Alt + 0160 in Ascii character codes Meaning
The Alt + 0160 meaning in Ascii character codes terms is "adds a space". There are 1 related meanings of the Alt + 0160 Ascii character codes abbreviation.
Alt + 0160 on Ascii character codes Full Forms
- adds a space Alt + 0160 is a keyboard shortcut that produces a non-breaking space character in Windows-based operating systems. This character is also known as a "hard space" and is used to create a space between words or characters that cannot be broken by word wrap or line breaks. In contrast, a regular space character, created by hitting the space bar on your keyboard, is known as a "soft space" and may be broken by word wrap or line breaks if the text is justified or the text box is resized. To use the Alt + 0160 keyboard shortcut, hold down the "Alt" key and type "0160" on the numeric keypad (usually located on the right side of the keyboard). Once you release the "Alt" key, the non-breaking space character will appear in your text.
- How to insert non-breaking space in Word online. (). Microsoft 365 and Office.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does Alt + 0160 stand for Ascii character codes?
Alt + 0160 stands for adds a space in Ascii character codes terms.
What is the shortened form of adds a space in Ascii character codes?
The short form of "adds a space" is Alt + 0160 for Ascii character codes.
Alt + 0160 in Ascii character codes. (2023, February 20). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from
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