ALH Meaning
The ALH meaning is "Albany Airport". The ALH abbreviation has 41 different full form.
ALH Full Forms
- Albany Airport Albany, Western Australia,Australia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
- Advance Light Helicopters Military, India, Force
- Advanced Light Helicopters Technology, Military, India, Force, Defence
- Australian Light Horsemen
- Anything Left Handed
- American Long Haul
- Allan Hills Medical, Medicine
- Anterior Lobe of Hypophysis Medical, Health, Body
- Alhambra Technology, Gaming, Play
- Airborne Lidar Hydrography
- Anterior Lobe Hormone Medical, Health, Body
- Agricultural Labor Housing Medicine, Health, Care
- Ang Leong Huat
- Ars Lyrica Houston
- Affordable Luxury Homes
- Angiolymphoid Hyperplasia Medical, Medicine, Therapy
- Appalachian Log Homes
- Australian Light Horse Australia, Military, War
- Anandaban Leprosy Hospital
- Advanced Light Helicopter Military, India, Force
- Automated Liquid Handling
- Anything Left-Handed
- Atypical Lobular Hyperplasia Medical, Cancer, Breast, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Anak Lahir Hidup Technology, Presentation, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Australian Leisure and Hospitality Products
- Albany Airport, Albany, Western Australia, Australia Australia, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes
- Assisted Living Home
- Amplitude of Lateral Head Displacement Medical
- Austin Lindy Hop
- Alumni Hall Technology, Governmental & Military
- Art League of Houston Business, Class, Houston
- Aungate Legal Hold
- Iata Code for Albany Airport, Albany, Western Australia, Australia Locations
- Art League Houston Art, Houston, Artist
- Atypical Lymphoid Hyperplasia Medical
- Average Length of Haul
- Atypical Lobular Hyperlasia Medical, Health, Cancer
- Average Lecture Hours Education
- Associated Leading House
- Alice Lloyd Hall Location
- Assisted Living Homes
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ALH stand for?
ALH stands for Albany Airport, Albany, Western Australia, Australia.
What is the shortened form of Albany Airport, Albany, Western Australia, Australia?
The short form of "Albany Airport, Albany, Western Australia, Australia" is ALH.
ALH. (2020, October 19). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from
Last updated