ALCF Meaning

The ALCF meaning is "Addario Lung Cancer Foundation". The ALCF abbreviation has 14 different full form.

ALCF Full Forms

  1. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation Medical, Research, Patient
  2. Active Low-Carber Forums
  3. Abundant Love Christian Fellowship
  4. Abundant Life Christian Fellowship Church, Mountain, Life
  5. Alex Lowe Charitable Foundation
  6. Airlift Control Flight War, Shipping, War Force
  7. Advanced Light Control Film Technology, Filter, Touch, Privacy
  8. Argonne Leadership Computing Facility Technology, Science, Supercomputer
  9. Argonne'S Leadership Computing Facility
  10. American Lands Council Foundation
  11. Association of Lutheran College Faculties Development, Study, Colleges
  12. Armenian Lighthouse Charitable Foundation
  13. Armenia Lighthouse Charitable Foundation Armenia, Foundation, Armenian
  14. Argonne Leadership Computing Facilities

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ALCF stand for?

    ALCF stands for Argonne Leadership Computing Facilities.

  2. What is the shortened form of Argonne Leadership Computing Facility?

    The short form of "Argonne Leadership Computing Facility" is ALCF.


ALCF. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated