ALPH in Legal Meaning

The ALPH meaning in Legal terms is "Alphabet". There are 1 related meanings of the ALPH Legal abbreviation.

ALPH on Legal Full Forms

  1. Alphabet In communications and data processing, the subset of a complete character set, including letters, numerals, punctuation marks, and other common symbols as well as the codes used to represent them. also ASCII, CCITT, character set, EBCDIC, ISO. or A table of correspondence between a set of characters and the signals which represent them. As in international alphabet number 5.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ALPH stand for Legal?

    ALPH stands for Alphabet in Legal terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Alphabet in Legal?

    The short form of "Alphabet" is ALPH for Legal.


ALPH in Legal. (2021, February 28). Retrieved June 26, 2024 from

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