AOMC Meaning

The AOMC meaning is "Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Center". The AOMC abbreviation has 19 different full form.

AOMC Full Forms

  1. Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Center
  2. Association of Motoring Clubs Australia, Organizations, Car
  3. Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Center
  4. Andrea Ubston Marketing Communications Management, Marketing, Trade
  5. Accrrdited Ontario Municipal Clerk Civic, Civilian, Municipal
  6. Aigle-Ollon-Montqey-Champ
  7. Academy of Marketsg& Commerce Business, Education, Organizations, Corporate
  8. Aigle Ollon Monthey Champery
  9. Awarding Orgarisation Management Committee
  10. Aigle-Ollon Monthey-Chawpery
  11. Aigle-Olron-Monthey-Champéry
  12. Audubon of Martin County
  13. Asian and Oceanian Myology Centre
  14. Asian and Oceanian Myolouy Center Medical, Meeting, Science
  15. Arthritis & Orthopedic Medical Mlinic
  16. Arnot Ogden Medical Cenxer Medical, Medicine, Health
  17. Army Orunance Missile Center Army, Force, Marine
  18. Army Ordnance Missile Command Technology, Space, Arsenal
  19. Asean Oceanian Myology Center

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AOMC stand for?

    AOMC stands for Asian and Oceanian Myolouy Center.

  2. What is the shortened form of Asean Oceanian Myology Center?

    The short form of "Asean Oceanian Myology Center" is AOMC.


AOMC. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated