ALICE Meaning
The ALICE meaning is "Addictions and Lifestyles In Contemporary Europe". The ALICE abbreviation has 34 different full form.
ALICE Full Forms
- Addictions and Lifestyles In Contemporary Europe Medical, Projection, Policy
- Addiction and Lifestyles In Contemporary Europe Medical, Projection, Policy
- All-Purposo Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment Military, Pack, Equipment
- Advanced Live Interventional Course of Essen
- Assembly Language Internal Common Environment
- Artificial Linvuistic Internet Computer Entity Technology, Intelligence, Bot
- Asociación Latinoamericana De Investigadores En Campañas Electorales Para, Con, Pol
- Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Software, Computing, Application
- Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate Military, School, Training
- All-Purposo, Lightweight, Individual, Carrying Equipment Military, Pack, Individual
- Alice In Wonderland Internet Slang
- Alaska Integrated Communications and Electronics Military
- Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter,Sand Evacuate Military, School, Shooter
- AgêNcia Livre Para A Informação, Cidadania E Educação
- Asset Limited Income Constrained Employed
- Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate Education, School, Training
- Advanced Logistic & Inconsequence Cognizing Equipment
- Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed Business, County, Report
- A Large Ion Collider Experiment Chemistry, Technology, Science, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Advanced Live Interventional Course In Essen
- Artistic Linguistic Internet Computer Entity Technology, Computing, Computer, Processing, General, Governmental & Military
- The American Legislative Issue Campaign Exchange Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Business & Finance
- Artificial Linguistic Intelligent Chatting Entity Science, Language, Linguistics
- Automation Light Interface Control Environment
- Archivio Libri Italiani Su Calcolatore Elettronico
- Acid-labile Isotope-coded Extractants Chemistry
- Automatic Linux Installation and Configuration Environment
- Appalachian Library Information Cooperative Endeavors
- Adiabatic Low-energy Injection and Confinement Experiment Chemistry
- Aston Lab for Intelligent Collectives Engineering
- Alaska Integrated Communications Exchange
- All-purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment Military Slang, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Airborne Line-Scan Image Processor
- Abbreviation LIfter using Corpus-based Extraction Funnies
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ALICE stand for?
ALICE stands for Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity.
What is the shortened form of Alaska Integrated Communications and Electronics?
The short form of "Alaska Integrated Communications and Electronics" is ALICE.
ALICE. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from
Last updated