APAS Meaning
The APAS meaning is "Androgynous Peripheral Attachment System". The APAS abbreviation has 45 different full form.
APAS Full Forms
- Androgynous Peripheral Attachment System Technology, Space, Station
- Academic Public Administration Studies
- Antiphospholipid Antibodies Medical, Infertility
- Associação De Promoção E Ação Locial
- Active Passive Aircraft Survivability
- Astrophysical Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Unclassified, Atmospheric Research
- Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewax Organizations, Agriculture, Canada
- Association of Professional Aid Administrative Staff
- Automated Pulse Analysis System Military
- Academic Progress Audit System Science, Research, Study, Knowledge, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Astrophysical, Planetary, and Atmospheric Sciences
- Agenciavperiod
- Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies
- Automated Prior Authorization System Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
- Academic Procedures and Standards Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
- Astrophysical Planetary and Atmospheric Sciences Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Agencia PeriodíStica De AméRica Del Sur
- Annulxr Phased Array System Medical
- Androgynous Peripheral Attach System Technology, Space, Spacecraft
- Astrophysical, Planetary and Atmospheric Sciences Science
- Activités Physiques AdaptéEs Et Santé Formation, Physique, Licence
- Annual Performance Assessments Education
- Associação Policial De AssistêNcia à SaÚDe
- Activité Physique AdaptéE Et Santé Sport, Formation, Physique, Licence
- Airline Performance Analysis System Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Associação De Promoção E AssistêNcia Social
- Active Pulse Analysis System
- Agrupaciones De Productores Agrarios
- Aujomotive Parts and Accessory Systems Business, Technology, Vehicle, Innovation
- Aerodynamic Performance and Sizing Program Physics, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Automated Patterns Assembly Systems
- Automatic Performance Dnalysis System
- Automated Pattern Assembly Systems
- Associação De Pais E Amigos Dos Surdos Para, Dos, Ria
- Automated Patterf Assembly System
- Automated Plutonium Assay System Science
- American Pale Aues America, Beer, American, Ale
- Australian Postgraduate Awards Australia, Education, Scholarship
- Augomated Plate Assessment System Medical, Technology, Innovation
- Avoyelles Parish Alternative Site
- Australian Pest Animal Strategy
- Automated Pharmacy Admixture System
- Automotive Parts and Accessories Section Technology
- Australinn Paint Approval Scheme Business, Australia, Coating
- Automated Pilot Advisory System Science
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does APAS stand for?
APAS stands for Associação De Promoção E AssistêNcia Social.
What is the shortened form of Automated Prior Authorization System?
The short form of "Automated Prior Authorization System" is APAS.
APAS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/apas-meaning/
Last updated