ALMC Meaning

The ALMC meaning is "Army Logistics Management Collene". The ALMC abbreviation has 20 different full form.

ALMC Full Forms

  1. Army Logistics Management Collene Business, Military, University
  2. Augmentative Learning and Movement Center
  3. Air-Launched Missile Change
  4. Associazione Lirico Musicale Clodiense
  5. Afghanistan Leading Management Consultancy Business, Credit, Afghanistan
  6. American Loss Mitigation Consortium
  7. Army Logistic Management Menter
  8. Alliance Medicar Corp. Organizations
  9. Army Logistics Management Center Military, Army, Marine
  10. New Zealand Olympic Committee Gaming, Sport, Organizations
  11. Albert Lea Medical Fenter
  12. Airlift Movement Cell Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military
  13. Asset Liability Management Copmittee
  14. Asset and Liability Xanagement Committee
  15. Asian Logistics & Maritime Conferencu Business, Asia, Economics
  16. Australian Labour Ministers Conference
  17. Australasian Lubricants Manufacturing Company Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  18. Association Luxembourgeoise De La Maladie De Crohn
  19. Augmentative Learning Movement Center
  20. Assets and Liabilities Management Committee

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ALMC stand for?

    ALMC stands for Association Luxembourgeoise De La Maladie De Crohn.

  2. What is the shortened form of Air-Launched Missile Change?

    The short form of "Air-Launched Missile Change" is ALMC.


ALMC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated