APP Meaning
The APP meaning is "Application". The APP abbreviation has 75 different full form.
APP Full Forms
- Application An application, or application program, is a software program that runs on your computer. Web browsers, e-mail programs, word processors, games, and utilities are all applications. The word "application" is used because each program has a specific application for the user. For example, a word processor can help a student create a research paper, while a video game can prevent the student from getting the paper done. Technology, Us, Telecom, Telecommunications, Homeland Security, Capability Assurance Job Aid, Management, Computing, General, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Cisco Wireless, Security, Internet Slang, Military, Army, Software, Texting, Chat, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Legal
- Approach A final approach is the last leg in an aircraft's approach to landing, when the aircraft is lined up with the runway and descending for landing. Technology, Military, Army, Ordnance Survey, Aviation, Governmental & Military, NOTAM Contractions, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- amyloid precursor polypeptide Medical, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- appointed Genealogy
- Appearance Appearance can mean the following, the act or process of appearing, outward look or aspect, the coming into court of either party to a suit or action, outward impressions, indications, or circumstances, the sensory aspect of existence or to attend a gathering. The Finance and Administrative Services
- Association of Partnership Practitioners Accounting, Business & Finance
- Application Programming Platform Security, Governmental & Military, Honeywell, Process Automation
- Average Physical Product Chemistry, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Accredited Purchasing Practitioner Occupation & positions
- APPRENTICE A minor who has been bound by indentures to serve a shipowner for a specified period usually three or four years in return for instruction in the duties of a deck officer, together with food, accommodation, and such money payments as may be agreed Terms of apprenticeship are governed by Merchant Shipping Acts. Management, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank, Genealogy
- Approved Pathology Practitioner Australia
- Foxpro Generated Application Computing, File Extensions
- Asociación Política Proverista Politics, Governmental & Military
- Abeta-protein precursor Medical, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Appendix A small outpouching from the beginning of the large intestine. Medical, Genealogy, Physiology, Legal, Governmental & Military, NAACCR, Media, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Art In Public Places Education
- Average Purchase Price Accounting, Business & Finance
- Application Marker Security, Governmental & Military
- Audio Psycho Phonology Medical, Physiology
- Australian Pharmacy Professional Occupation & positions
- Appointment Medical, Management, Dental, Healthcare, Real Estate, General, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Common Medical, Unclassified, Physiology, Clinical
- Asapa Airport, Asapa, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes, Papua New Guinea
- Symbian Os Application Computing, File Extensions
- Approach Astrophysics Payload NASA, Governmental & Military
- Amyloid Precursor Medical, Biomedical
- Appearances Baseball, Sport
- Assessing Pupils Progress Education
- Application Program Processor Security, Governmental & Military
- Appears Medical, Physiology, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Average Pensionable Pay Occupation & positions
- Audio Playback Peripheral Playback
- Actual Preproductive Period Financial, Business & Finance
- Appreciate See appreciation. Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Mac Os X Application Computing, File Extensions
- Advance Procurement Package NASA, Governmental & Military
- Amyloid Precursor Protein Medical, Chemistry, Science, Biomedical, Laboratory, Biochemistry, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Accelerator Pedal Position Auto
- Acoustic Phase Plate Chemistry
- Application Transport Parameter Security, Governmental & Military
- Amyloid Precurser Protein Medical, Human genome
- Annual Program Plan Integrated Ocean Observing System
- Availability Parts Program
- Approximate Not exact, around or about. Medical, Dental, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Knitting, Crochet, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, Physiology, Weather, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Office of Airport Planning and Programming Transportation, Governmental & Military
- AVHRR Polar Pathfinder Science, Scientific & Educational
- Apparently Legal, Governmental & Military, Medical, NAACCR, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Abeta precursor protein Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Annual Possession Plan Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Applications Portability Profile Military, Governmental & Military
- Approach Control A control station in an air traffic control centre that guides an aircraft while it is making its approach Military, Aviation, Governmental & Military, NOTAM Contractions
- Application Program Package Security, Governmental & Military
- as per protocol Medical, Common Medical
- Annual Performance Plan Housing and Urban
- Annual Procurement Plan Federal Aviation Administration
- Automobile Purchase Plan Banking, Business & Finance
- Accelerator Pedal Postion Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Atactic Poly Propylene Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Application-specific functions Security, Computing, Technical, Governmental & Military
- Asociación Profesional de Policías Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Austin Park Police Texas
- Advanced Procurement Plan Military, Governmental & Military
- Amyloid Beta Protein Precursor Medical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Application Portability Profile Security, Governmental & Military
- Alzheimer Precursor Protein Medical, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational, Human genome
- aprpoximately Genealogy
- Atactic propylene The Finance and Administrative Services
- APA Financial Services, LTD. Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Applications Programme Department Security, Meteorological, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- amyloid ß-protein precursor Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
- Application Program A computer program that accomplishes specific tasks, such as word processing. Security, Computing, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
- Association of Professional Piercers Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Aerolíneas Pacífico Atlántico, S.A. (Apair) ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Appendix Auxiliary Power Plant Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Amyloid Beta Peptide Medical, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Application Peering Protocol Security, Governmental & Military
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does APP stand for?
APP stands for Accelerator Pedal Postion.
What is the shortened form of Application Program?
The short form of "Application Program" is APP.
APP. (2022, April 21). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from
Last updated