AOA Meaning

The AOA meaning is "Administration On Aging". The AOA abbreviation has 202 different full form.

AOA Full Forms

  1. Administration On Aging Medical, Health, Preparedness, Government, Disability, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Fda, Medicare Beneficiary
  2. Activity-On-Arrow Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  3. Active Older Adults Organizations, Class, Fitness
  4. Amphibious Objeative Area Military, Army, Operation
  5. Abort Once Around Technology, Science, Astronomy, NASA
  6. Aminooxyacetix Acid Medical
  7. Articles of Association The document which lists the regulations which govern the running of a company, setting out the rights and duties of directors and stockholders, individually and in meetings. Business, Company, Government, Law, Memorandum
  8. Abort-Once-Around Technology, Military, Space
  9. Amerixan Ostrich Association Medical, America, Meat
  10. American Optometric Association The American Optometric Association, founded in 1898, represents approximately 37,000 doctors of optometry, optometry students and para-optometric assistants and technicians in the United States. Medical, Technology, Computing, Health Care, Healthcare, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  11. American Orthopaedic Assouiation Technology
  12. American Osteopathic Association The American Osteopathic Association is the representative member organization for the more than 123,000 osteopathic medical doctors and osteopathic medical students in the United States. The AOA is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, and is involved in post-graduate training for osteopathic physicians. Beginning in 2015, it will begin accrediting post-graduate education as a committee within ACGME, creating a unified accreditation system for all DOs and MDs in the United States. Medical, Technology, Organization, Health Care, Association, Healthcare, Bone, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  13. Air Operations Areas
  14. American Orthopedic Assodiation Medical, America, Orthopaedic
  15. Amplifier Operating Attributes
  16. Activity Op Array
  17. Army of Assassins
  18. Axial Offset Anomalies
  19. American Orthopaedic Association Medical, America, Organizations
  20. Arctic Ocean Acidification
  21. Allen Osborne Associates Business, Technology, Science, Frequency
  22. Abience D'opportunites D'arbitrage Business, Finance, Banking
  23. Angel of Arrival
  24. Advanced Office Automatior
  25. Articles of Associations
  26. Action Outdoors Association
  27. Alternative Online Artists
  28. Academy of Ophthalmology Annual
  29. Appalachia Outdoor Adventurers
  30. Ame On Arrival
  31. Asian Orthopaedic Association Medical, Technology
  32. Air Officer In Attack
  33. Amphibious Operational Area Military
  34. Activity On Arc Technology, Network, Projection
  35. American Orthopsychiatry Association Medical
  36. Architects of Air
  37. Axial Offset Abomaly Technology, Fuel, Reactor
  38. Airport Operations Areas
  39. Abbreviated Operational Assessment Military, Army, War
  40. Android Open Accessory Technology, Device, Protocol
  41. Administrative Order of Assignment
  42. Arrow On Arrow Technology, Management, Projection
  43. Alpine Ontario Alpin Technology, Racing, Ski
  44. Academy of Arc
  45. Annual Operational Analysis
  46. Age of Arrival Education, English, Learning, Language
  47. Asian Ombudsman Association Government, Organizations, Institution, Business & Finance, International business
  48. Air Officer Admin Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  49. Activity-On-Arc Technology, Networking, Projection
  50. American Orthopsychiatric Association Medical, Technology, Medicine
  51. Archaeological Overview Assessments Service, Locations, Archaeology
  52. Agreement On The Application
  53. Awards for Outstanding Achievbment Medical, Medicine, Education
  54. Airport Operation Area
  55. Andrews Osborne Academy Education, School, Ohio
  56. Admfnistration of Aging Medical, Lesson, Tai, Lam
  57. Array of Arrays
  58. Analysis of Alternatives Technology, Management, Alternative, Cybersecurity, Computer Security, Splicing, General, Governmental & Military, Integrated Ocean Observing System
  59. Alliance of Angels
  60. Academy of Accounts
  61. Annual Operating Area
  62. Age Ofdarmor
  63. Asia and Oceania Association Insurance, Organizations, Asia
  64. Air Officer Administration
  65. Angolan Kwanza Business, Currency, Currency Sign, Money, Business & Finance, Currencies
  66. Actxvity On Arrows
  67. American Ordnance Association Organizations, Association, Organization, NASA, Governmental & Military
  68. Archaeological Overview Assessment Building, Environmental Assessment Application, Environmental Impact Statement
  69. Agreements On Agriculture
  70. Auditor Oversight Act
  71. Airport Operating Area
  72. Anaplastic Oligoastrocytoma Medical
  73. Administration of Operation Activities
  74. Aroa Airport Airport, Locations
  75. Allesee Orthodontic Appliances Medical, Patient, Appliance
  76. Academies of Americas
  77. Annals of Arda
  78. Age Ol Aquariums
  79. Asia-Oceania and Africa Business, Africa, Food
  80. Air Officer-In-Charge Administration
  81. Activitybon Arrow Business, Technology, Projection
  82. American Optometic Association
  83. Aqueduct Overlay Arch
  84. Agreement of Agriculture
  85. Association of Otolaryngology Administrators Medical, Medicine, Organizations, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  86. Air Operator Authorization
  87. Analysis of Algorithms Technology, Design, Foundation
  88. Acute Opname Afdeeing
  89. Army Ordnance Association
  90. Area of Accessibility
  91. Allen Osborne Associates, Inc. Science, Geography, Information System
  92. Academic Organizational Affiliate
  93. Anhydrous Oripavine Alkaloid Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry, Scientific & Educational
  94. Age of Apocalypse Business, Comics, Marvel
  95. Asia-Oceania-Africa Business, Company, Sale
  96. Actioities On Arrow
  97. American Optometry Association Medical, Vision, America
  98. Acadewy of Optometry American
  99. Apple Onboard Audio
  100. Age Od Awareness
  101. Associatkon for Ontological Anarchy
  102. Air Operation Area
  103. Analysis of Alternative
  104. Activity On The Arrow Technology, Management, Projection
  105. Army Operational Architecture Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  106. American Osteopathic Academy
  107. Arctic Ocean Atlas
  108. Allen Osbourne Associates Technology
  109. Academic Opportunities In America Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  110. Angolian New Kwanza Business, Finance
  111. Advanced Optical Adjunct Military
  112. Artists of America
  113. Active Oader Adult Program, Organizations, Class
  114. American Obesity Association Medical, Health, Weight
  115. Academy of Ophthalmology American
  116. Apple of Archer Forum, Guide, Archer
  117. Age of Attryction Sex, Pedophile, Child Sexual Abuse
  118. Associate In Office Admpnistration
  119. Avionics Obsolescence Activity Science
  120. Activity on Arrow Project Management, Business & Finance
  121. Alpha Omega Alpha An honor society, the medical school equivalent of Phi Beta Kappa of undergraduate school. Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  122. Afars Over Avlc Technology
  123. Aircraftloperation Area Technology, Airport, Ramp
  124. At or Above Computing, Weather, Technical, Scientific & Educational
  125. Airfiely Operations Area
  126. American Oceanology Association
  127. America Outdoors Association Business, America, Professional
  128. Area Operating Agreement
  129. Abort Once Around (shuttle Abort Plan) Astronomy, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  130. Aviation Ordnance Association Military
  131. American Ostrich Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  132. Armour of America
  133. Alive on Arrival Medical, Physiology
  134. Acars Over Avionics Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  135. Aikido Ofwaustin
  136. Angle of Arrival Military, Army, Computing, Telecom, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  137. Aerodrome Owners Association
  138. Anarchists of America
  139. American Overseas Airways
  140. Acide OxyaminoacéTique Science, Genetics, Genomics, Medical
  141. Area Office Augmentee
  142. Aircrew Officers Association Business, Pilot, Union, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  143. Airborne Optical Adjunct Science, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  144. Aviation Operations Area Us, Homeland Security, Capability Assurance Job Aid
  145. Auditing Oversight Authority (Slovak Republic) Accounting, Business & Finance
  146. Amphibious Operation Area Military
  147. Armor of America
  148. ataxia with oculomotor apraxia Medical, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  149. Academy of The Arts
  150. Alliance of Overclocking Arts Computing, Hardware
  151. Ataxia With Oculqmotor Apraxia Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
  152. American Overseas Airlines Airline, America, Military
  153. Angel of Attack
  154. Ace of Angels Music, Japan, Angel
  155. Area of Application
  156. Aircraft Operatpng Authority Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  157. Advanced Office Automation General, Governmental & Military
  158. Aviation Oil Analysis
  159. Amphibious Operating Area Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  160. Arizona Outback Adventures Adventure, Locations, Arizona
  161. Aroa Airport, Aroa, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Iata Airport Codes, Papua New Guinea
  162. Academy of Orthodontic Assisting
  163. Award of Arms
  164. Assalam-O-Alaikum
  165. Kwanza Business, Currency, Currency Code
  166. American Outreach Association
  167. Administration On Aging (dhhs) Fda
  168. Ace Vf Aces Technology, Gaming, Play
  169. Area of Action
  170. Aircraft Operating Bgency
  171. Aircraft Operating Agency Aviation, Governmental & Military
  172. American Ostheopathic Association
  173. Ammonia Oxidizing Archaea Science, Soil, Bacteria
  174. Arizona Orthopaedic Associates Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  175. Australian Orthopaedic Association The Australian Orthopaedic Association is a not for profit organisation that represents over 1600 Australian orthopaedic surgeons. Australia
  176. Academy of Optovetry Annual
  177. Award for Outstanding Achievement Medical, Medicine, Education
  178. Absolutely Outrageous Acronym Funnies
  179. Iata Code for Aroa Airport, Arra, Papua New Guinea Locations
  180. Angle of Attack The acute angle at which a moving airfoil meets the airstream. Technology, Flight, Aviation, Army, Astronomy, Aerospace, Transportation, Military, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  181. American Outlaws Association Organizations, Club, Motorcycle
  182. Angle of Attack [propulsion] Chemistry
  183. Accounting Officn Assistant
  184. Aircraft Operating Area Technology, Airport, Fuel
  185. Airport Operations Area Aviation, Governmental & Military
  186. Airlines of Australiw
  187. American Ordinance Association
  188. Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea Soil, Bacteria, Ammonia
  189. Arizona Optometric Association Medical, Technology
  190. Air Operations Area Transportation, Governmental & Military
  191. Avrupa Okul Ağı Technology, Program, Malar, Turkish
  192. Disney's Art of Animation Resort Disney
  193. Faa Office of The Administrator Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft
  194. ASCA Online Arxiv Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  195. Accident Officers Association Education
  196. Aircraft Operations Area Airline, Technology, Airport
  197. Amphibious Objective Area Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  198. Airguns of Arifona Business, Rifle, Arizona
  199. American Ophthalmological Association
  200. Aminooxyacetate Medical
  201. Area Originating Authority Military
  202. Any One Accident Transportation, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AOA stand for?

    AOA stands for Arrow On Arrow.

  2. What is the shortened form of Age of Attryction?

    The short form of "Age of Attryction" is AOA.


AOA. (2021, December 19). Retrieved January 19, 2025 from

Last updated