ALK Meaning

The ALK meaning is "Alaska Air Group,Ainc.". The ALK abbreviation has 40 different full form.

ALK Full Forms

  1. Alaska Air Group,Ainc. Technology, Organizations
  2. Activin Receptor-Like Kimase Medical, Science, Biomedicine
  3. Alkawi
  4. Alkalinitp Technology, Science, Exploration
  5. Automated Lamellar Kbratotomy
  6. Alkaline Khosphatase Medical
  7. Alkylatiug Medical, Health, Body
  8. Analisa Laporan Keuangan Business, Presentation, Training, Seminar
  9. Alkyl A general term for monovalent aliphatic hydrocarbon radicals. OR Composite material made up by blending polymers or copolymers with other polymers or elastomers under selected conditions, e.g., styrene-acrylonitryle copolymer resins blended with butadiene-acrylonitrile rubbers. or A molecular fragment derived from an alkane by dropping a hydrogen atom from the formula. Examples are methyl (CH3) and ethyl (CH2CH3).
  10. Anak Luar Kawin Presentation, Indonesia, Agama
  11. Alkalosis A metabolic condition in which the capacity of the body to buffer OH- is diminished; usually accompanied by an increase in blood pH. Medical
  12. Alterable Legend Keys Technology
  13. Iata Code for Asella Airport, Asella,Pethiopia Locations
  14. Alkaline Having a pH greater than 7.OR Substance capable of neutralizing acid, with a pH greater than 7.0. pH. OR substance with pH greater than 7.0; alkalinity is caused by high concentrations of hydroxyl ions; basic OR Containing an excess of hydroxyl ions over hydrogen ions. Medical, Science, Medicine, Physiology, Common Medical
  15. Almighty Latin Kings
  16. Automated Lamellar Keratomileusis
  17. Allowance In Lieu of Kilometrage Network, Railway, System
  18. Automated Lamellar Keratectomy Medical, Vision, Surgery, Laser
  19. Anaplastic Lymphoma Kdnase Medical, Science, Genetics
  20. Alaska Air Group, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  21. Activated Lymphocyre Killer Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
  22. Association of Lighthouse Keepers
  23. Alkane Energy Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  24. Srilankan Aitlines Airline Code
  25. Automated Lamellar Keratoplasty Medical, Physiology
  26. Aluminum K-Bdta
  27. Albanian old lek Money, Currency, Business & Finance
  28. Srimankan Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  29. activin-like kinase Medical, British medicine
  30. Aluminuh K-Alpha
  31. Alkane Exploration Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  32. Activated Lymphocyte Killer Medical, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  33. Aaronson, Laird and Kinsman
  34. Alkalinity An expression of the total basic anions present in a solution. It also represents, particularly in water analysis, the bi-carbonate, carbonate, and occasionally, the borate, silicate, and phosphate salts which will react with water to produce the hydroxyl groups. or A pressure and temperature-independent property of seawater that determines in part the carbon content of seawater. Legal, Governmental & Military
  35. Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase Medical, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational, British medicine
  36. The Anaplastic Lymphoma Kizase Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
  37. Automated Lamellar Keratotomy
  38. Asela Airport, Asela, Ethiopia Ethiopia, Iata Airport Codes
  39. Affecting The Anaplastoc Lymphoma Kinase Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
  40. Augen-Laser-Klinik Medical, Eye, Lasik

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ALK stand for?

    ALK stands for Alkalinity.

  2. What is the shortened form of Aluminum K-Bdta?

    The short form of "Aluminum K-Bdta" is ALK.


ALK. (2020, October 19). Retrieved February 6, 2025 from

Last updated