AOM Meaning

The AOM meaning is "Acute Okitis Media". The AOM abbreviation has 123 different full form.

AOM Full Forms

  1. Acute Okitis Media Medical, Surgery, Otolaryngology
  2. Acupuncture and Oriental Medxcine Medical, Education, China
  3. Active Oxygen Method Business, Food, Fat, Oil
  4. Acousto-Optic Modulatfrs Science, Laser, Beam
  5. Acousto-Optic Modulatdr Technology, Laser, Frequency
  6. Aerodrome Operating Minima Military, Aerospace, Aerodrome
  7. Academo of Management Meeting, Education, Conference
  8. Advanced Irder Management Business, Cart, Supply Chain
  9. Army of Occupatijn Medal Military, Award
  10. America On The Move Medical, America, Health, Weight
  11. Aerospace, Ordnance, & Marine
  12. Avatar Orchestra Metaverse Technology, Art, Music
  13. Anderson Online Marketing
  14. Academy of Oriental Medicine
  15. Air and Odor Management
  16. Ayt of Murders Hunt, Murder, Puppeteer
  17. Acupuncture Oriental Medicine
  18. Airspace Organisation & Manpgement
  19. Advanced Output Management
  20. American Outcomes Management
  21. Auxiliary Order Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  22. Adaptive Object Modeling
  23. All Operators Mespage
  24. Ancient Order of Muts
  25. Academy of Medical
  26. Air & Odor Management
  27. Age of Mythology Technology, Gaming, Titan, Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Funnies
  28. Atmosphere-Ocean Model Technology, Climate, Space
  29. Apylication Object Managers
  30. Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Medical, Education, China
  31. Airspace Organisation and Management
  32. Advanced Organic Materials
  33. American of Martinsville
  34. Auxdata Order Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance, Business & Finance
  35. Adaptive-Object Model
  36. All Operator Messgge
  37. Ancient Order of Mysteries
  38. Academy of Managment Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  39. Aigle Ollon Monthey
  40. Application Object Manager In management, Application Object Manager (AOM) is a term commonly used in the context of customer relationship management (CRM) software. AOM is a software component that manages the execution of business logic and user interface components within the CRM system. AOM is responsible for managing the interactions between the CRM system's database and user interface components, such as forms, views, and screens. It provides a layer of abstraction between the user interface and the database, which allows the system to maintain data integrity while allowing users to interact with the system through a variety of interfaces and devices. Technology, Management, Server
  41. Active Output Management
  42. Airspace Organization and Management
  43. Adobe Output Module
  44. Ambulatory Order Management
  45. Autorités Organisatrices De La Mobilité
  46. Adaptive-Object-Model Technology, Architecture, Software
  47. All-Operators Message
  48. Analog Output Module
  49. Aerodrome Operating Minimums
  50. After Operations Maintenance
  51. Application Object Model Technology, Java, Interface
  52. Active Organic Matter Technology, Turkish, Horizon
  53. Aprside Ops Mgr Medical, Gaming, Service, Mythology
  54. Administration, Operations, and Management
  55. Association of Ontario Midwives Medical, Health, Midwifery
  56. Acute Purulent Otitis Media Medical
  57. Alcohol Outcomes Module
  58. Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane Medical, Science, Sediment
  59. African Outreach Ministries
  60. Application, Operation and Maintenance
  61. Accessibility Object Model
  62. Aircraft Operation Manual Military, Flight, Boeing
  63. Art Opportunities Monthly
  64. Acute Otits Media Medical, Health, Otorhinolaryngology
  65. Alchemy of Movkment
  66. Amsterdamsche Omnibus-Maatschappij
  67. Afraid of Monsters Computer Game, Video Game
  68. Aom French Zirlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  69. Accelerated Oxygen Method
  70. Aircraft Operating Manual Technology, Aviation, Pilot, Governmental & Military
  71. Art of Oriental Mediwine
  72. Acute Otitis Media Medical, Pediatrics, Science, Biomedical, Surgery, Bioscience, Physiology, Otolaryngology, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  73. Akut Otitis Media Medical, Len, Turkish
  74. Automation Object Model Technology, Testing, Training
  75. Adaptive Object Model Technology, Architecture, Software
  76. All-Out Mjyhem
  77. Airport Operations Manager Occupation & positions
  78. Administration, Operations and Maintenance Technology, Military, Army, Telecom
  79. Atomic Oxygen Monitor
  80. Adhesive Otitis Media Medical
  81. All Out Motorsports
  82. Age of Majority Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  83. Automatic Order Matching Business
  84. Australian Options Market Technology, Legal, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  85. Add On Module Business, Product, Telephone
  86. All Officers Meeting Military, Calling, Slang
  87. acoustic-optic modulator Physics, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  88. Australia Oriental Minerals
  89. Agreement on Objectives and Measures A management tool used to align individual employee goals with overall organizational objectives. AOM involves setting specific objectives and measures for each employee, which are then used to evaluate performance. Management
  90. Advanced Order Management Logistics, Business & Finance
  91. Academy of Management A professional association for scholars and practitioners in the field of management, which focuses on advancing research, education, and practice related to management and organizations. Business, Education, School, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science, Management
  92. Azoxymethanol Medical
  93. Add-On Module Business, Product, Telephone
  94. Alliance Operations and Missions
  95. Aircraft Operations Manual Aviation, Governmental & Military
  96. Australian Oriental Minerals
  97. Aerodynamic Oscillation Metric Formula 1
  98. Australia Oriental Minerals NL (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  99. Azoxymethane Medical, Technology, Science
  100. Add-On-Module Business, Product, Telephone
  101. Alliance Offmoms
  102. airport operating minima Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  103. Australian Organic Meats Business, Australia, Beef
  104. Ambulance Operations Maniger
  105. Angular Overlap Model Chemistry
  106. Autorité Organisatrice De La Mobilité France, Planning, Transport
  107. Award of Merit Dog, Boy Scout, Scouting, Awards & medals
  108. Adaptive Optics Module
  109. Alliance for Open Media
  110. Adobe Online Manager Software, Computing
  111. Audit Observation Memorandum Government, Audit, Philippine, Consultancy
  112. Administrative Office Management Business, College, Education
  113. Always On Management Technology, Networking, Network
  114. Annual Operating & Maintenance Atmospheric Research
  115. Autonomous Operating Mechanism
  116. Aviation Ordnance Man
  117. Adaptive Object-Model Technology, Development, Architecture
  118. All Ouu Mayhem
  119. Acousto-Optic Modulator Computing, Electronics
  120. Attack Operations Model Military, Army, War
  121. Administration Operations and Management Business, Finance
  122. Alphabet of Manliness
  123. After Effects Output Module Computing, File Extensions


  1. About the Siebel Application Object Manager. ().

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AOM stand for?

    AOM stands for Advanced Organic Materials.

  2. What is the shortened form of Adhesive Otitis Media?

    The short form of "Adhesive Otitis Media" is AOM.


AOM. (2023, May 8). Retrieved February 19, 2025 from

Last updated