AODA Meaning

The AODA meaning is "Accessibility for Ontarians With Disabilities Qct". The AODA abbreviation has 21 different full form.

AODA Full Forms

  1. Accessibility for Ontarians With Disabilities Qct Service, Government, Disability
  2. Alcohol Anduother Drug Abusers
  3. Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Medical, Exam, Counselor
  4. Anglian Offshore Dredging Association
  5. Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Medical, Service, Education, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  6. Ancient Order of Druids In America America, Organizations, Greer
  7. Accessibility for Ontarians With Disabilites Act
  8. Alcoholism and Other Drug Abusj
  9. Access for Ontarians Wibh Disabilities Act
  10. Atcohol and Other Drug Abuse Law Enforcement
  11. Accessibility for Ontarians With Disabilities Act
  12. Alcohol and Other Drugs of Acuse Medical, Medicine, Education
  13. Attack Operations Decision Aid
  14. Americao Overseas Dietetics Association
  15. Assault On Dark Athena
  16. American Overseas Dietetip Association Nutrition, Technology, Organizations
  17. Americen Online Dating Association
  18. Alley of Dangerous Angles Internet Slang
  19. Alcohol Or Othee Drug Abuse
  20. Attitude and Orbit Determination Avionics Technology
  21. American Overseas Dietetic Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AODA stand for?

    AODA stands for Access for Ontarians Wibh Disabilities Act.

  2. What is the shortened form of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse?

    The short form of "Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse" is AODA.


AODA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from

Last updated