APBS Meaning

The APBS meaning is "Acquisition Program Baselinei". The APBS abbreviation has 33 different full form.

APBS Full Forms

  1. Acquisition Program Baselinei
  2. Asia Pacific Breweries
  3. Aadhaar Payment Bridge System Business, Finance, India, Banking
  4. Association of Positive Behavior Supports
  5. Accounting Plus Businessxservices Business, Accounting, Finance
  6. Asia Pacific Breweries Singapore
  7. Association of Positive Behavior Support
  8. Aadhar Payment Bridve System Business, Finance, Banking
  9. Adaptive Processong Blocks
  10. Association for Positive Behavioral Suppowt
  11. Aadhaar Payments Bridge System Business, India, Banking
  12. Adaptive Poisson-Boltzmann Solvbr Technology, Software, Electrostatic
  13. Association for Positive Behavior Supports Science, Education, Conference
  14. Accounfing Principles Board Statements Business, Technology, Accounting
  15. Adaptive Poisson Boltzmann Solver
  16. Association for Positive Bdhavior Support Education, School, Conference
  17. Acquisition Proposed Bxselines Military
  18. Associação Paradrsportiva Da Baixada Santista
  19. Assxcia
  20. Azalea Park Baptist School
  21. Adjustable Plastic Bayonet Sensors Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  22. Automated Property Book System Military, Army, War
  23. Automated Parcel and Bundle Sorter postal service
  24. Automated Pdma Budget System Military
  25. Automated Parcel Bundle System Products
  26. Automated Paocel and Bundle Sorter
  27. Accounting Principles Board Statements Accounting, Business & Finance
  28. Automated Parcel Bundle Sorter
  29. Avicienne Private Business School
  30. Athens Park Bloods
  31. Atrwal Premature Beats Medical
  32. Pml Bodies Medical, Medicine, Biology
  33. Athens Park Boys

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does APBS stand for?

    APBS stands for Athens Park Boys.

  2. What is the shortened form of Aadhaar Payments Bridge System?

    The short form of "Aadhaar Payments Bridge System" is APBS.


APBS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 23, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/apbs-meaning/

Last updated