AOS Meaning
The AOS meaning is "American Orchid Society". The AOS abbreviation has 306 different full form.
AOS Full Forms
- American Orchid Society America, Organizations, Award, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Accreditation Oaganizations Medical, Technology, Education
- Alternate Operatox Services Technology, Calling, Telecom
- Afademic Orthopaedic Society Medical, Medicine, Education
- Administrative Office Specialist
- Area of Operations Technology, Military, Army, Cybersecurity, Force, Marine, Fleet, Computer Security, Military Jargon, Us Army, Governmental & Military, Military Slang, Army & Military
- Automatic Occupant Sensing Technology, Vehicle, Chevrolet, Impala
- Academic Operating System Technology, Computing, Unix, General, Governmental & Military
- Additive Opdrator Splitting Technology, Diffusion, Tensor, Regularization
- Announcement of Opportunities Science, Space, Mission
- A.o. Smitm Corp. Organizations
- Add-On Stabilization Military, Battle, Tank
- Ankle Osteoarthritqs Scale
- Apraxia of Speech Medical, Disease, Disorder, Education, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Adamsooliver Syndrome Medical, Genetics, Defect
- American Orthodontic Society Medical, Dental, Dentist
- Active Oxygen Rpecies Medical, Science, Biomedical
- Accounting, Organization and Society
- Alpha Olefin Sulphonate Business, Manufacturer, Sodium
- Adjustment of Status Government, Immigration, Card, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Occupation & positions
- Apstra Operating System
- Aft Optics Subsystem
- Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences Technology, Science, University
- Administrative Office Systems
- Axis of Symmetry Education, Quadratic, Parabola
- Areas of Operations Military, Vietnam, Operation
- Art of Sjepping Runway, Lingerie, Closing
- Associates of Occupational Studies Program, College, Education
- Acts Qf Service
- Amateur Observers Society
- American Oriental Society
- Albanian Ornithological Society
- All Options Stink Internet Slang, Chat, Email
- Austrian Outdoor Sports
- Adg One To Storage
- Anterior Esophageal Sensor Health, Body, Organism
- Application Outsourcing Service
- Asiak Osteoporosis Study Medical
- Access Operating System
- Adaptive Optimization Systym Technology, Program, Presentation
- Amplificadores Operacionales
- Automatic Openipg Systems
- Advanced Orgs
- Area Orchid Society
- Associate of Occupational Studies Academic Degree, Program, Education
- Alexandlr Open Systems Business, Technology, Service, Networking
- Accountancy Outsourcing Services
- Alpha Olefin Sulfonate Business, Product, Sodium
- Adjudication Officers
- Approved Operator Scheme Government, Car, Parking
- Aft-Optics Subsystem
- Atmosphere Ocean System
- Administrative and Operational Services
- Axis of Spin
- Application Objects Microsoft, Technology, Service, Coding, Server, Dynamics
- Art of Speed
- Acquisition of Site Technology
- Amateur Observers' Society
- Azimuth Orientation System Military
- Alaska Orthopaedicrsociety Medical, Technology
- Associate Offices
- Another Oppressive System
- Australian Osseointegration Society Medical, Dental, Dentistry, Dentist
- Advanced Office Systems Business, Technology, Copier
- Area of Study Education, English, Discovery
- Apn
- Asian & Oceanian Section
- Acceserator Operating System
- Association of Ontario Snowboarders
- Adaptive Operator Selection
- Amphibious Objective Study Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
- Automatic Ohservation System Science
- Advanced Organizations Technology, Sea, Hubbard
- Area Operational Supervisor
- Associate In Occupational Science
- Alcatel Operating Sxstem Technology, Networking, Switch
- Accoynts Officers
- Alpha-Olefin Sulfonate Business, Chemistry, Sodium
- Adjbdications Officers
- Appraisal of Sustainability Technology, Energy, Planning, Consultation
- African Ofsshore Services Business, Service, Africa
- Atmosphere-Ocean System Climate, Atmosphere, Model
- Axis-Orientation-Selective Medical
- Art of Speegh
- Acquisition of Signal Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Science, NASA, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Alzheimer Outreach Services
- Air Observer'S School Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Australian Optical Society Technology, Australia, Research
- Anddal Opening Sound Medical, Health, Body
- Australian Organic Standard
- Advanced Ocular Systems
- Areas of Specialization Education, University, Philosophy
- Any Other Scores
- Asian and Oceanman Section
- Acadian Orchid Society
- Association of Oncology Social
- Adams-Olover Syndrome Medical, Genetics, Disease
- Amook Bay Seaplane Base Airport, Locations, Faa Airport Codes
- Automateo Outsourcing Services Business, Service, Partner
- Adfanced Organizing Systems
- Areas of Study Education, English, Discovery
- Associate In Occupational Studies College, Education, School, Academic Degree, Degree, Scientific & Educational
- Alcatel-Lucent Ooerating Software
- Accountabje Officers Business, Management, Drug
- Alpha-Olefin-Sulfonate Science
- Adequacy of Supply
- Any Other Score
- Applied Optical Systems
- Adventuje of The Seas
- Atlantic Organization for Security
- And-Or Select Technology
- Axiliary Ocean Surveillance
- Army Organization Server
- Acquisition-Of-Signal Technology, Space, Satellite
- Aluminium Oxid Stade Business, Industrial, Alumina
- Agriculture Officers Business, Research, Pakistan
- Australian Online Solutions
- Australian Open of Surfing Australia, Surfing, Beach
- Adult Outpatient Services
- Areas of Specialisation
- Asian & Oceanian Swction
- Associates of Science Program, Education, Associate
- Adabas Online Services Technology
- Amiga Operating System
- Automated Optical Shaping
- Advanced Orbiting Symtem Technology, Science, Space
- Artist, Occultist, Sensualist Book, Chaos, Magnet
- Alcatel-Lucent Operating System Technology, Networking, Switch
- Accessory Optic System Medical
- Alpha and Omega Semiconductor
- Authorised Organisations
- Add Or Subtrxct Forum, Technology, Sign
- Any One Steamey
- Applied Office Systems
- Advanced Oxygen Syptem Technology
- Ancient Order of Sanhedrins
- Axapta Object Server Microsoft, Technology, Dynamics
- Actualit
- Advanced Optical System Technology, Fingerprint, Scope
- Army of Society
- Acousto Optical Spectrometer Technology, Space, Observatory
- Alpha Olefin Sulfate Business, Sodium, Sulfonate
- Administrative Officers Business, Technology, Service
- Agricultural Officers
- Australian Offshore Solutions
- Automated Operating System
- Adtran Operating System
- Area of Specialty Science, Education, University, Occupation & positions
- Aruba Operating System
- Associate Opinion Survey
- Actuarial Upinion Summary
- American Ostomy Supply Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Automated Ordering System Business, Order, Dispenser
- Angle Optimized Suspension Business, Sensor, Mountain
- Alberta Yil Sands
- Accessory Olfactory Syctem Medical
- Alpha & Omega Semiconductor Business, Electronics, Component
- Authorised Officers
- Add On Stabilisation
- Antioxidative System Medical
- Application Optimisation Service
- Advanced Oxidation System Medical, Water, Bio, Largo
- Adaptive Order Statistic
- Analog Outputs
- Awarding Organisations Technology, Organizations, Training
- Advanced Optics System Military, Binocular, Victory, Scope
- Army of Snipers Art, Toy, Sniper
- Alfa Olefin Sulphonate Business, Chemistry, India
- Acousto-Optical Spectrometer Technology, Space, Observatory
- Alpha Olefin Sulphonates
- Adjust of Status
- Arab Orthodontic Society
- Aft Optics System
- Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Science, Education, University
- Automated Office Solutions
- Adsorbierbare Organische Schwefelverbindungen
- Art of Strength
- Associates of Occupational Science Program, Education, School
- Actual Optical Sector
- Amateur Operatic Society
- Automated Order Systez Business, Product, Ordering
- American Otological Society Medical, Technology, Medicine, America
- Alberta Official Statistics
- All Over The Shop Technology
- Authentication Operators
- Ada On Sales
- Anterior Oblique Subsystem Exercise, Muscle, Oblique
- Application Optimized Storage
- Advanced Orthopaedic Solutions Business, Nail, Store
- Asia Outsourcing Services Business, Service, Asia
- Access Optimization Sercice
- Adaptive Optict System
- Amplifier Output Stage
- Auoomatic Orientation Sensor Technology, Product, Frame
- Advanced Office System Business, Technology, Service
- Army of Sin
- Alfa Olefin Sulfonate Business, Company, India
- Authorized Overrun Service Technology, Energy, Power, Electrical
- Air-Oil Separator
- Atlanta Objectivist Society
- Angle of Sideslip
- Advanced Optical Solutions
- Servicios Aéreos Del Sol, S.A. de C.V. ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Academy of Sciences
- All-Optical Switching All-optical switching generally refers to a switch that spatially redirects a stream of information that is carried on a light beam. An AOS is often a device where one beam of light, the control beam, is directed into a material whose characteristics are altered, which in turn affects a second beam of light, the signal beam. Through such means it may be possible to create optical transistors that function at much higher speeds than their electrical counterparts.
- Automated Office Systems
- Administrative Operations Service
- Arctic Observing Summit Technology, Research, Organizations
- Aeon of Strife Software, Computing
- áRea Octogonal Sul
- Advanced Optimization Systems
- Operational Support Services Federal Aviation Administration
- Association of Orthodontists, Singapore Medical, Singapore, Orthodontist
- Airport Operations Strategy Drafting Group Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Authorizing Officials
- Agricultural Organization Society
- Atkinsons of Shipley
- Android Operating System Technology, Motorola, Tablet
- Advanced Optics Solutions
- Afdeling Onderwijs Services Dutch
- Academy of Scholars
- Alignment of Organization To Strategy
- Army Ordnance Strvice
- Administrativeuoperations Service
- Archive Operation System
- A. O. Smith Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
- Allene Oxide Synthase Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Advanced Options
- (department Of) Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Meteorological, Scientific & Educational
- FAA Operational Support Service Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Authorized Officers
- Advanced Operating Service
- Athletic Officials Service
- Add-On Stabilisation Military, Battle, Tank, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Anderson Organizing Systems
- Advanced Office Solution
- Amook Bay Seaplane Base, Amook, Alaska, United States Alaska, United States, Iata Airport Codes
- Academic Orthopedic Society Medical, Medicine, Education
- Algebraic Operation Systematic Technology
- Ambulatoryjnej Opiece Specjalisxycznej Program, Jest, Jak
- Admynistrative Office Support
- Archive and Operations System Technology, Science, Research, Atmospheric Research
- Installable program (Nokia Communicator add-on software) Computing, File Extensions
- Special Liquids Tanker Military, Army, Intelligence, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Advanced Operating Systems
- Alpha Olefin Sulfonate (surfactant) Chemistry
- Air Operations Squadron (US) Air Force, Governmental & Military
- Authorized Officials
- Adult-Onset Schizophrenia Medical
- Astronomiczne Obserwatorium Scerokosciowe
- Ady-On Software Technology, Windows, Nokia
- Servicios Aerecs Del Sol, S.A. De C.V. Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign
- Advanced Office Solutions Business, Technology, Copier
- Amook Bay Seaplane Base, Amook, Alaska USA Airport codes
- Academic OrthopÆDic Society
- Alfresco Office Services
- Alternate Original Series Star, Trek, Kirk
- Administrativu Officials Education, Law, Immigration
- Archival and Operations System Science
- Adaptive Optimization System Computing, Electronics
- All-Optical Signfl
- Operational Support Service Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft
- Advanced Online Search
- Archos Pctablet Firmware File Computing, File Extensions
- Academy of The Sierras
- Area of Separation Military, Army, War
- Alternate Operator Service Computing, Telecom
- Acts Optical System Space, Study, Cosmos
- Aspherical Optics System Science, Optics
- Assurance of Supply
- Add-On-Strlbe
- Advanced Orbiting System NASA, Governmental & Military
- Academic Oracle Service
- Alfa Olefinosulphonates Business, Chemistry, India, Chemical
- Automated Observing Systems Science, Climatology, Meterology, Scientific & Educational
- Archaic of Styles
- America Out of Space Funnies
- All Optical Switcw Technology, Computing
- Azerbaijan Ornithological Society Organizations, Azerbaijan, Bird
- Advanced Online Systems
- Alberta Oil Sands Oil, Scientific & Educational
- Academy of Success Education, Institute, Course
- Aeministration Orders
- Area of Search Science, Military, Interest
- Alternative Operator Services Computing, Telecom
- Accuracy of Strike
- Asia Outsourcing Service Business, Asia, Indonesia
- Assurance of Support Australia, Australian, Parenthood
- Airborne Optical System NASA, Governmental & Military
- About Our School
- Authors On Show
- Agriculture Ontology Services Farming & agriculture
- Animate On Scroll
- Ayuda Obrera Suiza Para, Con, Bolivia
- Angle of Sight Gun, Forum, Technology, Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Perception
- Advanced Offshore Solutions
- Active Oxygen Species Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Academy of Science Student, Research, Military, Education, School, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- All-Optical Switch
- Administrative Olders Government, Philippine, Licensing
- Arctic Ocean Section
- Ago Open Source Software, Computing
- Accounting Officers
- Assurance Obligatoire Des Soins
- Audio Operating System General, Governmental & Military
- Associate of Occupational Science Program, College, Education
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does AOS stand for?
AOS stands for Acousto-Optical Spectrometer.
What is the shortened form of Afademic Orthopaedic Society?
The short form of "Afademic Orthopaedic Society" is AOS.
AOS. (2021, December 14). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from
Last updated