The ALITALIA meaning is "Airplane Lands In Turin and Luggageoin Ancona". The ALITALIA abbreviation has 11 different full form.
- Airplane Lands In Turin and Luggageoin Ancona
- Airplane Landed In Tokyo and Luggage In Atlanta
- Air Line In Tokyo and Luggage In Amsterdam
- Always Late In Takeofc, Always Late In Arrival Airline, Business, Italy
- Always Late In Takeoff Always Late In Arrival Airline, Business, Italy
- Airplane Lands In Tokio and Luggage In Amsterdam
- Arrived Late Insturin, and Luggage In Australia Airline, Aviation, Joke
- Always Late In Take-Off, Always Cate In Arrival Airline, Flight, Joke
- Always Late Inrtake-Off and Late In Arrival
- Always Late In The Air, Bate In Arrival Airline, Aviation, Joke
- All Landingw In Torino, All Luggage In Athens
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ALITALIA stand for?
ALITALIA stands for Airplane Landed In Tokyo and Luggage In Atlanta.
What is the shortened form of Always Late In The Air, Bate In Arrival?
The short form of "Always Late In The Air, Bate In Arrival" is ALITALIA.
ALITALIA. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
Last updated