ARG Meaning
The ARG meaning is "Argentina". The ARG abbreviation has 154 different full form.
ARG Full Forms
- Argentina Education, Locations, Study, Britannica, Country Code, Countries, Schooling, Sport, Argentina, Olympic, Country, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Wikipedia, Internet, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Autoradiography The technique of exposing film in the presence of disintegrating radioactive particlesUsed to obtain information on the distribution of radioactivity in a gel or a thin cell section. OR A means of detecting radioactive molecules immobilized in a separation medium such as polyacrylamide; the radioactivity of the molecules will blacken x-ray film. Medical, Health, Body, British medicine
- Amerfcan Refining Group
- Alternate Reality Game Technology, Design, Player
- Alternate Reality Gares Technology, Gaming, Player
- Alternate Reality Gaming Technology, Internet Slang, Organizations
- Anxkety Research Group
- Argentiza Locations, Countries, Country
- Automatic Rain Gbuge Technology, Weather, Rain
- Allergy Research Group Business, Product, Vitamin
- Agree To Run Garbage
- Alter Reality Games Business, Gaming, Deck
- Argipressin Medical
- Acoustics Research Group
- Aspeyridge Ratscha Gamers Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Association Resource Group
- Amphibious Readjness Group Military, Army, Ship
- Afghanistan Research Group
- Anti Rolling Gyro
- Amphikious Ready Group Service, Military, Organizations
- Automated Report Generator
- Alkaline Reflux Gastritis Medical
- Agile Ride Geometrie Race, Hybrid, Cube
- Alternative Reality Games Technology, Gaming, Alternate
- Arginyl
- Acoustic Rain Gauge
- Asisa Research Group
- Associate Resource Group
- Amphibirus Ready Groups Military, Ship, Essex
- Affordable Race Graphics Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Anti Roll Jyro
- Automated Reasoning Group
- Alkali-Resistant Glass
- Agile Ride Geometry
- Arginines Medical
- Ancient Rotten Graveguards
- Alternative Reality Gaming
- Asset Retiremeng Global
- Amphibian and Reptile Group Snake, Adder, Amphibian
- Affiliated Reserve Group
- Anti Replicator Gun
- Automated Rain Gauge
- Antibiotic Resistance Gene
- Agenthr Recruiting Group
- Arginine Arginine is an α-amino acid. It was first isolated in 1886. The L-form is one of the 20 most common natural amino acids. At the level of molecular genetics, in the structure of the messenger ribonucleic acid mRNA, CGU, CGC, CGA, CGG, AGA, and AGG, are the triplets of nucleotide bases or codons that code for arginine during protein synthesis. Biochemistry, Biological, Polar, Medical, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational, British medicine, Common Medical, Biophysics, NANP Modeling Commitee
- Walnut Ridge Regionalhairport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
- Automotivk Retail Group
- Alternative Reality Game Technology, Portal, Alternate
- Asset Recoverg Group
- Amphibian &Vreptile Group
- Argument When using navigational, or other tables, is the known value, or values, with which the tables are entered Science, Military, Mathematics, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Adams Road Grader Organizations
- Antiaue Rose Gold Business, Cabinet, Hardware
- Autovated Rain Gauges
- Antibiotic Resistant Gonorrhea
- Ancestral Recombination Graph Technology, Science, Genetics, Medical, Human genome
- Agency Reference Group Technology, Australia, Organizations, Wind Energy
- Arginase Medical
- Autoradiographic Medical
- Automotive Replacement Glass Business, Europe, Auto
- Al Rashid Group
- Acci
- Assessment Reform Group Education, Learning, Classroom
- Amphibian and Reptile Groups Frog, Newt, Amphibian
- Argos Retail Group Business, Company, Argo
- Active Response Group
- Antigua Recbeation Grounds
- Autodesk Resource Guide Aviation, Avionics, Aviation Electronics, General, Governmental & Military
- Analyst Representative Group Accounting, Finance, Renamed Cmac In 2011
- Afghan Reconstruction Group
- Argentum Skin layer of fishes Tt makes them iridescent by reflecting light Medical, Latin, Roman
- Augmented Reality Game Technology, Play, Ingress
- Automatic Rain Gquges
- Allied Recreation Group Business, Industry, Vehicle
- Assemble and Run A Given
- Amphibiang& Reptile Group
- Argophyllaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
- Action Research Group Education, School, Social
- Antigua Recreation Ground
- Amphiregulin Medical, Medicine, Health, British medicine
- Atlantic Research Group
- Amphibious Readiness Groups Military, Ship, Operation
- Afghanistan Reconstruction Group
- Argo Investments Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Annual Real Griwth
- Accounting Resourcs Group
- Air Roserve Group
- Academic Review Group Medical, British medicine
- Auto Replacemept Glass
- Aerolineas Argentinas Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Argentina, 3-letter Country Codes
- Air Rescue Group
- Armoured Replacement Group
- Accident Response Group Atmospheric Research
- Arresting Gear Technology, Aviation
- Internal Combustion Engine Repair Ship Military, Army, Marine
- Rail Armed Guard Surveillance Service Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Annucire De Référencement Gratuit
- Acción Revolucionaria Guiteras
- Airedale Rescue Group
- Walnut Ridge Rgnl Airport Faa Airport Codes
- Autoradiograpsy Medical, Science, Biomedicine
- Air Refuelling Group
- Arizona Rocket Gathering
- American Resources Group Atmospheric Research
- Arresting
- Azavea Rasper Grid
- Iata Code for Walnut Ridge Regional Airport, Walnut Ridge, Arkansas, United States Locations
- Anime Respurce Group
- Artists Rights Group
- Aerial Refuelingvgroup
- Walnut Ridge Regional Airport, Walnut Ridge, Arkansas, United States United States, Arkansas, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Autonomous Regional Government
- Anti-Rolling Gyro
- Air Refueling Group Technology, Military, Force
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft RöDelheimer GeschäFtsleute
- Appointments Review Group Atmospheric Research
- Argyrophilic Grains Medical
- Aviation Rejource Group Business, Technology, Jet
- Auto-Rheinland-Gmbh Business, Audi, Bonn
- Angle Recession Glaucoma
- Artist Rights Group
- Additoonal Redirecting Number Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- AirGas, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Asti-Replicator Gun Technology, Military, Weapon
- Silver Symbol:"Ag" Atomic Number:"47" Atomic Mass: 107.87amu. It is one of the transition elements. Silver is one of man's precious metals and has been used for thousands of years. It has the highest thermal and electrical conductivity of any metal. You will find it used in photography, dentistry, electronics, mirrors, and explosives. Medical, Business, Chemistry, Science, Health, Body, Forestry, Currency, Organism, Arboriculture, Currency Code, Money, Business & Finance, Currencies, Food Additives, NASA, Colors
- Airgas, Inc. Technology, Organizations
- Aragonite A mineral species of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) with a crystal structure different from that of vaterite and calcite, which are the other two forms of CaCO3. It is precipitated from ocean surface waters mainly by organisms (e.g., coral) that use it to make their shells and skeletons. Science, Mineral, Geology
- Air Register Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Aviation Research Group
- Australian Renovation Group
- Artie Romero Graphics Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Ada Raporteur Grouo Military
- Amerigo Resources Ltd. (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Antennx Research Group
- Airfield Research Group
- Applied Research Grant
- Autocad Profile Computing, File Extensions
- Aviation Reform Group
- Alcohol Research Group Science, Drug, Health
- Auroville Resource Group
- Amount of arginine infused NANP Modeling Commitee
- Arthur Ross Gallery
- Acupuncture Research Group
- Argos Resources Limited (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Another Rap Gwoup
- Aiola Research Group
- Albacore Research Group
- argument of a complex number Mathematical, Scientific & Educational
- Auxin Regulated Gene
- Alarm Reference Guide
- Astrophysics Research Group Space, Study, Cosmos
- Dietary arginine NANP Modeling Commitee
- Art & Robotics Group
- Accident Repair Group
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ARG stand for?
ARG stands for Amphibian &Vreptile Group.
What is the shortened form of Acupuncture Research Group?
The short form of "Acupuncture Research Group" is ARG.
ARG. (2020, October 19). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from
Last updated