AO in Scientific & Educational Meaning

The AO meaning in Scientific & Educational terms is "Antioxidant". There are 17 related meanings of the AO Scientific & Educational abbreviation.

AO on Scientific & Educational Full Forms

  1. Antioxidant A substance which when added in small amounts to petroleum products, will delay or inhibit undesirable changes; such as the formation of gum, sludge, and acidity, which are brought about by oxidation.OR An additive to retard oxygen-related deterioration, especially oxidation of lubricants.. (Inhibitor) or Antioxidants are compounds that slow oxidation processes that degrade foods, fuels, rubber, plastic, and other materials.
  2. Active Oxygen
  3. Adaptive Optics Adaptive optics is a technology used to improve the performance of optical systems by reducing the effect of wavefront distortions: it aims at correcting the deformations of an incoming wavefront by deforming a mirror in order to compensate for the distortion.
  4. Agent Orange An herbicide and defoliant containing 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T and trace amounts of dioxin. Agent Orange was used as a defoliant in the Vietnam War. Agent Orange is a carcinogen and teratogen. The Institute of Medicine of the National Academies in the US has found "sufficient evidence" of an association between exposure to Agent Orange and the risk of developing chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), Hodgkin disease, soft tissue sarcoma and diabetes.
  5. America Online An online information service, based in Vienna, Virginia, that provides e-mail, news, educa-tional and entertainment services, and Internet access. America Online is one of the largest American ISPs (Internet service providers). In 2000 America Online merged with media giant Time Warner Inc. to become AOL Time Warner Inc. Intended for mass-market delivery of branded content and communication services, the merged companies form a communication and media con-glomerate with the Internet’s largest user base and a wide range of entertainment, publishing, and cable properties.
  6. Amine Oxidase
  7. Airway Obstruction Airway obstruction is a blockage of respiration in the airway. It can be broadly classified into being either in the upper airway or lower airway.
  8. Acridine Orange
  9. Acid Output
  10. Atomic Orbital Region or volume in space in which the probability of finding electrons is highest.
  11. announcement of opportunity
  12. Arctic Oscillation
  13. Antisense Oligonucleotide
  14. Advanced Optics
  15. Antarctic Oscillation
  16. aqueous oxygen
  17. Aldehyde Oxidase

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AO stand for Scientific & Educational?

    AO stands for America Online in Scientific & Educational terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Acridine Orange in Scientific & Educational?

    The short form of "Acridine Orange" is AO for Scientific & Educational.


AO in Scientific & Educational. (2021, December 14). Retrieved February 19, 2025 from

Last updated