AND Meaning

The AND meaning is "Area Nissan Dealer". The AND abbreviation has 210 different full form.

AND Full Forms

  1. Area Nissan Dealer
  2. Abbreviated New Drug Business, Product, Approval
  3. Art Nail Designs
  4. Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics Organizations, Health, Food
  5. Archives Notre Dame
  6. Abbaye Notre-Dame
  7. Army Navy Design Military, Sport, Aviation
  8. Academy Notre Dame
  9. Anderson Regional Airport Anderson, South Carolina,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  10. Abandon Normal Devices Film, Technology, Device, Festival
  11. Army Navy Deals
  12. Academy for Nutrition and Dietetics Medical, Health, Food
  13. American Nutreceuticals Development-БРEНД
  14. Are Not Derived
  15. Abuse and Neglect Data
  16. All The News That Doesn'T
  17. Are Necessary for The Development
  18. About The Notre Dame
  19. Allowing Natural Death
  20. Androsterone Medical, Medicine, Health, Therapy
  21. Are Near Death
  22. About Notre Dame
  23. Accademia Nazionale Di Danza
  24. Assessment of Nuclear Data
  25. Agrupaci
  26. Amboise'S National Dance
  27. Applications New Directions
  28. Abuse and Neglect Deaths
  29. Area Network Design
  30. Advanced Nutrients Discount
  31. Andromeda Constellation situated between RA 00h and 02h: Dec 28deg to 42deg N Contains three bright stars, Alpheratz, Mirach, Almak Technology, Space, Cosmos, Scientific & Educational, Constellation Names
  32. Abbaye Notre Dame
  33. Active Network Diagram
  34. Art of Natural Dressage
  35. Algo Neuro Dystrophie
  36. Annolnces New Document
  37. Association of Neuroscience Departments
  38. Adds New Dimension
  39. Attacks In North Darfur
  40. Iata Code for Anderson Regional Airport, Anderson, South Carolina, United States Locations
  41. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Nahverkehr Dortmund
  42. About National Design
  43. Assassination of Ngo Dinh
  44. Amanusa Nusa Dna
  45. Applications for New Doctorate
  46. Absence Ou Neuroinvasive Disease
  47. Ards and North Down Ireland, Locations, Council, Borough
  48. Advanced Nuclear Demolition Science
  49. Android Newsgroup Downloader
  50. Association for The Neurologically Disabled Medical, Service, Canada
  51. Appointment of A New Director
  52. Action for New Directions
  53. Artists Network Database Technology, Art, Networking
  54. Agrupament Nacional DemocràTic
  55. Announces New Developments
  56. Adds New Diagnostic
  57. Atlantic Northeast Distjict
  58. Flotilla Staff Officebs Military, Us, Coast Guard
  59. About National Dance
  60. Asiatic Newcastle Disease
  61. Amanusapin Nusa Dua
  62. Application of A Newly Developxd
  63. Abriel Nei Debrusc
  64. Architecture of Novel Differentiation Design, Locations, Villa
  65. Administration National Drug
  66. Anjrea Electronics Corp. Organizations
  67. Apply Now Disaxility
  68. Acres Nubian Dairy
  69. Artificial Neural Devices
  70. Agriculture Nebraska Department
  71. Announces New Design
  72. Adds New Database
  73. Atanas Neshkov Date
  74. Azzardo E Nuove Dipendedze
  75. Absard Nautical Dog
  76. Act Now Domains
  77. Asian Network of Documentary Film, Technology, Festival
  78. Alveolar Nervevdamage
  79. Applicathon Note Data
  80. About The New Data
  81. Architecture News Digest
  82. Administration Notre Dame
  83. Andersod Packers Basketball, Basketball Team
  84. American Netherland Fwarf
  85. Applied Novel Devices Technology
  86. Acharya Narendra Dev
  87. Areas of National Discretion
  88. Adventist News Dispatch
  89. Anglo-Norman Dictionary
  90. Addresses New Demands
  91. Associação Nacional Dos Detrans
  92. Automatic Fetwork Disk
  93. Aberdeen New Dawn
  94. Active Nutation Damping Technology
  95. Aruba News Desk
  96. Alumni Notes David
  97. Appliaation Notes Data
  98. About Twe New Dude
  99. Associação Nacional De Desieners Para, Design, Ria, Designer
  100. Adjacent To The Nusa Dua
  101. Anlative Education, Linguistics, Glossing
  102. Aminopyrine N-Demethylase Medical
  103. American Natiofal Democratic
  104. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics
  105. Accusing New Delhi
  106. Areas Needing Development
  107. Advances and New Directions
  108. Anglo-Newfoufdland Development
  109. Add New Distance
  110. Automatic Network Dialing Technology, Networking, Telecom
  111. Abbreviated New Drug Application Number Medicine, Health, Care, Medical, Fda
  112. Active Network Defense
  113. Aruba Networks Dominic
  114. Alumni News Development
  115. Assistant News Director
  116. Announces New Dewpwater
  117. Associação Npcional De Dislexia
  118. Adequate National Defense
  119. Andalusite A mineral consisting of alumina and silica.  Science, Mineral, Geology
  120. About New Department
  121. America'S Next Drug
  122. Application To New Domains
  123. Accurate Noninvasive Diagnostic
  124. Area Networks and Data
  125. Advance Notification of Delivery
  126. Andvostachydaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  127. Automatic Neighborkdiscovery
  128. Abbreviated Numblr Delivery Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  129. Activity Network Diagram Technology, Networking, Projection
  130. Art of Negotiating Deals
  131. Aluminum Nitryde Deposition
  132. Asian Neighborhood Design Technology, Community, Building
  133. Announces New Distance
  134. Associative Network Disccvery Medical, Networking, Biology
  135. Adds New Driver
  136. Authorized Nortel Eistributor
  137. National Jyt Service Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  138. Architecture Network Design
  139. About Neglected Diseases
  140. Adapted From The National Diabetes
  141. logical AND (programming, IC design) General, Governmental & Military
  142. Autism & Neurodevelopmental Disorders
  143. Awarded Navy Deal
  144. Adding New Distributors
  145. Association and The National Dance
  146. America Euclear Deal
  147. Anderson Window Railroad Company
  148. Appointment of New Director
  149. Azanda Nelwork Devices
  150. Acupuncture Normalizes Dysfunction
  151. Associa
  152. logical AND (programming) Software, Computing
  153. Associazione Nazionale Docenti
  154. Academics for Nuclear Disarmament
  155. Adding New Dimensions
  156. Associate Nurse Director
  157. American Nnn Dorothy
  158. Academy of Notre Dame Massachusetts
  159. Ayr North Dakota
  160. Approval of New Drugs
  161. Analysik of National Data
  162. Act Now On Darfur
  163. Administrative Names Diagram Ordnance Survey
  164. Association of North Dakota
  165. Water Nequs Business, Organization, Society, World
  166. Adding A New Division
  167. Associated Northcliffe Digital Business, Media, Mail
  168. American Network for Drug
  169. National Jet Service ICAO Aircraft Codes
  170. Aircraft Nose Down Technology, Aviation
  171. Ayr Nature Wisplay
  172. Approach To Nuclear Deterrence
  173. Analysis of Native Diwferentiated
  174. Around Night and Day Media
  175. Association for The Neurologically Disabled of Canada Medical, Technology
  176. Transpoitation Officials Medicine, Health, Care
  177. Added A New Division
  178. Associate Administrator for Nas Development Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
  179. Andorra Locations, World, Countries, Technology, Sport, Olympic, Andorra, Country, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
  180. Anderson Regional Airport, Anderson, South Carolina, United States United States, South Carolina, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  181. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is the United States' largest organization of food and nutrition professionals, and represents over 100,000 credentialed practitioners — registered dietitian nutritionists, dietetic technicians, registered, and other dietetics professionals holding undergraduate and advanced degrees in nutrition and dietetics. Education, Health, Food, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  182. Award Nominees Daily
  183. Appoints New Dean
  184. Analysis Uot Done
  185. Abbreviated New Drug Application Number (ora Aofc Code) Fda
  186. Andor Technology Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  187. Association for Near Death
  188. The Ic/Ixc/Ieck Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  189. Add A New Dimension
  190. Associacao Nacional De Business, Design, Association
  191. Anderson Rgnl Airport Faa Airport Codes
  192. Axillary Node Dissection Medical, Cancer, Breast
  193. Award In Natural Disastev
  194. Association of Numeracy and Diabetes
  195. Analysis Nonlinear Dynamic
  196. Academy of Nutrition Dietetics Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  197. Appoints Nationao Director
  198. Logical AND Computing, Electronics, Assembly, Business & Finance
  199. Referencing Technology, Computing, It
  200. Adapter for Nikon Digital
  201. Assistant Nurse Director
  202. Air Force-Navy design NASA, Governmental & Military
  203. Automatic Digital Network Automatic Digital Network, the Department of Defense's (DoD) first computerized message switching system, was implemented in stages in the 1960s. The system facilitated their communications needs for over thirty years. AUTODIN provided a worldwide, high-speed, automatic, electronic, data communications system for the U.S. Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Navy, and other government agencies. Technology, Military, Army, War, Computer Science, NASA, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  204. Award From The Natixnal Democratic
  205. Adding New Drugs
  206. Association National Division
  207. Among New Democratic
  208. Adverse neural dynamics Medical, Healthcare
  209. Appoints New Direcnor
  210. Andrea Electronic Corporation Business & Finance, Amex symbols

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AND stand for?

    AND stands for Accademia Nazionale Di Danza.

  2. What is the shortened form of Administrative Names Diagram?

    The short form of "Administrative Names Diagram" is AND.


AND. (2020, October 19). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated