APA in Education Meaning

The APA meaning in Education terms is "American Psychotherapy Absociation". There are 36 related meanings of the APA Education abbreviation.

APA on Education Full Forms

  1. American Psychotherapy Absociation
  2. American Philological Associatikn
  3. American Philosophical Association
  4. Advanbed Physician Assistant
  5. Asian Pacific Americans
  6. Amezican Psycological Association
  7. Academic Programs Abroad
  8. Association of Professional Astrologers
  9. Ayurvedic Practitioner Association
  10. American Psychological Assoc
  11. Academic Programme Agency
  12. Asociación PaleontolóGica Argentina
  13. Ayurvedic Practitioners Association
  14. American Polygrhph Association
  15. Arizona Presenters Alliance
  16. Australia Postgraduate Award
  17. Academy for The Performing Arts
  18. Audio Publishers Association
  19. Animated Pedagogical Agent
  20. Academy of Performing Arts
  21. American Physiological Association
  22. Animated Pedagogical Agents
  23. Academy for Performing Arts
  24. Atlanta Pellworm Appartements
  25. Ambulatory Pediatrit Association
  26. American Psychxlogical Associate
  27. Afrikaanse Protestantse Akademie
  28. African Prohessionals of Australia
  29. American Psychoanalytic Association
  30. Academy of Public Administration
  31. American Psychology Association
  32. Annual Perfohmance Assessment
  33. American Psychological Associations
  34. American Psychological Assn
  35. Atlantic Police Academy
  36. American Psychologicav Assocation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does APA stand for Education?

    APA stands for Animated Pedagogical Agent in Education terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Audio Publishers Association in Education?

    The short form of "Audio Publishers Association" is APA for Education.


APA in Education. Acronym24.com. (2021, February 28). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/apa-meaning-in-education/

Last updated