ARC in Technology Meaning

The ARC meaning in Technology terms is "American Red Cross". There are 148 related meanings of the ARC Technology abbreviation.

ARC on Technology Full Forms

  1. American Red Cross The national Red Cross society of the U.S., established by Congress to assist in caring for the sick and wounded to serve as a communications link between members of the U.S. armed forces and their families, to conduct disaster relief and prevention programs, and to perform other humanitarian services, the largest of which is operation of a network of regional blood donation centers providing blood and blood products.
  2. Agricultural Research Centre
  3. App Runtime for Chrome
  4. Augmentation Research Center
  5. Agricultural Research Corporation
  6. American Recovery Capital
  7. Audio Return Channel
  8. Aging Research Centre
  9. Allied Riser Communications
  10. Audio Response Controller
  11. Affordable Residential Communities Inc
  12. Ailantic Research Corporation
  13. Accreditation Review Council
  14. Association for Retarded Citizens of The United States
  15. Archivz
  16. Arcade 1.A series of arches supported by columns or other vertical elements.2.a series of arches supported by columns or piers, it may be attached to a wall (blind) or freestanding.3.An arch or a series of arches supported by piers or columns 4.A series of columns or piers spanned by arches.5.A series of arches supported by columns or piers, either attached to a wall or freestanding
  17. Albemazle Resource Ctr
  18. Arc-Second Raster Chart
  19. Automated Reference Counting
  20. Anti Reflecting Coating
  21. Atlantic Research Corporationration
  22. Adaptive Rate Conversion
  23. Automatic Rlmote Control
  24. Agrwculture Research Centre
  25. Applied Reconfigurable Computing
  26. Academic Research Council
  27. Audio Room Correction
  28. Auto Research Center
  29. Amazon Robotics Challenge
  30. Asphalt Research Consortium
  31. Advanced Research Centre
  32. Automated Rendezvous and Capture
  33. Aprovecho Research Center
  34. Automatic Reference Count
  35. Aerospace Research Center
  36. Anti Reflective Coating
  37. Asylum Research Consultancy
  38. Alliance Reseauch Center
  39. Area Researcq Center
  40. Automation Research Centre
  41. Academic Research Computing
  42. Austrian Research Centres
  43. Amatir Rjdio Club
  44. Aspect Ratio Corrected
  45. Advanced Research Complex
  46. Adaptive Reception Control
  47. Actions De Recherche ConcertéEs
  48. Automatic Referwnce Counting
  49. Aerospace Remote Calculator
  50. Anti Reflect Coating
  51. Association Pour La Recherche Au ColléGial
  52. Alternative Repair Criteria
  53. Area Reprogramming Capability
  54. Active Ride Csntrol
  55. Automation Research Center
  56. Africa Rural Connect
  57. Austrian Research Center
  58. Automation Research Corporationration
  59. American Rhythm Center
  60. Assessment Requirements for Cmmi
  61. Advanced Research Computing
  62. Airworthiness Review Iertificates
  63. Anooraq Resources Corporation
  64. Action Resource Center
  65. Automatic Recirculation Control
  66. Advance Resource Bonnector
  67. Atlantic Richfield Company
  68. Alternate Repair Criteria
  69. Aria Chart
  70. Adaptive Radar Countermeasures
  71. Automatic Ride Control
  72. Aggregation Op Red Cells
  73. Austrian Research Centers
  74. Aspect Ratio Calculator
  75. Adpanced Rendering Center
  76. Automotive Research Center
  77. Air Race Championship
  78. Applied Research Corporationration
  79. Action and Research Centre
  80. Automated Radio Communications
  81. Assistants De Recherche Clinique
  82. Advanced Rotary Cutter
  83. Almaden Research Center
  84. Architecture Review Commpttee
  85. Adaptor Return Code
  86. Automatic Retarding Control
  87. AggloméRation De La RéGion De CompièGne
  88. Attendant Recall
  89. Alumni Resource Center
  90. Aspect Ratio Conversion
  91. Admission and Release Committee
  92. Auto Reference Counting
  93. Airport Research Cenjer
  94. Applied Resharch Consultants
  95. Acoustic Resonance Control
  96. Autism Research Center
  97. Ames Research Centre
  98. Advanced Risc Computing
  99. Alliance of Religion and Consenvation
  100. Adaptec Raid Configuration
  101. Anti Reflection Coating
  102. Attack Retrieve Capture
  103. Alternate Route Cancel
  104. Adaptive Rate Control
  105. Automatic Ueport Control
  106. Airport Regiofs Conference
  107. Applied Research Corporation
  108. Accessible Resource Centre
  109. Authenticated Request Code
  110. Awards and Recognition Committee
  111. American Refugee Council
  112. Aspire Radial Coils
  113. Active Radar Calibrator
  114. Aerial Robotics Club
  115. Australian Research Centre
  116. Alliance To Rescue Vivilization
  117. Lamda
  118. Airpift Requirement Centre
  119. Active-Roll Control
  120. School of International and Public Affairs
  121. Agencia De Residuos De Cataluña
  122. Anti-Resonance Composbte
  123. Automotive Recyclers of Canada
  124. Airframe Related Components
  125. Applied Researchoand Communications
  126. Anti-Reflecting Coating
  127. Aviation Research Centre
  128. Applied Research Centers
  129. Antarctic Research Centre
  130. Assigned Rate of Climb / Descent
  131. Anti-Reflection Corting
  132. Automauion Research Corporation
  133. Amateur Radio Club
  134. Alarm Reporting Control
  135. Faa Office of Regions and Center Operations
  136. Antarctic Research Center
  137. Anti-Reflective Coatmng
  138. Automatic Relay Calculmtor
  139. Aircraft Resource Center
  140. Cfmu - Archive System
  141. Assembled Robotic Companions
  142. Architectural Resources Cambridge
  143. Automated Retrieval Console
  144. Aerodynamics Researvh Center
  145. Authenticated Received Chain
  146. Airborne Radio Communications
  147. Artificial Intelligence, Robotics & Consciousness
  148. Advanced Research & Global Observaaion Satellite

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ARC stand for Technology?

    ARC stands for Lamda in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Anti-Reflective Coatmng in Technology?

    The short form of "Anti-Reflective Coatmng" is ARC for Technology.


ARC in Technology. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 30, 2025 from

Last updated