AMP in Computing Meaning

The AMP meaning in Computing terms is "Amplifiers Microphone Preamplifiers". There are 13 related meanings of the AMP Computing abbreviation.

AMP on Computing Full Forms

  1. Amplifiers Microphone Preamplifiers
  2. Advanced Medical Products
  3. Advanced Materials and Processes
  4. Ampere The unit expressing the rate of flow of an electric current. One ampere is the current produced by a difference in potential of one volt across a resistance of one ohm; An electric current flowing at the rate of one coulomb per second. OR An ampere is SI unit of the rate of electron flow in an conductor. Unit of electric current. Dimension symbol of Ampere is I. OR Named after André-Marie Ampère, French mathematician and physicist, OR ampere The basic unit of electric current.
  5. Adobe Photoshop Curves Map File
  6. Amplifier An electrical circuit that produces an output that is a replica of the input. The output may be scaled or have increased drive, or it may provide isolation (so changes in output conditions do not affect the input or other outputs). It may perform other transformations.
  7. amplifier / amplification
  8. Analog Modification Processing
  9. Algorithms Machines People
  10. Apache, MySQL, and PHP
  11. Algorithms, Machines, People
  12. Arula Management Platform
  13. Asymmetric Multiprocessing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AMP stand for Computing?

    AMP stands for Arula Management Platform in Computing terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Apache, MySQL, and PHP in Computing?

    The short form of "Apache, MySQL, and PHP" is AMP for Computing.


AMP in Computing. (2022, March 25). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

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