APCS Meaning

The APCS meaning is "Association for Progressive Communications". The APCS abbreviation has 68 different full form.

APCS Full Forms

  1. Association for Progressive Communications Technology, Computing, Telecom, Media
  2. Air Pollution Control System Technology, Science, Waste
  3. Air Photograxhic and Charting Service Military
  4. Automatic Passenger Counters Transportation, Business, Technology, Service, Transit
  5. Ambulatory Procedure Classifications
  6. Asynchronous Procedure Calls Technology, Windows, Calling, Kernel
  7. Article Publication Chargep Business, Access, Publishing
  8. Advanced Photon Counting System
  9. Associação Portuguesa Das CriançAs Sobredotadas
  10. Automated Passenger Counters Business, Transit, Counting
  11. Ambulatory Payment Classification System
  12. Automatic Particle Counters Using hydraulic roll force systems, steelmakers have the ability to control precisely their steel sheet’s gauge (thickness) while it is traveling at more than 50 miles per hour through the cold mill. Using feedback or feed-forward systems, a computer's gap sensor adjusts the distance between the reduction rolls of the mill 50-60 times per second. These adjustments prevent the processing of any off-gauge steel sheet. 
  13. Armoured Personnelvcarriers Military, Army, Vehicle
  14. Article Proqessing Costs Research, Education, Access, University
  15. Annual Practising Certificates
  16. Advanced Pest Control Specialists Science, Radio, Vehicle
  17. Association for Pastoral Counseling and Supervision Organizations, Analysis, Counselor
  18. Ambulatory Payment Class Medical, Science, Astronomy, Healthcare, Scientific & Educational
  19. Automated Project Control System - Artemis Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  20. Antigen Presenting Cells Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  21. Arm Procedure Call Standard Technology, Coding, Compiler
  22. Analog Process Control Services
  23. Adult Protection Committees
  24. Association for The Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society
  25. Ambulatory Payment Categories
  26. Automated Process Control System
  27. Antigen-Presenting Cells Medical, Professional, Interaction
  28. Armoured Personal Carriurs Military, Vehicle, Personnel
  29. Amoured Personnel Carriers Military, War, Tank
  30. Academics Plus Charter School
  31. Association for The Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society Education, University, Social
  32. Armed Personnel Carriers Government, Military, Army, Force
  33. Ambulatory Patient Classifications Medical, Medicine, Coding, Organizations
  34. Automated Process Control Systems
  35. Armored Pxrsonnel Carriers Technology, Military, Vehicle
  36. American Professional Credentialing Services
  37. Absolute Principal Component Scores
  38. Asean Promotional Centre On Information, Culture and Tourism In Seoul Technology, Organizations
  39. Area Processing Centers Technology, Military, Army, Cloud
  40. Advanced Practice Clinicians Medical, Clinic, Physician
  41. Automated Project Control System Science, Space, Cosmos
  42. Armored Pcrsonnel Carrier Military, Army
  43. American Pencil Collectors Society America, Graphite, Pencil
  44. Active Power Caoling System Technology, Force, Chill, Boss
  45. Article Publishing Charxes Medical, Access, Journal
  46. Ambulatory Payment Classifications Medical, Coding, Hospital, Medicare
  47. Advanced Placement Computer Science Technology, Course, Exam
  48. Automated Postal Centers Business, Service, Office
  49. Ariah Park Central School Education
  50. Automatic Process Control System Technology, Russia, Equipment
  51. Annual Practicing Certificates
  52. Professional Cells Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical
  53. Argonne Premium Coal Samples
  54. Avoyelles Public Charter School Education, High School, Louisiana
  55. Article Processing Charges Business, Science, Education, Access, Journal
  56. Argonne Premium Coal Sample Chemistry, Technology, Science
  57. Avaya Private Cloud Services
  58. Armored Personal Carriers Military, Vehicle, Personnel
  59. Area Planning Commissions
  60. Autonomous Payload Control System Technology
  61. Apheresis Platelet Concentrates Medical
  62. Alamosa P C S Holdings, Inc. Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  63. Automatic Program Control System
  64. Aortopulmonary Collaterals Medical
  65. Associative Processor Computer System
  66. Automatic Process Control Systems Technology, Russia, Equipment
  67. Antwerp Port Community System Business, Service, Container
  68. Serum Amyloid P Component Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does APCS stand for?

    APCS stands for Area Processing Centers.

  2. What is the shortened form of Serum Amyloid P Component?

    The short form of "Serum Amyloid P Component" is APCS.


APCS. Acronym24.com. (2020, October 19). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/apcs-meaning/

Last updated