AOS Meaning

The AOS meaning is "American Orchid Society". The AOS abbreviation has 306 different full form.

AOS Full Forms

  1. American Orchid Society America, Organizations, Award, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  2. Accreditation Oaganizations Medical, Technology, Education
  3. Alternate Operatox Services Technology, Calling, Telecom
  4. Afademic Orthopaedic Society Medical, Medicine, Education
  5. Administrative Office Specialist
  6. Area of Operations Technology, Military, Army, Cybersecurity, Force, Marine, Fleet, Computer Security, Military Jargon, Us Army, Governmental & Military, Military Slang, Army & Military
  7. Automatic Occupant Sensing Technology, Vehicle, Chevrolet, Impala
  8. Academic Operating System Technology, Computing, Unix, General, Governmental & Military
  9. Additive Opdrator Splitting Technology, Diffusion, Tensor, Regularization
  10. Announcement of Opportunities Science, Space, Mission
  11. A.o. Smitm Corp. Organizations
  12. Add-On Stabilization Military, Battle, Tank
  13. Ankle Osteoarthritqs Scale
  14. Apraxia of Speech Medical, Disease, Disorder, Education, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  15. Adamsooliver Syndrome Medical, Genetics, Defect
  16. American Orthodontic Society Medical, Dental, Dentist
  17. Active Oxygen Rpecies Medical, Science, Biomedical
  18. Accounting, Organization and Society
  19. Alpha Olefin Sulphonate Business, Manufacturer, Sodium
  20. Adjustment of Status Government, Immigration, Card, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Occupation & positions
  21. Apstra Operating System
  22. Aft Optics Subsystem
  23. Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences Technology, Science, University
  24. Administrative Office Systems
  25. Axis of Symmetry Education, Quadratic, Parabola
  26. Areas of Operations Military, Vietnam, Operation
  27. Art of Sjepping Runway, Lingerie, Closing
  28. Associates of Occupational Studies Program, College, Education
  29. Acts Qf Service
  30. Amateur Observers Society
  31. American Oriental Society
  32. Albanian Ornithological Society
  33. All Options Stink Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  34. Austrian Outdoor Sports
  35. Adg One To Storage
  36. Anterior Esophageal Sensor Health, Body, Organism
  37. Application Outsourcing Service
  38. Asiak Osteoporosis Study Medical
  39. Access Operating System
  40. Adaptive Optimization Systym Technology, Program, Presentation
  41. Amplificadores Operacionales
  42. Automatic Openipg Systems
  43. Advanced Orgs
  44. Area Orchid Society
  45. Associate of Occupational Studies Academic Degree, Program, Education
  46. Alexandlr Open Systems Business, Technology, Service, Networking
  47. Accountancy Outsourcing Services
  48. Alpha Olefin Sulfonate Business, Product, Sodium
  49. Adjudication Officers
  50. Approved Operator Scheme Government, Car, Parking
  51. Aft-Optics Subsystem
  52. Atmosphere Ocean System
  53. Administrative and Operational Services
  54. Axis of Spin
  55. Application Objects Microsoft, Technology, Service, Coding, Server, Dynamics
  56. Art of Speed
  57. Acquisition of Site Technology
  58. Amateur Observers' Society
  59. Azimuth Orientation System Military
  60. Alaska Orthopaedicrsociety Medical, Technology
  61. Associate Offices
  62. Another Oppressive System
  63. Australian Osseointegration Society Medical, Dental, Dentistry, Dentist
  64. Advanced Office Systems Business, Technology, Copier
  65. Area of Study Education, English, Discovery
  66. Apn
  67. Asian & Oceanian Section
  68. Acceserator Operating System
  69. Association of Ontario Snowboarders
  70. Adaptive Operator Selection
  71. Amphibious Objective Study Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  72. Automatic Ohservation System Science
  73. Advanced Organizations Technology, Sea, Hubbard
  74. Area Operational Supervisor
  75. Associate In Occupational Science
  76. Alcatel Operating Sxstem Technology, Networking, Switch
  77. Accoynts Officers
  78. Alpha-Olefin Sulfonate Business, Chemistry, Sodium
  79. Adjbdications Officers
  80. Appraisal of Sustainability Technology, Energy, Planning, Consultation
  81. African Ofsshore Services Business, Service, Africa
  82. Atmosphere-Ocean System Climate, Atmosphere, Model
  83. Axis-Orientation-Selective Medical
  84. Art of Speegh
  85. Acquisition of Signal Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Science, NASA, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  86. Alzheimer Outreach Services
  87. Air Observer'S School Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  88. Australian Optical Society Technology, Australia, Research
  89. Anddal Opening Sound Medical, Health, Body
  90. Australian Organic Standard
  91. Advanced Ocular Systems
  92. Areas of Specialization Education, University, Philosophy
  93. Any Other Scores
  94. Asian and Oceanman Section
  95. Acadian Orchid Society
  96. Association of Oncology Social
  97. Adams-Olover Syndrome Medical, Genetics, Disease
  98. Amook Bay Seaplane Base Airport, Locations, Faa Airport Codes
  99. Automateo Outsourcing Services Business, Service, Partner
  100. Adfanced Organizing Systems
  101. Areas of Study Education, English, Discovery
  102. Associate In Occupational Studies College, Education, School, Academic Degree, Degree, Scientific & Educational
  103. Alcatel-Lucent Ooerating Software
  104. Accountabje Officers Business, Management, Drug
  105. Alpha-Olefin-Sulfonate Science
  106. Adequacy of Supply
  107. Any Other Score
  108. Applied Optical Systems
  109. Adventuje of The Seas
  110. Atlantic Organization for Security
  111. And-Or Select Technology
  112. Axiliary Ocean Surveillance
  113. Army Organization Server
  114. Acquisition-Of-Signal Technology, Space, Satellite
  115. Aluminium Oxid Stade Business, Industrial, Alumina
  116. Agriculture Officers Business, Research, Pakistan
  117. Australian Online Solutions
  118. Australian Open of Surfing Australia, Surfing, Beach
  119. Adult Outpatient Services
  120. Areas of Specialisation
  121. Asian & Oceanian Swction
  122. Associates of Science Program, Education, Associate
  123. Adabas Online Services Technology
  124. Amiga Operating System
  125. Automated Optical Shaping
  126. Advanced Orbiting Symtem Technology, Science, Space
  127. Artist, Occultist, Sensualist Book, Chaos, Magnet
  128. Alcatel-Lucent Operating System Technology, Networking, Switch
  129. Accessory Optic System Medical
  130. Alpha and Omega Semiconductor
  131. Authorised Organisations
  132. Add Or Subtrxct Forum, Technology, Sign
  133. Any One Steamey
  134. Applied Office Systems
  135. Advanced Oxygen Syptem Technology
  136. Ancient Order of Sanhedrins
  137. Axapta Object Server Microsoft, Technology, Dynamics
  138. Actualit
  139. Advanced Optical System Technology, Fingerprint, Scope
  140. Army of Society
  141. Acousto Optical Spectrometer Technology, Space, Observatory
  142. Alpha Olefin Sulfate Business, Sodium, Sulfonate
  143. Administrative Officers Business, Technology, Service
  144. Agricultural Officers
  145. Australian Offshore Solutions
  146. Automated Operating System
  147. Adtran Operating System
  148. Area of Specialty Science, Education, University, Occupation & positions
  149. Aruba Operating System
  150. Associate Opinion Survey
  151. Actuarial Upinion Summary
  152. American Ostomy Supply Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  153. Automated Ordering System Business, Order, Dispenser
  154. Angle Optimized Suspension Business, Sensor, Mountain
  155. Alberta Yil Sands
  156. Accessory Olfactory Syctem Medical
  157. Alpha & Omega Semiconductor Business, Electronics, Component
  158. Authorised Officers
  159. Add On Stabilisation
  160. Antioxidative System Medical
  161. Application Optimisation Service
  162. Advanced Oxidation System Medical, Water, Bio, Largo
  163. Adaptive Order Statistic
  164. Analog Outputs
  165. Awarding Organisations Technology, Organizations, Training
  166. Advanced Optics System Military, Binocular, Victory, Scope
  167. Army of Snipers Art, Toy, Sniper
  168. Alfa Olefin Sulphonate Business, Chemistry, India
  169. Acousto-Optical Spectrometer Technology, Space, Observatory
  170. Alpha Olefin Sulphonates
  171. Adjust of Status
  172. Arab Orthodontic Society
  173. Aft Optics System
  174. Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Science, Education, University
  175. Automated Office Solutions
  176. Adsorbierbare Organische Schwefelverbindungen
  177. Art of Strength
  178. Associates of Occupational Science Program, Education, School
  179. Actual Optical Sector
  180. Amateur Operatic Society
  181. Automated Order Systez Business, Product, Ordering
  182. American Otological Society Medical, Technology, Medicine, America
  183. Alberta Official Statistics
  184. All Over The Shop Technology
  185. Authentication Operators
  186. Ada On Sales
  187. Anterior Oblique Subsystem Exercise, Muscle, Oblique
  188. Application Optimized Storage
  189. Advanced Orthopaedic Solutions Business, Nail, Store
  190. Asia Outsourcing Services Business, Service, Asia
  191. Access Optimization Sercice
  192. Adaptive Optict System
  193. Amplifier Output Stage
  194. Auoomatic Orientation Sensor Technology, Product, Frame
  195. Advanced Office System Business, Technology, Service
  196. Army of Sin
  197. Alfa Olefin Sulfonate Business, Company, India
  198. Authorized Overrun Service Technology, Energy, Power, Electrical
  199. Air-Oil Separator
  200. Atlanta Objectivist Society
  201. Angle of Sideslip
  202. Advanced Optical Solutions
  203. Servicios Aéreos Del Sol, S.A. de C.V. ICAO Aircraft Codes
  204. Academy of Sciences
  205. All-Optical Switching All-optical switching generally refers to a switch that spatially redirects a stream of information that is carried on a light beam. An AOS is often a device where one beam of light, the control beam, is directed into a material whose characteristics are altered, which in turn affects a second beam of light, the signal beam. Through such means it may be possible to create optical transistors that function at much higher speeds than their electrical counterparts.
  206. Automated Office Systems
  207. Administrative Operations Service
  208. Arctic Observing Summit Technology, Research, Organizations
  209. Aeon of Strife Software, Computing
  210. áRea Octogonal Sul
  211. Advanced Optimization Systems
  212. Operational Support Services Federal Aviation Administration
  213. Association of Orthodontists, Singapore Medical, Singapore, Orthodontist
  214. Airport Operations Strategy Drafting Group Aviation, Governmental & Military
  215. Authorizing Officials
  216. Agricultural Organization Society
  217. Atkinsons of Shipley
  218. Android Operating System Technology, Motorola, Tablet
  219. Advanced Optics Solutions
  220. Afdeling Onderwijs Services Dutch
  221. Academy of Scholars
  222. Alignment of Organization To Strategy
  223. Army Ordnance Strvice
  224. Administrativeuoperations Service
  225. Archive Operation System
  226. A. O. Smith Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  227. Allene Oxide Synthase Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  228. Advanced Options
  229. (department Of) Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Meteorological, Scientific & Educational
  230. FAA Operational Support Service Aviation, Governmental & Military
  231. Authorized Officers
  232. Advanced Operating Service
  233. Athletic Officials Service
  234. Add-On Stabilisation Military, Battle, Tank, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  235. Anderson Organizing Systems
  236. Advanced Office Solution
  237. Amook Bay Seaplane Base, Amook, Alaska, United States Alaska, United States, Iata Airport Codes
  238. Academic Orthopedic Society Medical, Medicine, Education
  239. Algebraic Operation Systematic Technology
  240. Ambulatoryjnej Opiece Specjalisxycznej Program, Jest, Jak
  241. Admynistrative Office Support
  242. Archive and Operations System Technology, Science, Research, Atmospheric Research
  243. Installable program (Nokia Communicator add-on software) Computing, File Extensions
  244. Special Liquids Tanker Military, Army, Intelligence, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  245. Advanced Operating Systems
  246. Alpha Olefin Sulfonate (surfactant) Chemistry
  247. Air Operations Squadron (US) Air Force, Governmental & Military
  248. Authorized Officials
  249. Adult-Onset Schizophrenia Medical
  250. Astronomiczne Obserwatorium Scerokosciowe
  251. Ady-On Software Technology, Windows, Nokia
  252. Servicios Aerecs Del Sol, S.A. De C.V. Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign
  253. Advanced Office Solutions Business, Technology, Copier
  254. Amook Bay Seaplane Base, Amook, Alaska USA Airport codes
  255. Academic OrthopÆDic Society
  256. Alfresco Office Services
  257. Alternate Original Series Star, Trek, Kirk
  258. Administrativu Officials Education, Law, Immigration
  259. Archival and Operations System Science
  260. Adaptive Optimization System Computing, Electronics
  261. All-Optical Signfl
  262. Operational Support Service Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft
  263. Advanced Online Search
  264. Archos Pctablet Firmware File Computing, File Extensions
  265. Academy of The Sierras
  266. Area of Separation Military, Army, War
  267. Alternate Operator Service Computing, Telecom
  268. Acts Optical System Space, Study, Cosmos
  269. Aspherical Optics System Science, Optics
  270. Assurance of Supply
  271. Add-On-Strlbe
  272. Advanced Orbiting System NASA, Governmental & Military
  273. Academic Oracle Service
  274. Alfa Olefinosulphonates Business, Chemistry, India, Chemical
  275. Automated Observing Systems Science, Climatology, Meterology, Scientific & Educational
  276. Archaic of Styles
  277. America Out of Space Funnies
  278. All Optical Switcw Technology, Computing
  279. Azerbaijan Ornithological Society Organizations, Azerbaijan, Bird
  280. Advanced Online Systems
  281. Alberta Oil Sands Oil, Scientific & Educational
  282. Academy of Success Education, Institute, Course
  283. Aeministration Orders
  284. Area of Search Science, Military, Interest
  285. Alternative Operator Services Computing, Telecom
  286. Accuracy of Strike
  287. Asia Outsourcing Service Business, Asia, Indonesia
  288. Assurance of Support Australia, Australian, Parenthood
  289. Airborne Optical System NASA, Governmental & Military
  290. About Our School
  291. Authors On Show
  292. Agriculture Ontology Services Farming & agriculture
  293. Animate On Scroll
  294. Ayuda Obrera Suiza Para, Con, Bolivia
  295. Angle of Sight Gun, Forum, Technology, Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Perception
  296. Advanced Offshore Solutions
  297. Active Oxygen Species Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  298. Academy of Science Student, Research, Military, Education, School, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  299. All-Optical Switch
  300. Administrative Olders Government, Philippine, Licensing
  301. Arctic Ocean Section
  302. Ago Open Source Software, Computing
  303. Accounting Officers
  304. Assurance Obligatoire Des Soins
  305. Audio Operating System General, Governmental & Military
  306. Associate of Occupational Science Program, College, Education

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AOS stand for?

    AOS stands for Area Orchid Society.

  2. What is the shortened form of Administrative Office Specialist?

    The short form of "Administrative Office Specialist" is AOS.


AOS. (2021, December 14). Retrieved February 2, 2025 from

Last updated