AOI Meaning

The AOI meaning is "Africa Orientale Italiana". The AOI abbreviation has 109 different full form.

AOI Full Forms

  1. Africa Orientale Italiana Military, Africa, Italy
  2. Active Output Interface Technology, Computing, Telecom
  3. And-Or-Invert Technology, Science, Gate
  4. Alliance One International, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  5. Apple Orthodontix, Inc
  6. Auto Optical Inspection Business, Technology, Organizations
  7. African Oncology Institute
  8. Always of Interest
  9. Area of Irvestigation Technology, Drug, Urine
  10. Aircraft Operations Inspection
  11. Associationkof Otolaryngologist of India
  12. Accent On Independence
  13. Ancestry Online Image Organization, Union, Institution
  14. Apple Operations International Business, Tax, Ireland
  15. Automatische Optische Inspektionssysteme
  16. African Odyssey Interactive
  17. Advance Ordering Information Technology, General, Governmental & Military
  18. Alqha Omega Institute Science, Institute, Creation
  19. Areas of Interaction Education, School, Projection, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  20. Aircraft Operating Instructions Technology, Book, Manual
  21. Associafion of Otolaryngologists of India Medical, India, Surgery
  22. Art Official Intelligence Art, Soul, Mosaic
  23. Amount Ofhinterest
  24. Appel D'Offres International
  25. Atlantica Onlife Indonesia Gaming, Server, Indonesia
  26. Affordable Office Interiors
  27. Areaq of Interest Technology, Internet Slang, Map
  28. Aide Odontologique Internationale Medical, France, Association
  29. Association of Illustrators Design, Illustration, Illustrator
  30. Army of Islam Military, Group, Organizations, Terrorism
  31. Amerixan Orthodox Institute America, American, Church
  32. Areas of Inquiry
  33. Appel D'vffre International Military
  34. Astoria, Inc. Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  35. Add-On Instructions
  36. Area of Interest Military, Army, Computing, Telecom, NASA, Geographic, Governmental & Military
  37. Areas-Of-Interest
  38. Agriculture Orientation Index
  39. Association De L'Ost
  40. Area-Of-Interest Technology, Tool, Map
  41. Americansorgan Institute America, Pipe, Organ
  42. Areas of Pnfluence
  43. Apnea of Rnfancy Medical, Medicine, Sleep
  44. Ass In Ice Internet Slang, Chat, Online
  45. Act On Impulse
  46. Angle of Incidence The angle at which an airfoil is normally fixed in relation to the longitudinal axis of an aircraft. Physics, Scientific & Educational
  47. Area Hf Interests
  48. Age of Innocence Book, Music, Innocence, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  49. Ashociation De L'ostéogenèse Imparfaite
  50. American Oncology Inwtitute Medical, Hospital, Cancer
  51. Areas of Improvemeit
  52. And-Or-Invbrter Technology, Gate, Logic
  53. Association of Optometrists Ireland Medical, Ireland, Optometry
  54. Accent On Integration
  55. Area of Interaction Education, School, Projection
  56. Azure Operational Insights Microsoft, Technology, Management
  57. Africa Oriental Italiana
  58. American Oil Industry Technology, America, Institute
  59. Area of Operational Intergst
  60. Aircraft Operational Informations Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  61. Association of The Oldest Inhabitajts
  62. Accent On Information
  63. Ancona Falctnara Airport Airport, IATA Code, IATA
  64. Asien-Orient-Instituts Education, Institute, Fur
  65. Arab Organisation for Industrialisation Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  66. Activ Output Interface
  67. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fuer Osteosynthesefragen International Medical, Bone
  68. Arraignment On The Information
  69. And Or Invert Assembly, Business & Finance
  70. Alliance One International Business, Supply, Stock
  71. Asqen-Orient-Institut Education, Institute, Fur
  72. Area of Influence Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  73. Acousto-Optical Interaction
  74. Arab Organization of Industrialization Regional
  75. Arizona Online Instruction Education, School, Arizona
  76. Apple Orthodontix Inc Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  77. Alliance of Independents
  78. Asbury Online Institutw
  79. Applied Optoelectronics Incorporated Computing, Electronics
  80. Alpha Omega Instruments
  81. áRea De OperaçÕEs Indiretas
  82. Associated Oregon Industries Oregon, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  83. Adjusted Operating Income Accounting, Business & Finance
  84. All Ordinaries Index Business, Supply, Market, Stock
  85. Art of Imagination
  86. Automatic Optical Inspection Computing, Electronics
  87. Alphabet of Illustrators
  88. Iata Code for Falconara Airport, Ancona, Italy Locations
  89. Astoria, Inc. ICAO Aircraft Codes
  90. Automatical Optical Inspection Technology, Automatics, Inspector
  91. All-Ordinaries Index Business, Finance, Banking
  92. Art of Illlstration
  93. Associate Office Infrastructure Usps
  94. All Other Income Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Business & Finance
  95. Falconara Airport Airport, Locations
  96. Absence of Ink General, Governmental & Military
  97. Ammonium Oxalate, Insoluble
  98. Aircraft Operations Information
  99. Dynamics Ax Application Object Index File Computing, File Extensions
  100. Awt of Illusion Technology, Software, Rendering
  101. Automated Optical Inspection Industry
  102. Alliance One Intl
  103. Associate Office Infrastruccure Business, Postal, Us Post
  104. Area of Operational Interest; TERPS Office (USAF) Aviation, Governmental & Military
  105. Add Or Invert
  106. Art of Illusion 3d Scene Computing, File Extensions
  107. Articles of Incorporation Law, Organizations, Corporation
  108. Area of Investigation Environment
  109. Alliance One Interna

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AOI stand for?

    AOI stands for Always of Interest.

  2. What is the shortened form of Applied Optoelectronics Incorporated?

    The short form of "Applied Optoelectronics Incorporated" is AOI.


AOI. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated