APO Meaning

The APO meaning is "Alcohol Procurement Officer". The APO abbreviation has 38 different full form.

APO Full Forms

  1. Alcohol Procurement Officer Occupation & positions
  2. abductor pollicis obliquus Medical, British medicine
  3. Automated Purchase Order NASA, Governmental & Military
  4. Advanced Planning Optimizer Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  5. Administrative Policy Office Atmospheric Research
  6. Apo Island Time Time Zones
  7. Apprentice Police Officer Occupation & positions
  8. adverse pregnancy outcomes Medical, British medicine
  9. Ad Per Offer General, Governmental & Military
  10. Apache Point Observatory Organization, Astronomy, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational
  11. Auxiliary Plant Operator Business & Finance, Power Plant
  12. Army Post Office Postal, United States, Us Post, postal service
  13. Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra Music
  14. adriamycin, predisone, oncovin Medical, British medicine
  15. Authorized Personnel Only General, Governmental & Military
  16. American Community Properties Trust Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  17. Amorphous Polyolefin Chemistry, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
  18. Apartadó, Apartadó, Colombia Colombia, Iata Airport Codes
  19. Amateur Philatelists Organization Hobbies
  20. Apolipoprotein Apolipoproteins are proteins that bind lipids (oil-soluble substances such as fat and cholesterol) to form lipoproteins. They transport the lipids through the lymphatic and circulatory systems. The lipid components of lipoproteins are insoluble in water. Medical, British medicine
  21. IEEE Article Purchase Online Computing, Master IEEE
  22. Automatic Payment Order Accounting, Business & Finance
  23. Acute Pulmonary Oedema Medical, Physiology, Common Medical, Clinical
  24. Apartado, Colombia Airport codes
  25. Apogee  That point in a terrestrial orbit which is farthest from the Earth.  OR On an elliptical orbit path, the point at which a satellite is farthest from the Earth. OR The most distant point from the centre of the earth to an orbit around it Geographic
  26. Autonomous Provider Organisation Medical, British medicine
  27. Automatic Power Off Computing, Hardware
  28. Aeropro Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  29. apomorphine hydrochloride Medical, British medicine
  30. Army/Air Force Post Office Us Government, Governmental & Military
  31. Advanced Planner Optimizer Computing, Amateur radio, IT Terminology, SAP
  32. autonomous period of operation Medical, British medicine
  33. Accountable Property Officer Occupation & positions
  34. anti-apolipoprotein Medical, British medicine
  35. Office of Aviation Policy and Plans Transportation, Governmental & Military
  36. Alpha Phi Omega United States, Student Organization, Business & Finance
  37. Aq.-phase Oxidn. Chemistry
  38. Apomorphine Medical, British medicine

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does APO stand for?

    APO stands for autonomous period of operation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Amateur Philatelists Organization?

    The short form of "Amateur Philatelists Organization" is APO.


APO. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 26). Retrieved February 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/apo-meaning/

Last updated