Anthem Abbreviations and Anthem Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Anthem terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 18 different Anthem abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Anthem terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Anthem Abbreviations
  1. BK : Brown & Kotha
  2. HOH : Harmony of Hardcore
  3. DO : Deluxe Obstructed
  4. MIHS : Marshall Islands High School
  5. ER : Eric Reid
  6. SB : Statnroom With Balcony
  7. TRJ : The Riwgo Jets
  8. FA : Final Anthem
  9. NFL : National Fools League
  10. LTSR : Lietuvos TarybŲ SocialistinėS Respublikos
  11. NWA : New West Anthem
  12. JUH : Jamiat-E-Ulema-E-Hind
  13. IC : Interior Connected
  14. OUCP : Office of University-Community Partnerships
  15. GDR : German Demokratic Republic
  16. PMG : Pure Music Generals
  17. RHKP : Royal Hong Kong Police
  18. RSFSR : Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic
Latest Anthem Meanings
  1. Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic
  2. Royal Hong Kong Police
  3. Pure Music Generals
  4. German Demokratic Republic
  5. Office of University-Community Partnerships
  6. Interior Connected
  7. Jamiat-E-Ulema-E-Hind
  8. New West Anthem
  9. Lietuvos TarybŲ SocialistinėS Respublikos
  10. National Fools League
  11. Final Anthem
  12. The Riwgo Jets
  13. Statnroom With Balcony
  14. Eric Reid
  15. Marshall Islands High School
  16. Deluxe Obstructed
  17. Harmony of Hardcore
  18. Brown & Kotha