AL in Science Meaning

The AL meaning in Science terms is "Albuquerque Operations". There are 35 related meanings of the AL Science abbreviation.

AL on Science Full Forms

  1. Albuquerque Operations
  2. Administrative Leave
  3. Astronomical League
  4. Action Level The action level of formaldehyde was determined as 0.5 ppm.
  5. Arts and Literature
  6. Action Learning
  7. Amygdala The amygdaloid nucleus in the brain. 2. The tonsils.These structures were so named because they appeared to be shaped like an almond. From the Greek amydale + the Greek eidos.
  8. Authorized Leave With Pay
  9. Acute Leukemia
  10. Alternate Lifeform
  11. Astronomy Letters
  12. Alvarez-Linera
  13. Apparatus List
  14. Amyloid L
  15. Accuracy In Acute Leukemia
  16. Acute Leukemias
  17. Alternating
  18. Angiotropic Lymphoma
  19. Allelic Loss
  20. annulate lamellae
  21. Armstrong Lab
  22. Albumin Locus
  23. Afar Locality
  24. Aeronomy Laboratory (Boulder, Colorado) (ERL)
  25. Analytical Laboratories
  26. Advanced Stage Acute Leukemia
  27. Aeronomy Laboratory Boulder
  28. Allegheny
  29. Ad Libitum Ad libitum is Latin for at one's pleasure; it is often shortened to ad lib or ad-lib. The roughly synonymous phrase a bene placito is less common but, in its Italian form a piacere, entered the musical lingua franca.
  30. Analytical Laboratory
  31. Adult Acute Leukemia
  32. Aeronomy Laboratory
  33. Association Between Acute Leukemias
  34. Ames Laboratory
  35. Associated With Acute Leukemia

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AL stand for Science?

    AL stands for Advanced Stage Acute Leukemia in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Astronomy Letters in Science?

    The short form of "Astronomy Letters" is AL for Science.


AL in Science. (2022, March 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated