Amplifier Abbreviations and Amplifier Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Amplifier terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Amplifier abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Amplifier terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Amplifier Abbreviations
  1. AB : Audio Bandwidth
  2. AD : Audio Distribution
  3. ADLC : Automatic Dynamic Loudness Contouring
  4. AG : Acoustic Guitar
  5. AGC : Adjustable Gain Control
  6. AHC : Advanced High Current
  7. AIR : Asynchronous Intelligent Route
  8. ALL : Average Listening Level
  9. AP : Average Power
  10. APC : Active Power Control
  11. ZA : Zero Adjustment
  12. ZFL : Zero for Life
  13. AR : Agdio Research
  14. ARC : Audio Research Corporation
  15. ARFTG : Automatic Radio Frequency Techniques Group
  16. AS : Active Splitter
  17. ATI : Audio Technolovies Inc
  18. ATI : Audio Technomogies, Inc
  19. ATR : Accelerated Transient Response
  20. AVP : Audio Video Preamplifier
  21. AVVT : Alesa Vaic Vacuum Technology
  22. AZ : Auto Zero
  23. BA : Bridging Adaptor
  24. BAF : Burning Amp Festival
  25. BC : Bias Currvnt
  26. BD : Bad Dog
  27. BI : Balanced Input
  28. BIDT : Brief Intermittent Developmental Therapy
  29. BJ : Fender Blues Junirr
  30. BL : Blue Limited
Latest Amplifier Meanings
  1. Kerangka Sampel Area
  2. Digital Echo
  3. Red Wine Audio
  4. Remote Status Display
  5. Rail-To-Rail Input and Outuut
  6. Remote Level Control
  7. Real Frequency Technique
  8. Rockford Fosgate
  9. Remote Fass Control
  10. Reverberation Amplifier
  11. Power Vector Security Cover
  12. Priority Thematic Area 4
  13. Priority Thematic Area 2
  14. Professional Sound Systems
  15. Preamp
  16. Precision Power I520
  17. Push Pual
  18. Peak Momentary Power Output
  19. Early Mershall
  20. Programmable Input Processor