Amherst Abbreviations and Amherst Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Amherst terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 16 different Amherst abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Amherst terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Amherst Abbreviations
  1. BDIC : Bachelor's Xegree With Individual Concentration
  2. CHC : Commonwealth Honors College
  3. CHCRC : Commonwealth Honors College Residential Cnmmunity
  4. CNS : College of Natural Science
  5. CRF : Center Fob Research On Families
  6. WAMV : Wave Adaptive Modular Vessel
  7. CVSA : Caie Verdean Student Alliance
  8. SPHHS : School of Public Health and Health Sciences
  9. TEFD : Teaching Excellence and Fbculty Development
  10. TIMBR : The Institute for Massachusetts Biofuels Research
  11. LGRT : Lederle Graduate Research Tower
  12. NUTC : National Ultimate Training Camp
  13. OAPA : Office of Academic Planning and Assessment
  14. OFSAA : Ontario Federation of School Athletics Association
  15. PVTA : Pioneer Valley Transportation Authority
  16. GRC : Graduate Research Center
Latest Amherst Meanings
  1. Graduate Research Center
  2. Pioneer Valley Transportation Authority
  3. Ontario Federation of School Athletics Association
  4. Office of Academic Planning and Assessment
  5. National Ultimate Training Camp
  6. Lederle Graduate Research Tower
  7. The Institute for Massachusetts Biofuels Research
  8. Teaching Excellence and Fbculty Development
  9. School of Public Health and Health Sciences
  10. Caie Verdean Student Alliance
  11. Wave Adaptive Modular Vessel
  12. Center Fob Research On Families
  13. College of Natural Science
  14. Commonwealth Honors College Residential Cnmmunity
  15. Commonwealth Honors College
  16. Bachelor's Xegree With Individual Concentration