ALES Meaning

The ALES meaning is "Applicable Large Employers". The ALES abbreviation has 31 different full form.

ALES Full Forms

  1. Applicable Large Employers Business, Employment, Care
  2. American-Lebanese Engineering Society
  3. Abraham Lincoln Elementary School
  4. Ammonium Lauryl Ether Sulphate Business, Manufacturer, Supplier
  5. Agencia Local De La Energ
  6. Altitude Limited Electric Soaring Model, Contest, Glider, Unclassified
  7. American Long Ears Society
  8. Agencia Local De La EnergíA De Sevilla
  9. Alta Loma Elementary School Education
  10. American Long-Ears Society
  11. Advanced Lipoxidation End-Products Medical
  12. Algonquin Lakes Elementary School
  13. Adaptive Learning Environments Technology, Education, Computing
  14. Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences Science, Education, University
  15. Academic Liaison, Employability and Skills
  16. Agency Law Enforcement Series America, Environment
  17. American Lebanese Engineering Society
  18. Academic Learner Expectations
  19. Agency Law Enforcement Services
  20. Association Libanaise D'Etudes SpéLéOlogiques
  21. Assembleia Legislativa Do EspíRito Santo
  22. Arte Lavoro E Servizi
  23. April Lane Elementary School Education
  24. AIRES Life Extension System Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  25. American Labour Education Service
  26. Application Level Events
  27. Automated Land Evaluation System Technology, Ale, Soil
  28. Nor'Wester Brewing Co., Inc. Organizations
  29. Amusement and Leisure Equipment Suppliers
  30. Authorised List of Explosive Stores Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  31. Ammonium Lauryl Ether Sulfate Business, Product, Supplier

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ALES stand for?

    ALES stands for Ammonium Lauryl Ether Sulphate.

  2. What is the shortened form of Abraham Lincoln Elementary School?

    The short form of "Abraham Lincoln Elementary School" is ALES.


ALES. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from

Last updated