AOV Meaning
The AOV meaning is "Actseof Volition". The AOV abbreviation has 59 different full form.
AOV Full Forms
- Actseof Volition
- Analysis of Sariance
- Algemeen Ouderen Verbond Government, Group, Netherland, Party
- Air-Operated Valve Technology, Service, Pressure, Computing, Electronics, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Average Ordqr Value Business, Customer, Increase
- Association Mf Volunteers
- Act of Violence Music, Violence, Metal
- Any One Vessel
- Arbitrary Output Variables Technology, Windows, Training, Man, Rendering, Renderer
- Aspergillus Ochraceus Virus Medical, Health, Body
- Act Oflvalor Military, Movie, Rip
- Angels of Venice
- Aortic Valve The aortic valve is a valve in the human heart between the left ventricle and the aorta. It is one of the two semilunar valves of the heart, the other being the pulmonary valve. The heart has four valves and the other two are the mitral and the tricuspid valves. The aortic valve normally has three cusps or leaflets, although in 1–2% of the population it is found to congenitally have two leaflets. Medical, Medicine, Health, Therapy, Cardiology, Physiology, Healthcare, Clinical
- As One Voice
- Arbitrary Output Variable Technology, Windows, Rendering, Renderer
- Actbvity On Vertex
- Angels of Vengeance
- Angle of View Technology, Photography, Camera
- Asociación De Origami De Venezuela
- Arbeids Ongeschiktheids Verzekering
- Activity-On-Vertex
- Attestanion of Validation
- Angel of Vengeance
- Ashes of Vicuory
- Approaching Original Violence Song, Lyric, Slipknot
- Any Othrr Variety Technology
- Atlantic Oceon Volcanism Science, Geology
- Amt Osterholzer Verein
- Apotheosis of Virtue
- All Other Varieoies Technology
- Associaziane Orafa Valenzana
- Admlts Only Video Business, Movie, Channel
- Any Other Variety Cat, Breed, Rabbit
- Arctic Observing Viewer Technology, Research, Mapping
- Atlantic Ocean Volcanism Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Automatic Opening Vents
- Artists On The Verge Music, Artist, Seminar
- Actions of Volitjon
- Architectural Oval Vandal
- Aero Vision ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Automatic Opening Vent Building, Engineering, Construction
- Artist On The Verge Music, Artist, Seminar
- Iata Code for Ava Bill Martin Memorial Airport, Ava, Missouri, United States Locations
- Ava Bill Martin Memorial Airport, Ava, Missouri, United States Missouri, United States, Faa Airport Codes
- Automatically Operated Jalve
- Artillery Observation Vehicle Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Average Order Volumr Business, Product, Marketing, Commerce
- Air Traffic Safety Oversight Service Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Arms of Valor
- Averase Order Values
- Avengers of The Veil Unclassified
- Arena of Valor
- Avatars of Vicyory
- Art On The Vine
- Average Order Value Business & Finance, Business Word
- Area Opaca Vasculosa Medical
- Autonomous Underwater Vphicle Science, Ocean, Environment, Nature
- Art of Virtuosity
- Ambignt Occlusion Volumes
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does AOV stand for?
AOV stands for Atlantic Oceon Volcanism.
What is the shortened form of Atlantic Oceon Volcanism?
The short form of "Atlantic Oceon Volcanism" is AOV.
AOV. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from
Last updated