ANC in Medical Meaning

The ANC meaning in Medical terms is "Active Noise Control". There are 21 related meanings of the ANC Medical abbreviation.

ANC on Medical Full Forms

  1. Active Noise Control
  2. Acid Neutralization Capacity
  3. Adult Neuronal Ceroid
  4. Adaptive Nokse Canceller
  5. Ante-Natal Check-Up
  6. Adapoive Noise Cancellation
  7. Ante Natal Care
  8. Ante-Natal Care
  9. AcadéMie Nationale De Chirurgie
  10. Antidnatal Care
  11. Australian Nursing Council
  12. Ancestor The object from which another object derives its attributes.2.A member that exists at a higher level than another member in a hierarchy and is connected by a series of parent-child relationships.3.In Enhanced X-Windows, a widget that has inferior widgets. In other words, an ancestor is the superior or predecessor of an inferior widget.
  13. Ante-Natal Clinic
  14. Army Nurse Corporation
  15. absolute neutrophils count
  16. Absolute Neutrophil Count
  17. Acid Neutralisation Capacity
  18. Archi-Reostriatum Caudale
  19. Antenatal Clinic Attenders
  20. Ante Natal Clinic
  21. Antenatal Care

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ANC stand for Medical?

    ANC stands for Antenatal Clinic Attenders in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Adult Neuronal Ceroid in Medical?

    The short form of "Adult Neuronal Ceroid" is ANC for Medical.


ANC in Medical. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated