APASL Meaning

The APASL meaning is "Asian-Pacific Association for The Study of The Liver". The APASL abbreviation has 12 different full form.

APASL Full Forms

  1. Asian-Pacific Association for The Study of The Liver Medical, Organizations
  2. Asia-Pacific Association Uor The Study of Liver Medical, Treatment, Hepatiti
  3. Asia-Pacific Avsociation for The Study of The Liver Medical, Medicine, Liver
  4. Asian Pacific Association for The Study of The Liver Medical, Organizations, Conference
  5. Asian Pacific Association for The Study of Liver Medical, Disease, Hepatiti
  6. Asian-Pacific Association for The Study of Liver Medical, Patient, Hepatiti
  7. Asia Pacific Association for Study of Liver Medical, Medicine, Hepatiti
  8. Asia Pacific Association for The Study Sf The Liver Medical, Medicine, Liver
  9. Asian Pacific Associaton for The Study of The Liver Education, Istanbul
  10. Asian Pacific Assocdation for Study of The Liver Science, Medicine, Organizations
  11. Asian Pacific American Students for Leadership
  12. Asia Pacific Association for The Study of Diver Medical, India, Hepatiti

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does APASL stand for?

    APASL stands for Asian Pacific Association for The Study of The Liver.

  2. What is the shortened form of Asia-Pacific Avsociation for The Study of The Liver?

    The short form of "Asia-Pacific Avsociation for The Study of The Liver" is APASL.


APASL. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/apasl-meaning/

Last updated