AREI Meaning

The AREI meaning is "Alexandria for Real Estate Investments". The AREI abbreviation has 17 different full form.

AREI Full Forms

  1. Alexandria for Real Estate Investments
  2. Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators
  3. Africa Renewable Energy Initiative Technology, Africa, Climate
  4. American Renewable Energy Institute Technology, America, Summit
  5. Aboriginal Research Ethics Initiative
  6. American Real Estate Investments
  7. American Real Estate Institute
  8. Alexandria Real Estate Investment
  9. Appalachian Regional Entrepreneurship Initiative
  10. Asociación De Representantes De Educación E Intercambio
  11. Avian Research and Education Institute
  12. Armbrust Real Estate Institute
  13. Autosomal Recessive Exfoliative Ichthyosis
  14. Association of Real Estate Investors
  15. Associated Real Estate Inspections
  16. Asset Real Estate and Investment
  17. Asset Real Estate & Investment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AREI stand for?

    AREI stands for Africa Renewable Energy Initiative.

  2. What is the shortened form of American Real Estate Investments?

    The short form of "American Real Estate Investments" is AREI.


AREI. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from

Last updated