APLL Meaning

The APLL meaning is "Advancing Public Library Leadership". The APLL abbreviation has 13 different full form.

APLL Full Forms

  1. Advancing Public Library Leadership Libraries, Reading, Books
  2. Accountants Professional Limited Liability Business, Accounting, Finance
  3. Academy of Persian Language and Literature
  4. Analogue Phase Locked Loop Technology, Signal, Clock
  5. Analog Phase Locked Loop Technology, Circuit, Clock
  6. Analog Phase-Locked Loop Technology, Circuit, Clock
  7. Alexandria Potomac Little League
  8. Apolo Gold, Inc. Organizations
  9. Analog Programmable Logic Lattice
  10. Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Science, Language, Linguistics
  11. Associação Portuguesa De Leucemias E Linfomas
  12. Associate Product Lead for Logistics
  13. Aragona Pembroke Little League

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does APLL stand for?

    APLL stands for Analog Phase Locked Loop.

  2. What is the shortened form of Apolo Gold, Inc.?

    The short form of "Apolo Gold, Inc." is APLL.


APLL. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/apll-meaning/

Last updated