ANIM Meaning

The ANIM meaning is "Animation". The ANIM abbreviation has 14 different full form.

ANIM Full Forms

  1. Animation
  2. Airport Network Information Management
  3. Afghanistan National Institute of Music Education, Music, Afghanistan
  4. Animal Taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct animals. Medical, Medicine, Therapy, Legal, Governmental & Military
  5. Unity Animation File Computing, File Extensions
  6. Association of Nuclear Instituteument Manufacturers Technology
  7. Maya Animation File Computing, File Extensions
  8. Association of Nuclear Instrument Manufacturers Technology
  9. Amiga Animation File Computing, File Extensions
  10. Afghan National Institute of Music Education, Afghanistan, Kabul
  11. Atlas Nacional Interactivo De MéXico
  12. Associazione Nazionale Ingegneri Minerari
  13. Antibody Animation File Computing, File Extensions
  14. Associazione Nazionale Impiantisti Manutentori

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ANIM stand for?

    ANIM stands for Antibody Animation File.

  2. What is the shortened form of Unity Animation File?

    The short form of "Unity Animation File" is ANIM.


ANIM. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated