana Lord Gaming, Military, Lineage
  211. Adjusted Loading
  212. Ano LitÚRgico
  213. American Libraries America, Education, Library
  214. Armia Ludowa Military, Army, Poland, Polish
  215. Airlock Airlocks are used on gloveboxes. Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  216. Left Year Medicine, Health, British
  217. Anonymous Listings
  218. After Life
  219. Augustinus-Lexikon Education, Institute, Hippo
  220. Allostatic Load
  221. Apprenticeship Levy
  222. Air Leakage Technology, Construction, Heating
  223. Available Light Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
  224. Abandoned & Little-Known
  225. Aigle - Leysin
  226. Amyloidosis Is Limited
  227. Acute Lethality
  228. Astronomy League
  229. Alveolar Length
  230. Anti Logic
  231. Advice Letter Medical, Business, Service
  232. Authorized Leave With Pay Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  233. Amy Lake
  234. Architecture Level Army, Force, Marine
  235. American Lutherie
  236. Acceleration Level
  237. Alan Levin
  238. AliançA Liberal Government, Dos, Brasil
  239. Alii Liberti Latin, Roman
  240. Ad De Lange
  241. At Limestone
  242. Alternate Length
  243. Aqua Lounge
  244. Absolute Latency Medical, Medicine, Therapy, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  245. Age Location
  246. Arhitektide Liit
  247. Andrew Lycett
  248. Artificial Limb Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Body, Physiology
  249. Allergic Medical
  250. Appalachian League
  251. Aermacchi-Lockheed Technology, Flight, Aircraft
  252. Alzheimer Light
  253. Agriculture Links
  254. Avon Lake Business, City, Ohio
  255. Arrived Late
  256. Acrylic Lacquer Shopping, Paint, Acrylic
  257. Asian League
  258. Adjusted Load
  259. Alternate Location Business, Service, Government
  260. Anno Lucis
  261. American Legend America, Aircraft, Legend
  262. Arm In aircraft weight and balance, as well as load distribution, it is the distance from the CENTER OF GRAVITY (c/g) to some point. For computations, arms measured forward from the c/g are positive (+n) and those measured aft of the c/g are negative (-n). OR Arm a part of a robot. A robot is composed of an arm (or mainframe) and a wrist plus a tool. For many industrial robots the arm subassembly can move with three degrees of freedom.
  263. Air Loaders
  264. Left Ear Al Health, Body, Organism
  265. Anonymous Listing
  266. After A Straight Up Loss Sport, Hockey, Ice Hockey
  267. Augsburger Localbahn
  268. Al Lopez Baseball, Park, Locations, Manager
  269. Appreciation Luncheon
  270. Awards Luncheon
  271. Availability Level
  272. Aaron Lewis Concert, Tourism, Ticket
  273. Aigle-Leysin Locations, Train, Railway, Transport
  274. Avco Lycoming
  275. Amyloid Light
  276. Artificial Line
  277. Acute Laminitis
  278. Astronautics Laboratory Military
  279. Alvarez-Linera Science, Networking, Network, Brain
  280. Antihuman Lymphocytic Medical, Health, Body
  281. Advertising Livery
  282. Authorization Letter
  283. Architectural Laboratory
  284. American Lung
  285. Abu Luqman Military, Group, Syria, Raqqa
  286. Alan Lebeda
  287. AliançA LibertáRia
  288. Alfred Lee
  289. Added Land
  290. At Left
  291. Alta Loma
  292. Approved Lenders
  293. Abs Like
  294. Age Limits
  295. Auto Liability
  296. Archivos Leoneses
  297. Analyzer and Loader Medical, Health, Body
  298. Asynchronous Load
  299. Arjosari-Dinoyo-Landungsari Indonesia, Locations, Museum, Terminal
  300. Allequash Lake
  301. Anyone Live
  302. Aer Lingus Airline, Airport, Flight, Organizations, Call Sign, Transportation, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Iata Aircraft Codes
  303. Always Loaded Gun, Forum, Technology, Load
  304. Agriculture & Lands
  305. Avionics Laboratory
  306. Accounting Log
  307. Adjoining Landowner
  308. Alternative Livelihoods
  309. Animo Libens Latin, Roman
  310. American Leather
  311. Armament Laboratory
  312. Air Lithuania Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Lithuania, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  313. Iso Country Code for People'S Socialist Republic of Albania Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  314. Anomalously Large Technology
  315. Audun Lindholm Book, Issue, Poetry
  316. Allocutive Agreement Education, Linguistics, Glossing
  317. Appraisal License , A Type of Onshore Licence Issued Before 1996 Oil, Gas, Petroleum
  318. Awami-Liga War, Pakistan, Bangladesh
  319. Auxiliary Lighter Technology, Camera, Light
  320. Aaron Laffey
  321. Ai-Ling Lee
  322. Available To Las
  323. Amyloid L Medical, Science, Medicine
  324. Artificial Limbs
  325. Actual Location Locations, Map, Boat
  326. Aster Leafhopper
  327. Antifascist Left
  328. Adventure Ltd
  329. Authority To Load Business, Technology, Export, Oil
  330. Arrival Locator Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance, Governmental & Military
  331. American Longwall
  332. Abul Lais
  333. Alabama, Louisiana
  334. Accuracy In Acute Leukemia Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
  335. Alianza Liberal Para, Government, Con, Nicaragua
  336. Anssi Laurila
  337. Adaptive Loop
  338. At Least
  339. Alsace Lorraine
  340. Approach Lights Technology, Flight, Lighting, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  341. After Loading Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  342. Auto Lensmeter
  343. Archives Du Loiret
  344. Abbe Lane
  345. Analytics Layer
  346. Asynchronous Learning Development, Learning, Study
  347. Agreement To Lease Banking, Business & Finance
  348. Allen Lively
  349. Antonio Lasala
  350. Aerei Leggeri
  351. Alvin Lustig
  352. Agreement Letter
  353. Aviation Logistics
  354. Acción Laborista
  355. Alianza Latina
  356. Add Logical Technology, Driving, Device, Driver
  357. Attenuation Length
  358. Alternate Livelihoods
  359. American Legion Government, Genealogy, Genealogical
  360. Amazing Links Computing, Internet
  361. Arjosari-Landungsari Hotel, Indonesia, Locations, Terminal
  362. Air Lingus Aviation, Governmental & Military
  363. Awareness League Organizations, Anarchism, Anarchist
  364. Ano Leonistico
  365. Audubon Louisville
  366. Aunt-In-Law
  367. Allgemeinen Luftfahrt
  368. Apples-L'Isle
  369. Avril Lavigne Music, Song, Lyric
  370. Auxiliary Lighting Extra lighting such as fog lights, spot light, and driving lights which are intended to improve visibility under adverse conditions.
  371. Aaa Locksmith
  372. Ahvenanmaan LääNi
  373. Available Lysine
  374. Artificial Linguistic
  375. Actualidad Laboral
  376. Assyrian Levies
  377. Anticoagulante L
  378. Adventure Log Gaming, Travel, Adventure, Notebook
  379. Arrhenius Laboratory
  380. American Lithuanian
  381. Abstract Language
  382. Al-Lilac
  383. United States Postal Code for Alabama Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  384. Anse Louis
  385. Adaptive Logistics
  386. At Last Song, Lyric, Politics, Governmental & Military
  387. Alprazolam A benzodiazepine sedative that causes dose-related depression of the central nervous system. Alprazolam is useful in treating anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, and muscle spasms. The brand name is Xanax. A generic version is available. Medical, Medicine, Health, British medicine
  388. Approach Light
  389. Air Liaison Technology, Military, Force
  390. Autoland Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  391. Abandon Loan Technology
  392. Analysis of Low-Complexity Technology, Channel, Wireless, Receiver
  393. Acção Local
  394. Asuka Langley Anime, Genesis, Langley, Neon
  395. Assembly Language A machine oriented language in which mnemonics are used to represent each machine language instruction. Each CPU has its own specific assembly language. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Assembly, Business & Finance
  396. Allen Lane
  397. Antoine Louis
  398. Aerated Lagoons
  399. Aurora Lincheta
  400. Amy Ledbetter
  401. Archive Listen
  402. Acceptable Levels
  403. Aliante Library
  404. Alignment An arrangement of different structural members in one straight line: alignment of butt welds, alignment of stiffeners, etc. Many ships have suffered when other design requirements have been assigned undue priority over structural alignment. Medical, Technology, Aviation, Building, Engineering, Construction, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, The Finance and Administrative Services
  405. Additive Latency Technology, Memory, Module
  406. Attachment Levels Medical
  407. Alternative List Technology, Book, Group
  408. Allotment Letter Business
  409. Agra Local
  410. Arithmetic and Logic Technology, Instruction, Circuit
  411. AnnéE LumièRe
  412. Audrey Leigh
  413. Allgemeine Luftfahrt
  414. App Launcher
  415. Avian Leukosis Medical, Health, Body
  416. Autumn Leaves Business, Music, Song
  417. Amateur Latin
  418. Ahnen-Liste
  419. Awami Liga War, Pakistan, Bangladesh
  420. Arse Licker
  421. Activity Leaders Business, Teaching, Dubai
  422. Assurance Level Technology, Service, Software
  423. Anticoagulante LÚPico
  424. Ad Libitum Feeding Medical
  425. Arquitectura De LogroÑO
  426. Aaa Lederman
  427. American Light
  428. Absorption Level
  429. Al-Anon London
  430. Transaviaexport Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  431. Anonymous Louisiana
  432. Adaptive Licensing Medical, Development, Drug
  433. Atlas Logistique Business & Finance, Suppliers
  434. Allowable Limit
  435. Approach and Landing Flight, Aviation, Aerodynamics, Transportation, Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, NASA, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  436. Air Letter
  437. AutoettevÕTete Liit
  438. Abandoned Loan Business, Student, Report
  439. Analysis Learning
  440. Acute Leukemias Medical, Science, Biomedical
  441. Asturias Liberal
  442. Alian
  443. Alpha-Lactalbumin Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  444. Allen Labette
  445. Antoine Lafleur
  446. Aegyptiaca Leodiensia
  447. Auto-Lag
  448. Amy Lauterbach
  449. Archive Lister
  450. Acceptable Language
  451. Alia Latin
  452. Alienated Land
  453. Additional Listing Business, Service, Building
  454. Attachment Level Medical
  455. Alternate Listing
  456. Absolute Loss Medical, Learning, Model
  457. Aggregation Level Technology, Network, Control
  458. Aberdeen Ladies
  459. Air Launch Technology
  460. Audio Left Technology, Cable, Connecting
  461. After A Long
  462. Adam Ledlow
  463. Almanor Railroad Company Railroad, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  464. Alert Line
  465. Aeronomy Laboratory Technology, Science, Military, Atmospheric Research
  466. Acute Leukaemias Medical
  467. Accessory Ligament Medical, Physiology
  468. Amplitude-Limited
  469. Activity Level The value taken by a decision variable in an intermediate or final solution to a programming problem. Medical, Health, Physical
  470. Alizee Lyrics
  471. Auction Limit Business, Company, Auction, Price
  472. Address List General, Governmental & Military
  473. Alternative Lib
  474. Analis Lab
  475. Absentee Landowner
  476. Agency Liaison Military
  477. Asset and Liability
  478. Albert Lee
  479. Alfredo León
  480. Axial Loading
  481. A-law Compressed Sound Format Computing, File Extensions
  482. Aigle Leysin
  483. Avenue Library
  484. Active Link Technology, Computer, It, Computing
  485. Walter E. Lay Automotive Lab Location
  486. Amerika Latin
  487. Army Liaison
  488. Albumin Locus Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  489. Anterior Leaflet Medical, Valve, Mitral
  490. Access List Compilation of users, programs, or processes and the access levels and types to which each is authorized. Computing, Computer
  491. Auto Loans
  492. Abelmann Law
  493. Airhead Line
  494. Area Leader Business, Management, Church
  495. African Lion
  496. Adam Laroche
  497. Agricultural Labourer Genealogy, Occupation & positions
  498. automobile liability Insurance, Business & Finance
  499. Aerodynamics Laboratory
  500. Acute Leukaemia Medical
  501. Active Lipid Medical, Physiology
  502. Amplifiers Let
  503. ĀRuḍha Lagna Technology, Software, Astrology, Vedic
  504. Alive Legitimate
  505. Auction League Baseball, League, Fantasy
  506. Albany Field Office Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  507. Alternating Science, Investigation, Laboratory
  508. Arap Ligi Turkish, Turk
  509. AméRica Latina Para, America, Mexico
  510. Abscission Layer
  511. Age Limit
  512. Asset & Liability
  513. Alberto Lol
  514. Alfa Laval Business, Heat, Exchanger
  515. Awareness and Learning Technology
  516. Along Track Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
  517. Avecia Ltd
  518. Allegheny Science, Aviation, Governmental & Military, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
  519. Alagoas Brazilian State
  520. Application List
  521. Analytical Limit Technology
  522. Armstrong Lab Technology, Science, Research
  523. Advanced Stage Acute Leukemia Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
  524. Antenor Leitao
  525. Anti-Lacquer Products
  526. Auto Load Army, War, War Force
  527. Abdul Latif
  528. Aircraft Label Technology, Flight, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  529. Aviation Laboratory
  530. Aeronautica Lombarda
  531. Ada Lirası
  532. At-Large
  533. Andelslag Company, Business & Finance
  534. Austin Loomer
  535. Acute L-Arginine
  536. Auris Left (left ear) Medical, Physiology
  537. Amoris Laetitia Catholic, Church, Pope
  538. ángel Lulio
  539. Alitrunk Length
  540. Anthony Lucas Technology, Sport, Card, Football
  541. Auburn Last
  542. Animation Language Software, Computing
  543. Arab Legion Military, War, Officer
  544. Amyloidosis List
  545. Abnormal Lungs
  546. Aged Limestone Garden, Stone, Fountain
  547. Assessing Learning Student, Technology, Education
  548. Arable Land Farming & agriculture
  549. Alex Lifeson
  550. Affordable Learning
  551. Adam Lind
  552. argon laser Laser used in sealing blood vessels and destroying specific lesions Physics, Scientific & Educational
  553. Adrienne Lynne Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  554. Alto Lute
  555. Atomic Level
  556. Analytical Laboratories Science
  557. Arms Library Education
  558. Adult Acute Leukemia Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
  559. Antenna Laboratory Technology, Research, Frequency
  560. Adjustable leg Products
  561. Abbott Library Education
  562. Airborne Laser Technology, Boeing, Dragon, Flight, Aerodynamics, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  563. Average Linkage Genetics, Expression, Clustering
  564. Aerial Ladder Military, Truck, Fire
  565. Ada Leung
  566. TransAVIAexport Airlines Airline, Business & Finance
  567. Austin Lee
  568. Actual Loss Business, Banking, Damage
  569. Approvable Letter Medical, Fda
  570. Ammunition Lift Military, Corps, Combat
  571. Arnold'S Landing
  572. Association Between Acute Leukemias Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
  573. Aliso Laguna Business, California, Beach
  574. Anthony Latham
  575. Auburndale Library Education
  576. Arithmetic Logic Software, Computing
  577. Arabic Language Book, Education, Teaching
  578. Amyloidosis Amyloidosis is a rare and serious disease caused by accumulation of proteins in the form of abnormal, insoluble fibres, known as amyloid fibrils, within the extracellular space in the tissues of the body. Amyloid deposits can be confined to only one part of the body or a single organ system in "local amyloidosis" or they can be widely distributed in organs and tissues throughout the body in "systemic amyloidosis". Medical, Health, Body
  579. Ablowitz-Ladik Education, Diploma, Equation, Hierarchy
  580. Afterloading Medical
  581. AssembléIa Legislativa Channel, Brazil, Vector
  582. Adams Lake
  583. appraisal license (United Kingdom) Electrical
  584. Alexi Laiho Guitar, String, Signature
  585. Afar Locality Science, Human, Fossil, Homo
  586. Adam Larsson League, Oiler, Draft
  587. Action Limit Mathematical, Scientific & Educational
  588. Alabama Technology, Locations, State, Gpo, Alabama, Construction, Weather, Postal, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, List of All 50 State, United States, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us area code, Us phone area codes, Us state code
  589. Alleanza Liberali Government, Group, Malta, Election
  590. Automotive Lenses Transportation, Governmental & Military
  591. Alternativen Liste Alternative, Sind, Berlin
  592. Alarm Level
  593. Analytical Laboratory Technology, Science, Research, Atmospheric Research
  594. Arms Lab
  595. Assigned Level Technology
  596. Ambient Light Photography
  597. Aliasing Label
  598. Actarius Legati Latin, Roman
  599. Ain Living
  600. Average Level Technology, Health, Environment
  601. Adakan Latihan
  602. Ad Libitum Ad libitum is Latin for at one's pleasure; it is often shortened to ad lib or ad-lib. The roughly synonymous phrase a bene placito is less common but, in its Italian form a piacere, entered the musical lingua franca. Medical, Technology, Science, Medicine, Biomedical, Latin, Veterinary, Bioscience, Medical Latin, Music, Scientific & Educational, Reading Prescription
  603. Auroral Luminosity
  604. Actual Length Medical
  605. adductor longus Medical, British medicine
  606. Ammoniated Latex
  607. ArméE De LibéRation
  608. Associated With Acute Leukemia Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
  609. Alignment Level Program, Audio, Box, Alignment, Computing, Telecom
  610. Anthologia Latina
  611. Alcan Aluminum, LTD. Computing, Nyse symbols
  612. Arabian Light Business, Company, Oil
  613. Ablative Liner
  614. After Landing
  615. Assembly Linker Technology, Windows, Coding
  616. Adam Lunt
  617. Appraisal Licence Electrical
  618. Alexandria Library Education
  619. Aesthetic Laser
  620. Adam Lambert Music, Tourism, Queen, Lambert
  621. Average Lifetime Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  622. Amyloid Light-Chain Medical, Patient, Protein, Human genome
  623. Amur Leopard
  624. Alyssa Long
  625. Allantoic Medical, Medicine, Therapy
  626. Audición Y Lenguaje Para, Con, Maestro
  627. Arab League Informal name of the League of Arab States. Politics, Governmental & Military
  628. Alternative Lifestyle Club, Alternative, Swinger
  629. Analysis Library
  630. Armor Level Gaming, Military, Guide
  631. Asset Location
  632. Alley  The passageways between blocks of pews. Ordnance Survey, Technology, Governmental & Military, Street Suffix, Unclassified
  633. Algorithmic Level
  634. Abraham Lincoln Famous, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Emoticons, Texting
  635. Albuquerque Field Office Atmospheric Research
  636. Aim Low
  637. Average Legs Photography, Camera, Digital
  638. Activity List Technology
  639. annulate lamellae Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  640. Amielle Lake
  641. Army Lodging
  642. Angiotropic Lymphoma Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  643. Antharas Lair Gaming, Server, Lineage
  644. Adult Link Computing, Internet
  645. Arabe League
  646. Automatic Ladder
  647. Ablah Library
  648. Air League
  649. Aviation Letter
  650. After A Loss
  651. Adam Loewen
  652. Air Interdiction Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense, Governmental & Military
  653. Aluminium Aluminium or aluminum is a chemical element with symbol Al and atomic number 13. It is a silvery-white, soft, nonmagnetic, ductile metal in the boron group. By mass, aluminium makes up about 8% of the Earth's crust; it is the third most abundant element after oxygen and silicon and the most abundant metal in the crust, though it is less common in the mantle below. Chemistry, Architecture, Environment, Construction, Architectural, Electrical, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Medical, British medicine
  654. Aleukemic Medical
  655. Aeronomy Laboratory Boulder Science, Exploration
  656. Ada Language Military
  657. Auris Laeva (left ear) Medical, Reading Prescription
  658. Amplitude Limiter Technology, Signal, Frequency
  659. Always Lucky Hearthstone, Love, Deck
  660. All-Stars Live Music, Star, Jazz, Streaming
  661. Auction Listing
  662. Aeronomy Laboratory (Boulder, Colorado) (ERL) Science, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  663. Alternative Linke Group, Alternative, Sind, Bern
  664. Analis Laboratorium Business, Indonesia, Orang
  665. Armored Limousine
  666. Asset Ledger Business, Accounting, Bitcoin
  667. Albert Lincoln
  668. Algorithmic Language Telecom, Algorithms, Software Engineering, Information Technology, Software, Computing, Computer, NASA, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  669. D'Alsace Et De Lorraine
  670. Albania (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  671. Aigle-Leysin-Bahn
  672. Average Latency
  673. Alabama Law United Nations
  674. Ames Laboratory Science, Government, Research, Organizations, Us, Atmosphere, Environment, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Atmospheric Research
  675. Army List Gaming, Military, War
  676. Allelic Loss Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical, Scientific & Educational
  677. Antero-Lateral
  678. ALAW format Sound file Computing, File Extensions
  679. Araabia Liiga
  680. Automatic Label Business, Machine, Dispenser

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AL stand for?

    AL stands for Analytics Layer.

  2. What is the shortened form of American Livestock?

    The short form of "American Livestock" is AL.


AL. (2022, March 24). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated