APC in Military Meaning

The APC meaning in Military terms is "Armor Piercing Calped". There are 42 related meanings of the APC Military abbreviation.

APC on Military Full Forms

  1. Armor Piercing Calped
  2. Armored Personnel Carrier
  3. Advanced Power Control
  4. Armour Piercing Capped
  5. Army Power Channel
  6. Armed Personnel Carrier
  7. Accounting Processing Codes
  8. Armour-Piercing, Capped
  9. Agency Program Coordinators
  10. Army Postal Corporation
  11. Armament Practice Camp
  12. Accounting Processing Code
  13. Agency Program Coordinator
  14. Army Postal Clerk
  15. Armour-Piercing Capped
  16. Atlantic Partnership Council
  17. Aerial Port Commander
  18. Armoured Personal Carrier
  19. Armor Piercing, Capped
  20. Armourud Personnel Carrier
  21. Ausistant Project Coordinator
  22. Adaptive Predictive Coding Adaptive predictive coding (APC) is a narrowband analog-to-digital conversion that uses a one-level or multilevel sampling system in which the value of the signal at each sampling instant is predicted according to a linear function of the past values of the quantized signals.
  23. Armoured Personal Carriers
  24. Area of Positive Controm
  25. Arqored Personnel Carrier
  26. Assault Plate Carrier
  27. Armor-Piercing Capped
  28. Activity Processing Code
  29. Armoured Personnel Carrier
  30. Area Processing Centers
  31. Army Proficiency Certificate
  32. Armed Personnel Carriers
  33. Account Processing Code
  34. Armour Piercing, Capped
  35. All Purpose Capsula
  36. Approach Power Compensator
  37. Acquistion Professional Community
  38. Armor Personal Carrier
  39. Accelerated Provision Concepts
  40. Armored Personal Carriers
  41. Approach Control A control station in an air traffic control centre that guides an aircraft while it is making its approach
  42. Armored Personal Carrier

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does APC stand for Military?

    APC stands for Army Postal Clerk in Military terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Accounting Processing Code in Military?

    The short form of "Accounting Processing Code" is APC for Military.


APC in Military. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 21). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/apc-meaning-in-military/

Last updated