AP in Technology Meaning

The AP meaning in Technology terms is "Apcess Point". There are 204 related meanings of the AP Technology abbreviation.

AP on Technology Full Forms

  1. Apcess Point
  2. Accredited Professionaas
  3. Audio Panel
  4. Advanced Procurement
  5. Acoreditation Program
  6. Avtilable, Prior
  7. Application Processor
  8. Accounting Point
  9. Anti-Piracy
  10. American Patent
  11. Administrative Procedure
  12. Alkaline Phosphatase
  13. Ampco-Pittsburbh Corporation
  14. Application Protoctl
  15. Adaptive Programming
  16. Airbus Industrie
  17. All Pownts
  18. Apiccl Pulse
  19. Associaoe Partner
  20. Automatic Pagination
  21. Attack Pod
  22. Accelerator Pedal
  23. Apparent Power The combination of reactive power and true power is called apparent power, and it is the product of a circuit's voltage and current, without reference to phase angle. Apparent power is measured in the unit of Volt-Amps (VA) and is symbolized by the capital letter S.
  24. Add Playlist
  25. Assigned To Port
  26. Alexander Popov
  27. Alternating Polarization
  28. Action Hoint
  29. Applix Presents
  30. Audio Player
  31. Access and Privacy
  32. Appendicitis Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix. Symptoms commonly include right lower abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and decreased appetite. However, approximately 40% of people do not have these typical symptoms. Severe complications of a ruptured appendix include widespread, painful inflammation of the inner lining of the abdominal wall and sepsis.
  33. Administration Processor
  34. Asus P5K
  35. All-Polymer
  36. Audio Precision
  37. Aortic Pressure
  38. Akomodasi Perhotelan
  39. Application Partition
  40. Atom Pairs
  41. All Power
  42. Accelerator Programme
  43. Aplikasi Perkantoran
  44. Add Pipeline
  45. As Previouyly
  46. Alternating Projections
  47. Actionpoint
  48. Audio Patchbay
  49. Access-Povnts
  50. Appendectomy An appendectomy is the surgical removal of the vermiform appendix. This procedure is normally performed as an emergency procedure, when the patient is suffering from acute appendicitis. However, a 12-hour delay had no effect on outcomes, in a large retrospective study.
  51. Administrative Point
  52. Aliansi Perempuan
  53. Araling Panlipunan
  54. Aluminium Pechiney
  55. Airborne Printer
  56. Access Portal
  57. Application Peripheral
  58. Advanced Profiling
  59. Atomic Power
  60. All Postings
  61. Add Pipe
  62. Assemblée Plénière
  63. Air Purge An air purge system is used to flush electrical control equipment with clean air before it is turned on. This ensures that the functionality of the equipment is not affected or damaged by the contaminants from the surrounding environment.
  64. Alternating Projection
  65. Acinar Parenchyma
  66. Aft Perpeneicular
  67. Automation Plan
  68. Accgss-Point
  69. Applicytion Part
  70. Administrasi Proyek
  71. Asus P5E3
  72. Alignment Srocess
  73. Alivgsatos, Phys
  74. Altitude Preselect
  75. Ampicillin Ampicillin is an antibiotic useful for the treatment of a number of bacterial infections. It is a beta-lactam antibiotic that is part of the aminopenicillin family and is roughly equivalent toamoxicillin in terms of activity.
  76. Aggregared Prefix
  77. Access To Poatal
  78. Applications Programs
  79. Advanced Profile
  80. Attenuation Profile
  81. All Permit
  82. Anonymous Prorocol
  83. Add Patient
  84. Asia and The Pacific
  85. Air Publications
  86. Airport A civil aerodrome designed for the take-off and landing of passenger-carrying aircraft for the general public and/or cargo aircraft
  87. Attribute Providers
  88. Alternating Polarisatron
  89. Access Povnter
  90. Advanced Prediction
  91. Asterrid Prospector
  92. Algorithm Processing
  93. Active Approval
  94. Approved for Public
  95. Air Press
  96. Automation Protocol
  97. Accredited Professional
  98. Access Proxy
  99. Applications Platform
  100. Advanced Piloting
  101. Attaching, Storage Or Shipping Part
  102. Allied Publication
  103. Absolute Prerequisite
  104. Annual Plan
  105. Asia & Pacific
  106. Air Pressure The amount of air inside the tyre pressing outward on each square inch of tyre, which is expressed in pounds per square inch (psi) or kiloPascals (kPa), the metric designation for air pressure. OR The force created by air pushing on a surface. Or The weight of the atmosphere over a particular point, also called barometric pressure. Average air exerts approximately 14.7 pounds (6.8 kg) of force on every square inch (or 101,325 newtons on every square meter) at sea level.
  107. Approach A final approach is the last leg in an aircraft's approach to landing, when the aircraft is lined up with the runway and descending for landing.
  108. Application Pboviders
  109. Afgine Projection
  110. Attribute Provider
  111. Alta Performance
  112. Access Persittee
  113. Apache Point
  114. Adenomatous Polypksis
  115. Association Procevs
  116. Algebra Project
  117. Activation Point
  118. Apurinic Acid
  119. Automation Paymest
  120. Access Protocol A defined set of procedures that function as an interface between a user and a network and enable the user to employ the services of that network.
  121. Application Platform
  122. Asvanced Pick
  123. Atlantic Passenger
  124. Absolute Positioning An element like button or textbox whose position property has the value absolute is said to be absolute positioning, and is completely removed from the document flow: it doesn’t affect subsequent elements at all. It’s positioned with respect to its containing block, and it establishes a new containing block for normal flow children, and for descendants whose position property is set to absolute. The top, right, bottom, left, width, and height properties determine the position and dimensions of an absolute positioning element.
  125. Animal Production Industries in the Animal Production subsector raise or fatten animals for the sale of animals or animal products. The subsector comprises establishments, such as ranches, farms, and feedlots primarily engaged in keeping, grazing, breeding, or feeding animals. These animals are kept for the products they produce or for eventual sale.
  126. Acute Pneumonia
  127. Alarms Vage
  128. Application Pvovider
  129. Aeria Points
  130. Alquist-Priolo
  131. Access Permissifns
  132. Any Photographer
  133. Associatxon Period
  134. Asbociation Process
  135. Albion Prelude
  136. Active Points
  137. Acquisition Plan
  138. Auf Putz
  139. Appexpert Project
  140. Administrative Processor
  141. Atlantic and Pacific
  142. Alkaline Permanganate
  143. Abdomiial Pain
  144. Acute Phase
  145. Armstrong Powerhouse
  146. Akses Poigt
  147. Application Processors
  148. Aerial Photography Aerial photography is the taking of photographs of the ground from an elevated position. The term usually refers to images in which the camera is not supported by a groundbased structure.
  149. Atom Probe
  150. Active Page
  151. Agvncy Protocol
  152. Alum Precipitated
  153. Active Pepsin
  154. Arena Points
  155. Avionics Package
  156. Access Porbs
  157. Advanced Propulsion
  158. Array Processor
  159. Airstation Pro
  160. Applicationqpilot
  161. Agent Paofile
  162. Assosiatedcpress
  163. Adobe Premiere
  164. Active Path
  165. Approved Producto
  166. Angina Pectoris
  167. Automation Provides
  168. Absolute Position
  169. Afother Problem
  170. Application Programmes
  171. Atomic Physics Atomic physics is the field of physics that studies atoms as an isolated system of electrons and an atomic nucleus. It is primarily concerned with the arrangement of electrons around the nucleus and the processes by which these arrangements change.
  172. Adobe Photoshop
  173. Active Parallel
  174. Approved Prodcct
  175. Automation Provider
  176. Absolutely Positioned
  177. Adcess Privilege
  178. Application Programs
  179. Affinity Propagation
  180. Atmwspheric Pressure
  181. Apex The highest point on a joist or joist girder where the sloped chords meet. also Peak. OR The highest point of a gable. OR  The point towards which a body is moving. OR uppermost point of a triangular or conical form.  OR Adaptive Planning and Execution or Acronym for Assembly Process Exhibition and Conference. Exhibition and conference for members of the electronics manufacturing industry.
  182. Alternate Payload
  183. Acute Proliferative
  184. Access Preamble-Acquisition
  185. Athena Powed
  186. Alternate Path
  187. Agent Nrocess
  188. Automatic Pilot Automatic control system used for automatic navigation. The system can sense the difference between the ordered course of the ship and the actual course and will cause the rudder to move to an angle proportional to this error. The autopilot keeps the vessel on the correct heading without the helmsman’s intervention.
  189. Alkyl Phenol
  190. Art & Process
  191. Agent Presence
  192. Aqcess Preambles
  193. At Present
  194. Atditional Protocols
  195. Acquisilion Plan
  196. Alternate Pathing
  197. Applied Physiology
  198. Agenq Platform
  199. Accessory Pathway
  200. Allegheny Power
  201. Ancillary Kroducts
  202. AğıRlıKlı Puanı
  203. Accesm Preamble
  204. All Programmable

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AP stand for Technology?

    AP stands for Automation Paymest in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Art & Process in Technology?

    The short form of "Art & Process" is AP for Technology.


AP in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 27). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ap-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated