ALR Meaning

The ALR meaning is "Artillerie-Lehr-Regiment". The ALR abbreviation has 113 different full form.

ALR Full Forms

  1. Artillerie-Lehr-Regiment
  2. Artillerie Lehr Regiment
  3. American Law Reports Technology, Science, America, Government, Law, United States, Legal, Governmental & Military
  4. Advanced Logic Research, Inc Technology
  5. Advanced Logic Research Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  6. Administrative License Revocation Government, Driving, Hearing, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  7. Action Leakage Rate Science, America, Environment
  8. American Ledion Riders
  9. Autoridades De La Lista Roja
  10. Action Labor Rights Technology, Law, Supply
  11. Application Layer Relay
  12. Aldehyde Reductase Medical, Medicine, Therapy
  13. Administración Local De Recaudación
  14. American Lamp Recycling
  15. Associated Lighting Representatives
  16. Alberta Law Review Technology, Fiduciary, Duty
  17. American Law Reporter Organizations, Journals, Magazines, Publications
  18. Automatic Lock Return
  19. Acrylic Lens Restorer
  20. Application Location Register
  21. Adiabatic Lapse Rate Falling rate of temperature of atmosphere by 9.8 degC/km (5.38 deg F per 1,000 ft) (30 deg. C /1,000 ft) due to atmospheric expansion through reduced pressure Technology, Atmosphere, Temperature
  22. Assisted Living Resident
  23. Alaska Law Review
  24. American Law Review America, Education, Court
  25. Automatic Locking Retractors Technology, Seat, Belt
  26. Acoustic Log Report Technology, Oilfield, Oil Field, Electrical
  27. Augmented Lagrangian Relaxation
  28. Anzalone Liszt Research
  29. Adequate Level of Reliability Energy, Power, Intensity
  30. Assisted Living Residences Medical
  31. Alarm Reset
  32. American Laundromat Records
  33. Automatic Load Regulator
  34. AciéRies Et Laminoirs De Rives
  35. Auditory Late Response
  36. Anti Leg Rotation
  37. Adelaide Law Review
  38. Assembly Level Reliability
  39. Academy of Learning In Retirement Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  40. Alanine Racemase Medical
  41. American Language Reprint
  42. Automatic License Revocation
  43. Academy for Learning In Retirement Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  44. Audible Lab Rats
  45. A Living Rainbow Studios Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  46. American Literary Realism
  47. Active Life Reserves Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Business & Finance
  48. Asian Language Resources
  49. Alerting Message Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Telecom, Airway, Telecommunications, Governmental & Military
  50. Airport Liaison Representative
  51. American Language Review
  52. Abstract Logic Recordings
  53. At Last Report Army, War, War Force
  54. Alexandra Airport Airport, Locations
  55. American Legal Review Media, Radio, Television
  56. Action Leak Rate
  57. Applied Linear Regression
  58. Alright ALR has a few different definitions online, but the most common one on TikTok is that it means 'alright.' The #ALR hashtag is also used to increase the number of views on popular videos. Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, TikTok
  59. Airlift Loop Reactor Engineering, Reactor, Draft
  60. American Land Recycling
  61. Abbey Light Railway
  62. Association for Lifestyle Reform
  63. Alexandra Aerodrome Alexandra, New Zealand Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  64. Australian Law Reform
  65. Alerting Technology, Meteorology, Forecasting
  66. Airlift-loop Reactor Chemistry
  67. Alternate Location Recovery
  68. Allied Research Corporation Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  69. Automatic-Locking Retractors Technology, Safety, Seat, Belt
  70. Automatic Locking Retractor Technology, Seat, Belt, Car, Products
  71. IFALPA's Airport Liaison Representative Program Aviation, Governmental & Military
  72. Augmenter of Liver Regeneration Medical, Science, Genetics, Chemistry
  73. Agricultural Land Reserve Locations, Farming, Farmland, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  74. Adrift Language Resource File Computing, File Extensions
  75. Almost Like Real
  76. Alliance for Lupus Research Medical, Disease, Walk
  77. L'Anesth
  78. Ambient Light Rejection Technology, Projection, Screen
  79. Automated Lip Reading
  80. Automated Lab Reactors Technology
  81. Adrift Language Resource Software, Computing
  82. Advanced Logic Research, Inc. Technology, Computer, Electronics
  83. Active Lead Ring Physics, Scientific & Educational
  84. All Lanes Running Technology, Management, Motorway
  85. Lineas Aereas Alaire S.L. Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign
  86. Iata Code for Alexandra Airport, Alexandra, New Zealand Locations
  87. Ambient Light Rejecting
  88. Automated Legal Research
  89. Australian Law Reports Australia, Law
  90. Amps-Locked Rotor Computing, Electronics
  91. Anterior levator resection Medical, Healthcare
  92. Allied Research Corp. Organizations
  93. Administraci
  94. Award In Licensed Retailing
  95. Amaury Lozada Racing
  96. Auto L
  97. Assisted Living Residence Medical, Service, Care
  98. Alan Richie Incorporated Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  99. Líneas Aéreas Alaire S.L. ICAO Aircraft Codes
  100. Average Lapse Rate Business
  101. Australian Literary Review
  102. American Legion Riders America, Organizations, Veteran
  103. Alternating Logistic Regression Medical, Analysis, Package
  104. Alternative E. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  105. Automatic Landmark Recognition
  106. Alexandra Airport, Alexandra, New Zealand New Zealand, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  107. Autosub Long Range Research, Ship, Orienteering
  108. Australian Left Review
  109. Allergenic Effects Chemistry, Technology, Science
  110. Alternating Logistic Regressions Medical, Analysis, Package
  111. Aberdeen Leaders Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  112. Automatic Lamp Range
  113. A Little Respect Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ALR stand for?

    ALR stands for Advanced Logic Research.

  2. What is the shortened form of Líneas Aéreas Alaire S.L.?

    The short form of "Líneas Aéreas Alaire S.L." is ALR.


ALR. (2021, September 8). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated