AMBA Meaning

The AMBA meaning is "Advance Microcontroller Bus Architecture". The AMBA abbreviation has 33 different full form.

AMBA Full Forms

  1. Advance Microcontroller Bus Architecture Technology, Design, Protocol
  2. American Mold Builders Assn
  3. Atlanta Metro Baptist Association
  4. Accelerated Masters In Business Administration Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
  5. American Mold Builders Association Business, America, Industry, Unions, Governmental & Military
  6. Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture Technology, Computing, Telecom, Electronics
  7. Association of The Members of The Boards of Appeal Government, Office, Patent
  8. Accelerated Masters of Business Administration
  9. American Medical Billers Association
  10. Association of Mbas Organizations
  11. Accelerated Master of Business Administration Program, Education, University
  12. American Medical Billing Association Business, Medicine, America, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  13. Association of The Museums of The Battle of The Ardennes
  14. Asociación Mutual De Barmen Y Afines
  15. American Malting Barley Association Business, America, Malt
  16. Association of Masters of Business Administration Technology, Management, School
  17. Association of Master of Business Administration Technology, Education, School
  18. Advanced Microprocessor Bus Architecture Technology, Design, Chip
  19. Association of Military Banks of America Business, Financial, Banking
  20. Area Metropolitana De Buenos Aires Para, Argentina, Con, Area
  21. Advanced Mastery of Business Administration
  22. Association Member Benefits Advisors Business, Company, Insurance
  23. áRea MÚLtiple Buenos Aires
  24. Advanced Microcontroler Bus Architecture Computing, Hardware
  25. The Arm Modular Bus Architecture Design, Drawing, Construction
  26. American Museum of Beat Art Museums
  27. Australian Multiple Births Association Organizations, Baby, Twin
  28. Associacao Medica Brasileira de Acupuntura Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  29. Australian Multiple Birth Association Medical, Australia, Twin
  30. Andelsselskab Company, Business & Finance
  31. Austin Mortgage Bankers Association
  32. Andelsselskab Med Begrµnset Ansvar Company, Business & Finance
  33. Atlanta Mortgage Bankers Association

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AMBA stand for?

    AMBA stands for Association of The Museums of The Battle of The Ardennes.

  2. What is the shortened form of Association of Military Banks of America?

    The short form of "Association of Military Banks of America" is AMBA.


AMBA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated