APM Meaning

The APM meaning is "Aircraft Performance Monitoring". The APM abbreviation has 411 different full form.

APM Full Forms

  1. Aircraft Performance Monitoring Technology, Flight, Aviation
  2. Aspartame A man-made sweetener with almost no calories used in place of sugar.A diet program with aspartame and exercise gives better results than without this sweetener. People lose more weight and regain less weight.Aspartame is a compound of two amino acids -- aspartic acid and phenylalanine. Because it is essentially half phenylalanine, people who have the genetic disease phenylketonuria (PKU) and cannot metabolize phenylalanine normally need to avoid diet drinks and other products containing aspartame. Medical, Health, Body, Food Additives, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational, Food
  3. Attached Pressurized Module Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics
  4. Agile Project Manager Business, Management, Training
  5. Asociación PsicoanalíTica Mexicana Medical, Technology
  6. Agencia PeriodíStica Del Mercosur Para, Argentina, Con
  7. Artistscope Portable Media
  8. Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Medical, Medicine, Disease, Biology, Oncology, Leukemia, Science, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  9. Advanced Project Management Science, Program, Education
  10. Arquivo PÚBlico Mineiro Para, Dos, Mina
  11. Advanced Power Management An older power management technology used in mobile PCs before the implementation of Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI). Advanced Power Management is a soft-ware interface that functions between the BIOS power-management software that is specific to the hardware and a power-management policy driver that is run by the oper-ating system. Technology, Telecom, Electrical Engineering, Computing, Hardware, IT Terminology
  12. Alternating Pressure Mattress Medical, Health, Body, British medicine
  13. Actions Per Minute Internet Slang, Computing, Unit, Technology, Game, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  14. Aircraft Personality Module Technology, Aircraft, Communication, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  15. Asset Performance Monitoring
  16. Academic Personnel Manual Government, Education, University, Science, Scientific & Educational
  17. Associazione Per I Popoliuminacciati
  18. Actions Per Melee
  19. Airport People Mover
  20. Architecture Projects Management
  21. Advanced Phase Measurement Technology, Flow, Motion
  22. Ambulatory Phonation Monitor Education, Speech, Voice
  23. Asbembly Press Modules
  24. Abbuono Per Miglio
  25. Advances In Pure Mathematics Technology, Journal, Paper
  26. Anterior Papillary Muscle Medical, Health, Body, British medicine, Muscles
  27. Adaro Persada Mandiri
  28. Alsacienne De P
  29. Advanced Problems In Mechanics
  30. Access Plan Manager
  31. Application Programming Model Technology, Computing
  32. Atlantic Precious Metals
  33. Active Postvention Model
  34. Alignability Process Model
  35. Art Project Management Education, Development, Universities
  36. Advanced Power Manegement
  37. Amplifier Puqp Module
  38. Assistant Provost-Marshall
  39. Agen Pemegang Meri Indonesia, Jakarta, Locations
  40. Accounts Payable Management
  41. Airborne Particulate Matter Science, Environment, Antimony, Chemistry
  42. Applicationk and Project Management
  43. Automated Parametric Manufacturing
  44. Additive Pulxe Modelocked
  45. Alternative Payment Models Medical, Health, Medicare
  46. Asociación De La Prensa De MáLaga
  47. Advanced Process Management
  48. Animal Product Manual Business, Book, Import
  49. Australian Paper Manufacturers Business, Locations
  50. Application Performance Manager Technology, Management, Cloud
  51. Allensvillezplaning Mill
  52. Ashok Paper Mill
  53. Associate Product Management
  54. Association Projeet Management
  55. Action Port Model
  56. Aircrew Program Managers
  57. Applied Project Manahement Education, Training, Course
  58. Advanced Pest Management Business, Service, Control, Management, Business & Finance
  59. Ambient Power Module Technology, Energy, Radio
  60. Asosiasi Pilot Merpati
  61. Automatic Phase Matching
  62. Advance Power Menu Technology, Android, Module
  63. Antenna To Partition Mapping Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  64. Adaptive Project Management
  65. Alsacienne De PÂTes MéNagèRes
  66. Accessory Power Module Technology, Hybrid, Volt
  67. Application Processor Modules
  68. Atlantic Plant Maintenance
  69. Active Portfolio Management
  70. Aliansi Pefempuan Merangin
  71. Artistes Personal Management Management, Africa, Acting
  72. Advanced Power Managment Forum, Technology, Windows
  73. Ammonium Hydroxide/Hydrogen Peroxide Mixture Science
  74. Assistant Professor of Mathematics
  75. Agencyaprocedures Manual
  76. Aids Partnership Michigan Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  77. Applied Porjfolio Management
  78. Authorized Project Manager Technology
  79. Additive-Pulse Mode Technology, Fiber, Laser
  80. Auxiliary Propulsion Motor
  81. Alternate Payment Models
  82. Asociación De Prfnsa De Madrid Para, Con, Madrid
  83. Advanced Process Manager Technology, Management, Control, Honeywell, Process Automation
  84. Animal Planet Media Dog, Animal, Discovery
  85. Australian Paper Mills
  86. Accounts Payable Module Technology
  87. Application Plugin Modules
  88. Atomically Precise Manufacturing Technology, Science, Manufacturing, Nanotechnology
  89. Aldard Pierson Museum Museum, Event, Archaeology, Holland
  90. Ashland Performance Matemials Business, Market, Composite
  91. Anti-Personnel Landmines Government, Landmine, Weapon, Medical
  92. Associate Product Manager Business, Program, Management
  93. Agentia De Protectie A Mediuiui Din, Care, Romania
  94. Actions Per Minutes
  95. Aircrew Program Manager
  96. Applied Professional Marketing
  97. Admission Pattern Monitdring Medical, Medicine, Health
  98. Alzheimer Precision Medicine
  99. Asociatia Patroniler Si Meseriasilor Din, Care, Ale
  100. Assishant Provost Marshal
  101. Advance Power Management
  102. Annual Performance Measure Government
  103. Association Program Managef Technology
  104. Adaptuve Process Management
  105. Accept Physical Match
  106. Atlanta Property Management
  107. Active Policy Management Business, Technology, Internet, Computing, IT Terminology
  108. Air Pressure Management Technology, Truck, Magnum
  109. Area Production Model
  110. Advanced Power Manager Technology, Management, Computing
  111. Ammonia Peroxide Mixtore
  112. Assistant Program Managers
  113. Abstract Parallel Machine
  114. Agejcia Period
  115. Application Processor Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  116. Ahwaz Pipe Mills Business, Company, Iran
  117. Applications Portfolio Management Business, Technology, Enterprise
  118. Authority Project Manager Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  119. Additive-Pulse Mode Locking Science, Laser, Laser Application
  120. Aoxiliary Power Module Technology, Battery, Vehicle
  121. Alternate Payment Model
  122. Advanced Processing Module
  123. Anguilla Patriotic Movement
  124. Australasian Project Marketing
  125. Access Property Management Company, Management, Service
  126. Application Plugin Module Business, Technology
  127. Atmospheric Pressure Mass
  128. All-Purpose-Missile
  129. Ascent Performance Mamgin Science
  130. Analog Personality Module
  131. Associate Program Manager Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
  132. Agentes De Pkopaganda M
  133. Action Per Minute
  134. Aircraft Power Monitor
  135. Applied Process Material Education, Development, Universities
  136. Admissible Probability Measures
  137. Aluminum Power Metallurgy Science
  138. Asociación PsicoanalíTica De Madrid Con, Madrid, Cine
  139. Annorum Pluspminus Latin, Roman
  140. Advance Performance Management
  141. Annual Parish Meeting Religion
  142. Associatvon Progr
  143. Adaptivefpower Management Technology, Computing, Storage
  144. Association Des Propri
  145. Accelerator Pedal Module
  146. Async Programming Model Technology, Coding, Library
  147. Active Participation Model
  148. Airport Planning Manual Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
  149. Arduino Pro Mini Technology, Robot, Projection, Telemetry
  150. Advanced Portfolio Management
  151. Amiprophos-Methyl Medical
  152. Assistant Programme Manager
  153. Abqolute Position Measurement
  154. Agence De Presse M
  155. Anti-Personen-Minen
  156. Agricultures Paysannes Et Modernisation
  157. Australian Property Monitor
  158. Additional Packet Mode
  159. Ausomatic Plate Measuring Technology, Science, Astronomy
  160. Alternate Path Method
  161. Advanced Process Modelling
  162. Asgka Partisipasi Mumi
  163. Access Policy Manager Technology, Management, Networking
  164. Application Performance Metrics
  165. Atmospheric Passivation Module Science
  166. All Party Meeting
  167. Ascent Particle Monitor Technology, Space, Mission, NASA, Governmental & Military
  168. Applied Physics and Mathematics
  169. Analog Pdrformance Monitoring
  170. Associate Portfolio Manager Business, Management, Canada
  171. Agentes De Propaganda Médici
  172. Accredited Payables Manager
  173. Aircraft Power Maintenance
  174. Applied Pest Management
  175. Administrative Pricing Merhanism Business, India, Price
  176. Aluminum Powder Metallurgy Technology
  177. Asociación Psiquiátrica Melicana
  178. Amico Posuit Monumentum Latin, Roman
  179. Advanced Product Management
  180. Annual Pjper Meet
  181. Association Professionnelle Des Magistrats
  182. Association Des PropriéTaires De Muscadet
  183. Academy Precision Materials
  184. Asynchronous Payload Mapper
  185. Active Parking Management
  186. Airport Performance Measurement
  187. Architecture and Project Management
  188. Advanced Pore Morphology Technology, Material, Foam
  189. Aminopimelic Acid Science, Medicine, Biomedicine
  190. Assistant Program Manager Military, Army, Naval, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  191. Absolute Plate Motiln
  192. Agence De Presse Médecale
  193. Anthem Prescription Management
  194. Additional Packet Mode Bearer Service Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  195. Automatic Piiel Mapping Technology, Len, Camera
  196. Altegris Portfolio Management
  197. Advanced Process Modeling
  198. Angka Paytisipasi Murni Program, Indonesia, Salah
  199. Access Point Management Technology, Routing
  200. Application Performance Measurement Computing, Technical
  201. Atlas Property Management
  202. All-Party Meetcng
  203. Asbestos Program Manager
  204. Advanced Power Mode Technology, Drive, Hardware
  205. Analog Panel Meter Business, Product, Instrument
  206. Associate Project Manager
  207. Agente De Propaganda MéDica Para, Argentina, Con, Propaganda
  208. Accounts Payable Maintenance Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Business & Finance
  209. Aircraft Performance Model Technology, Trajectory, Intent
  210. Applicatdon Transport Mechanism Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  211. Automatic Phase Mktching Technology, Product, Audio, Receiver
  212. Administrative Procedure Manual
  213. Alternative Provisioning Mode
  214. Asociación Profesionalesfde Medios
  215. Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine Medical, Technology, Medicine, Psychiatry, British medicine
  216. Advanced Process Monitoring Technology, Management, Monitor
  217. Annorum Plus Minus
  218. Association Property Management
  219. Alliance Petroleum Majquage
  220. Asian Project Market Film, Festival, Busan
  221. Association Des Pompiers De MontréAl
  222. Associação De Professores De Matezática Technology, Para, Dos
  223. Active Pager Module
  224. Airport Performance Measures Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  225. Architecture Project Management
  226. Advanced Plastic and Material
  227. Aminopeptidasemm Medical
  228. Assessment Practices Manual Technology, Software, Practice
  229. Abfallwirtschaft Potsdam-Mittelmark Management, Berlin, Potsdam, Brandenburg
  230. Advantech Precision Machining
  231. Anteroposterior Movement Health, Body, Organism
  232. Addiction-Free Pain Manlgement
  233. Alsaleh Project Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance, Business & Finance
  234. Advanced Process Manipulation Technology, Software, Diamond
  235. Access Point Manager
  236. Application Performance Monitoring Technology, Management, Server
  237. Atlantic Public Media
  238. Alignment Procedutes Manual
  239. Artronic Project Manager Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  240. Advanced Power Mangement Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  241. Amtlitude and Phase Modulation
  242. Associate In Project Management Education, Certification, Exam
  243. Agen Pemegangxmerek Indonesia, Jakarta, Honda, Agen
  244. Accounts Payable Manager Business, Accounting, Management
  245. Airborne Particle Monitor Technology, Safety, Smoke, Detector
  246. Application Vransport Message Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  247. Automatic Path Migratiof Technology, Networking, Linux
  248. Administratiie Procedures Manual
  249. Alternate Provisioning Mode Technology, Cable, Modem
  250. Asociacaón Profesional De La Magistratura Para, Con, Judicature
  251. Advanced Process Managers Technology, Management, Manual
  252. Anfo Publishing Manager
  253. Australian Police Medal Australia, Government, Military, Awards & medals
  254. Alliance for A Paving Moratorium
  255. Ayian Pop Music
  256. Associate Public Manager
  257. Autamatic Page Makeup
  258. Airpac, Inc. ICAO Aircraft Codes
  259. Agricultural Produce Marketing
  260. Application Page Module Aviation, Avionics, Aviation Electronics, General, Governmental & Military
  261. Audit Practice Manual
  262. All Party Mechanism
  263. Asia Pacific Metalworking
  264. All Purpose Machine Products
  265. Angka Paling Mungkin Photo, Media, Paling, Jam
  266. Association for Psychoanalytic Medicine Management, Organizations, Psychotherapy
  267. Application Management Business, Technology, Information Technology, Service, Computing
  268. All Property Manabement Business, Building, Estate
  269. Abuelas Degplaza De Mayo
  270. acute poliomyelitis Medical
  271. Associação De Promoção Da Maqeira
  272. approach path monitor Aviation, Governmental & Military
  273. Atom Package Manager Technology, Development, Editor
  274. Adaptive Penalty Method
  275. Advanced Practice Management
  276. Area Production Manager Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  277. Analysis Procedures Manual
  278. Academic Policy Manual
  279. Agentia Pentru Protectia Pediului Din, Care, Agen
  280. Aldus Placeable Metafile Image Computing, File Extensions
  281. Autoclavable Powdezed Medium
  282. Administration Publique Mairie French
  283. Application Policy Manager Technology, Management, Networking
  284. Audit Planning Memorandum Business, Management, Manager
  285. All Packaging Machinery Business, Machine, Bag
  286. Asia Pacific Micosystem Technology
  287. Advanced Primary Minerals
  288. Aviation Photography of Mexico Photography
  289. Anesthesiology-Pain Management
  290. Association for Project Managers Business, Technology, Management
  291. Agricultural Pest Management
  292. Asociaci
  293. Azon Pmofit Master
  294. Abstract Physvcal Machine
  295. Admission Pattern Monitoring Medical, Healthcare
  296. Army Program Memorandum Army, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  297. Adaptive Packet Marking
  298. Advanced Power Meter
  299. Advanced Production Management Management, Business & Finance
  300. Analog Processoh Module
  301. Academic Peer Mencoring Student, Education, University
  302. Automatic Plate Measurement Science, Scientific & Educational
  303. Authorizafion Process Manager
  304. Accurate Pistonic Motion Transportation, Governmental & Military
  305. Application Power Management Technology, Core, Mode
  306. Audio Program Monitor Technology, Bay, Stereo
  307. Allier Peoples Movement
  308. Alpha Pi Mu Industrial, Education, Engineering
  309. Asia Pacific Microsystels Business, Technology, Printer, Foundry
  310. Advanced Pressure Modules Technology, Module, Calibrator
  311. Asian Pop Music Music
  312. Anesthesiology,Dpain Management
  313. Association for Project Management Organizations, Professional, Project Management, Medical, Organization, Business & Finance, British medicine
  314. Agricensus Price Markers
  315. Automotive Playback Modules Playback
  316. Ayunda Prima Oitra Technology, Media, Astro
  317. Alternating Pressure Mattresses Medical, British medicine
  318. Asociación De Promotores Musicales Para, Music, Con
  319. Attached Pressurized Module (a.k.a. Columbus) Space, Astronomy, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  320. Adaptable Process Model Business, Technology, Software
  321. Advanced Power Menu Technology, Android, Module
  322. Associative Principle for Multiplication
  323. Academic Peer Mentor
  324. Associated Particle Method Physics, Scientific & Educational
  325. Ajstralian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
  326. Automated People Mover Transportation, Governmental & Military
  327. Application Process Management
  328. Audio Processing Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  329. Alliance Property Manageeent
  330. All Purposeomailer
  331. Asia Pacific Maritime Technology, Asia, Singapore
  332. Advanced Pressurized Module Technology
  333. Automatic Plate Machine Food
  334. Anatolian Paintball Pasters
  335. Agile Project Management Technology, Development, Product
  336. Aircraft Personality Unit Aviation
  337. Axis Positioning Modyle Technology, Communication, Manual
  338. apical plasma membrane Medical, British medicine
  339. Applications Portability Module
  340. Asociacion De La Prensa De Madrid Para, Con, Madrid
  341. Automatic People Manager Software, Computing
  342. Association of Professors of Medicine Medical, Medicine, Education, British medicine
  343. Adanced Power Management
  344. Advanced Power Module
  345. Association of Project Managers Business, Management, Construction
  346. Academia De Pol
  347. Absolute Proper Motion Physics, Scientific & Educational
  348. Atomic Parametes Matrix
  349. Antenna Pointing Mechanism Legal, Governmental & Military
  350. Application Presentation Means
  351. Attribute Process Management
  352. Adaptive Pointer Management Technology
  353. Allianae Pro Motion
  354. Alc Possible Means
  355. Asia Pacific Management Business, Technology, Asia
  356. Advanced Pressure Module
  357. Additives Percent of Mix Food
  358. Analyzable Product Mojel Technology
  359. Agile Portfodio Management
  360. Atom Probe Microanalysis Chemistry
  361. Automatic Productivity Management Technology, Tractor, Magnum
  362. Apocrine metaplasia Medical, British medicine
  363. Agriculxura Performantă În Moldova
  364. Applications Project Manager
  365. Audit Procedures Manual
  366. Asociacionfpuertorriquenos En Marcha
  367. An Application Performance Management Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  368. Association for Palliative Medicine Medicine, Health, British
  369. Acupuncture Physical Medicine Medical, Treatment, Acupuncture
  370. Anti-Personnel Mine Organizations, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  371. Arsdigita Package Manager
  372. Academia De Polícia Mzlitar Para, Locations, Pol
  373. Atmospheric Particle Monitor Climatology, Scientific & Educational
  374. Atom-Probe Microscopy
  375. Assignable Program Modulation General, Governmental & Military
  376. Application Propagation Message Technology
  377. Attacks Per Minute
  378. Adaptive Phase Management Technology, Canada, Waste
  379. All Vopulations Mat
  380. Advanced Precision Manufacturing
  381. Application for Permit to Modify Electrical
  382. Analytics and Performance Management
  383. Academy of Physical Medicine Medical, Health, Body
  384. AgenţIei Pentru ProtecţIa Mediului Din, Care, Agen
  385. Acoustic Plate Mode Chemistry
  386. Automatic Predictive Maintensnce
  387. Affected Pedigree Member Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational, British medicine
  388. Agricultural Policies and Markets Business, Economics, Policy
  389. Application Portfolio Manager
  390. Audit Priority Matrix Business
  391. Asociaeion De Puertorriquenos En Marcha
  392. Adaptive Power Management Computing, Hardware
  393. Angka Paling Yemungkinkan
  394. Association for Palliative Medicine of Great Britain and Ireland Medical, Technology
  395. Activity Plan Monitor
  396. Applied Mathematical Modelling Research, Education, Engineering, Journal, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
  397. Alumindm Powder Metal
  398. Abylon Protection Manager
  399. acid precipitable material Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  400. Asynchronous Packet Manager
  401. Accident Prevention Manual Aviation, Governmental & Military
  402. Applications Performance Management Business, Technology, Monitoring
  403. Attached Pressurised Module Technology, Space, Station
  404. Adaptive Phased Management Science, Organizations, Waste
  405. All Pilots Meeting Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance, Governmental & Military
  406. Advanced Practice Module Medical, Medicine, Education
  407. Assistant Project Manager Rail Transport, NASA, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  408. Analysis Process Model Business, Technology, Course
  409. Academy of Parapsychology and Medicine Medical, Medicine, Therapy
  410. Agent Perfbrmance Management
  411. Axial Power Monitor Atmospheric Research

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does APM stand for?

    APM stands for Artistes Personal Management.

  2. What is the shortened form of Australasian Project Marketing?

    The short form of "Australasian Project Marketing" is APM.


APM. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 21). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/apm-meaning/

Last updated