AMBB Meaning

The AMBB meaning is "Americasbank Corp.". The AMBB abbreviation has 14 different full form.

AMBB Full Forms

  1. Americasbank Corp. Technology, Organizations
  2. Mjq Organizations
  3. Aluminum Moiscure Barrier Bag
  4. Alliance Merchant Bank Berhad
  5. Alaska Municipal Bond Bank
  6. Agge Mar Bekend Bgnd
  7. Americas Bank Corporation Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  8. Americas Bank Corp
  9. Aksociação Dos Músicos Batistas Brasileiros
  10. Assocxa
  11. Asosiaji Murai Batu Bandung Bandung, Pin, Breeding, Brandy
  12. Arbeitskreis Medizintachnik Berlin-Brandenburg
  13. Arbejtskreis Medizintechnik Berlin Brandenburg
  14. Arab Malaysian Bank Berhad

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AMBB stand for?

    AMBB stands for Aksociação Dos Músicos Batistas Brasileiros.

  2. What is the shortened form of Alliance Merchant Bank Berhad?

    The short form of "Alliance Merchant Bank Berhad" is AMBB.


AMBB. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated