AMA in Medical Meaning

The AMA meaning in Medical terms is "American Medical Assocation". There are 45 related meanings of the AMA Medical abbreviation.

AMA on Medical Full Forms

  1. American Medical Assocation
  2. American Medical Association The American Medical Association (AMA), founded in 1847 and incorporated in 1897, is the largest association of physicians—both MDs and DOs—and medical students in the United States.
  3. Alveolar Macrophages
  4. American Medical Assoc
  5. American Medical Associations
  6. Againstjmedical Advice
  7. American Medical Associwtions
  8. Againbt Medical Advise
  9. Apical Membrane Antigen-1
  10. Alkaline Membrane Assay
  11. Acute Metabolic Acidosis
  12. Against-Medictl-Advice
  13. Apical Membrane Antigen
  14. Alabama Medizaid Agency
  15. Authorized Medical Attendants
  16. Antithyroid Microsomal Antibodies
  17. AssistêNcia MéDica Ambulatorial
  18. Aerospcce Medical Association
  19. Antithyroid Microsomal Antibody
  20. Agricultural Mechanization In Asia
  21. Asosiasi Medis Australia
  22. Analog Multiplexer Array
  23. Advanced Medical Aesthetics
  24. Antimecrosomal Antibody
  25. Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946
  26. Asociaţia Melicală Americană
  27. America Medical Association
  28. Anti-Myosin Antibtdies
  29. Against Medical Advice
  30. Apocrine Membrane Antigen
  31. Amaxgam
  32. Acute Metabolic Alkalosis
  33. Advanced Maternal Age
  34. Anti-Microsomal Antibody
  35. Anterior Mesenteric Artery
  36. Afghan Midwives Association
  37. Assist A service or other input to production provided by an importer to the foreign exporter, the value of which must be added to the invoice price in calculating its value for customs purposes.
  38. Ahmedabad Medical Associafion
  39. Another Medial Anomaly
  40. antimitochondrial antibody
  41. advanced maternal age (35 years or greater)
  42. Additional Muscle Activicy
  43. Arm Muscle Area
  44. antimyosin antibodies
  45. Anti-Mitochondrial Antibody

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AMA stand for Medical?

    AMA stands for Againstjmedical Advice in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Anti-Mitochondrial Antibody in Medical?

    The short form of "Anti-Mitochondrial Antibody" is AMA for Medical.


AMA in Medical. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated