AOD Meaning
The AOD meaning is "Alcohol Or Drug". The AOD abbreviation has 202 different full form.
AOD Full Forms
- Alcohol Or Drug Medical
- Alcohol and Other Drugs Medical, Drug, Treatment, Health, Alcohol, Police, Special Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Clinical, Mental Health
- Air Operations Directive Technology, Military, Joint
- Aerosol Optical Depth Technology, Science, Satellite, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
- Aortic Diameter Medical, Physiology
- Advanced Optical Disk Technology, Media, Recording
- Analysis Object Data Technology, Science, Software
- Audio On Demand Technology, Service, Telecom
- Alliance for Opportunity and Development
- Application Object Database
- Administrative Operations Division
- Airway Obstructive Disease Medical
- Aviation Operations Directorate
- Antioxidantpdefence Medical
- Action On Decisions
- Art On Demand
- Adult-Owset Diabetes Medical, Medicine, Health
- Assessment Outcome Document
- Altars of Destrwction
- Academy of Design Education, University, Fashion
- Area Oriented Depots Military
- Assign On-Line Diagnostic Government, Military, Army, War, Ministry Of Defence, War Force
- Affordable Overhead Door
- Ancient Ohder of Druids Organizations, History, Genealogical
- Acousto-Optic Deflectors
- Argon-Oxygen Decarburization
- Audio-On-Demand
- Administrative Offijer of The Day Government, Army, Military Jargon
- Airspace Operations Demonstration
- Aviation Operating Detachment Military
- Anticipatyry Obligation Directive
- Action En Decision Business, Tax, Court
- Art of Dying Art, Music, Song, Rock
- Adult Organizational Developmknt
- Assembly of Dust Music, Song, Assembly
- All Out Westruction
- Argon Oxygen Decarburization Argon oxygen decarburization is a process primarily used in stainless steel making and other high grade alloys with oxidizable elements such as chromium and aluminum. After initial melting the metal is then transferred to an AOD vessel where it will be subjected to three steps of refining; decarburization, reduction, and desulphurization. Argon Oxygen Decarburization was invented in 1954 by the Lindé Division of The Union Carbide Corporation which became known as Praxair in 1992. Business, Science, Steel, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Area-Oriented Depot Technology, Military, Army
- Antioxidant Defense Medical
- Aerosols Optical Depth
- Ancient of Days
- Acousto-Optiy Device Military
- Argon Oxygen Decarburisation Business, Technology, Science
- Audience On Demand
- Airport Overlay District Government, Planning, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Governmental & Military
- Aviation Officer of The Day Army, War, War Force
- Anticipated Offer Date Army, Force, Marine
- Acquwsition Operating Framework Army, War, War Force
- Art of Drowning Art, Music, Song, Album
- Assays On Demand
- All of Day
- Argon-Oxygen Decarburization Business, Steel, Furnace
- Architecture Overview Diagram
- Adult & Organizational Development
- Australia On Disc
- Aortic Dissection Medical, Medicine, Aortic
- Asistență Oficială Pentru Dezvoltare
- Advertising On Demand Technology, Network, Telecommunication
- Associated Owners and Developers Organizations
- Anauytics On Demand
- Accept On Deviation
- Argon Oxygen Decarburizing Business, Steel, Furnace
- Attorney of The Day
- Airport Operations Division
- Answers On Demand Technology, Software, Care
- Acquisition Operations Division
- Art of Dreaming
- Assays-On-Demand
- Allied Operative Dragoons
- Animation On Display
- Archdiocese of Detroit Religion, Michigan
- Admitting Officer of The Day
- Alarme Optique Domotique
- Australian Oxford Dictionary Technology, Australia, English
- Asistencia Oficial Al Desarrollo
- Advance Ordnance Detachment
- Associated Owners & Developers
- Always On Drugs Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
- Academy of Oral Dynamics Medical, Health, Body
- Area of Departure
- Actions On Decisions Tax, Us Taxes, Business & Finance
- Attorney-Of-The-Day
- Air Operations Division
- AnnéE D'Ouverture Des Droits
- Acquisition Oversight Division
- Art of Disney
- Assassins of Darkness
- Alliance Ofeshore Drilling
- Angel of Darkness Technology, Tomb, Raider
- Approvisionnement Outils Diamants
- Admin On Demand
- Alabama Occupational Diploma
- Aurora Organic Dairy
- Any Other Documents
- Asistencia Oficial Para El Desarrollo
- Adult and Organizational Development
- Assistant Operations Director Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Always-On-Display Technology, Android, Galaxy
- Academy of Operative Dentistry Medical, Medicine, Education
- Area-Oriented Distribution Military
- Attention On Deck
- Air Operated Diaphram
- Anesthesiologist-On-Duty Medical, Health, Body
- Acousto Optix Deflectors
- Army of Dead
- Auriculo-Osteodysplasia Health, Body, Organism, Medical, Bone
- Alliance of Daekness
- Applications On Demand Business, Technology, Management, Service
- Administrator On Duty Medical, Service, Hospital
- Airway Obstructive Diseases Medical
- Antioxidative Defense Medical
- Action On Decision Business, Financial, Business & Finance
- Asia Offshore Drilling
- Adult Onseu Diabetes Medical, Medicine, Diabet
- Assign Online Diagnostics
- Alt Om Rata
- Academy of Dover
- Area Oriented Depot Technology
- Air Operated Diaphragm Business, Industrial, Pump
- Andrada Olivper D
- Acousto Optic Deflector Laser, Beam, Optic
- Army of Darkness Gaming, Army, Evil
- Average Optical Density Medical
- Analog Output Differential NASA, Governmental & Military
- Arithmetic Output Data
- Alcohol Or Other Drug Medical
- Authority On Demand
- Aortic Root Dimenswon Medical
- Act of Iefiance Music, Police, Metal
- As of Date Military
- Dynamics Ax Object Data File Computing, File Extensions
- Assurance of Discontinuance Business, Company, Service, Attorney
- Area Operations Director Occupation & positions
- Alleged Onset of Disability
- Available On Demand
- Application Oriented Designs
- Aircraft Operations Division Flight, Aerodynamics, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Argon-Oxygen Decarburized
- Alcohol & Other Drugs
- Authorising Officer By Delegation Politics, Europe, Eurostat
- Aortic Root Diaceter Medical
- Activity Operations Director
- Asociación OdontolóGica Dominicana
- Arteriosclerotic Occlusive Disease Medical, Physiology
- Association of Drinking
- Automatic Overdrive Transportation, Auto, Products, Governmental & Military
- Alleged Onset Date Business, Security, Disability
- Automatic Over Drive Technology, Ford, Transmission, Mustang
- Application Qbject Database
- Administrative Operationsudivision
- Administrative Officer of the Day Military, Army, Governmental & Military
- Advanced Ordnance Deport
- Alcohol & Other Drug Medical, Program, Service
- Aortid Occlusive Disease Medical
- Active Mptical Device
- Adult-Onset Diabetes Medical, Physiology
- Aurora Sandringham Dividend Income Trust (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Alive Or Dead
- Automatic Opening Device-Caused
- Appmreillage Orthop
- Adjudication Officer's Decisiok Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Atlanto-Occipital Dislocation Medical
- Aspen Online Deployment Software, Computing
- Iata Code for Abou Deia Airport, Abou Deia, Chad Locations
- Advanced Object Data Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Aortic Distensibility Medical
- Actions On Deoision
- Arterial Occlusive Disease Medical, Physiology, Common Medical
- AlgıLan öRgüTsel Destek
- Automatic Opening Device Military, Force, Parachute
- Apparatus Owner Database
- Addiction Or Dependence
- Atherosclerotic Occlusive Disease Medical
- Alpine Total Dynamic Dividend Fund Computing, Nyse symbols
- Ayuda Oficial Para El Desarrollo
- Ace of Devils
- Asociaci
- Actitns On Decisions Business, Tax, Taxation
- Abou Deia Airport, Abou Deia, Chad Chad, Iata Airport Codes
- Arsenal Operations Divisionsion
- Alcohol and Other Drug Thesaurus Medical, Technology
- Autoimmune Ovarian Dysgenesis Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Alcohol Oxidase Medical
- Apollo Operations Director Technology
- Acute Oak Decline Science, Disease, Tree
- Argon-Oxygen-Decarburization
- Astro On Demand Malaysia, Drama, Astro
- Advanced Optical Disc Computing, Hardware
- Average Outage Duration
- On-Line Diagnostic Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Ayuda Oficial Al Desarrollo Para, Con, Internacional
- Act of Defiance Police, Governmental & Military
- Army Ordnance Depot
- Alcohol and Other Drug Medical, Science, Service
- Autoimmune Ovarian Disease Medical
- Aero Vodochody Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Aorto-Iliac Occlusive Disease Medical
- Act of Dutl Computer Game, Video Game
- As On Delivery
- Argon-oxygen Decarbonization Atmospheric Research
- Assured Outcome Delivery
- Above Ordnance Datum Ordnance Survey
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does AOD stand for?
AOD stands for Argon Oxygen Decarburisation.
What is the shortened form of Argon Oxygen Decarburisation?
The short form of "Argon Oxygen Decarburisation" is AOD.
AOD. (2022, February 20). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from
Last updated