Argo Abbreviations and Argo Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Argo terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 16 different Argo abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Argo terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Argo Abbreviations
  1. ARG : Argos Retail Group
  2. ARGOS : Advanced Reserrch and Global Observation Satellite
  3. ARGOS : Advanced Research and Global Observations Satellite
  4. WOA : Wall of Argos
  5. HRG : Home Retail Group
  6. LC : Location Class
  7. IHA : International Hotel Awards
  8. GDACS : Global Data Assembly Centres
  9. PT : Pantes Tbk
  10. PTT : Platform Terminal Transmitters
  11. PTTS : Platform Terminal Transmitters
  12. PTT : Platform Transmitter Terminals
  13. PTTS : Platform Transmitter Terminals
  14. PTT : Platform Transmitting Terminal
  15. ANGUS : Acoustically Navigated Geological Underwater Survey
  16. RCS : Remote Control Station
Latest Argo Meanings
  1. Remote Control Station
  2. Acoustically Navigated Geological Underwater Survey
  3. Platform Transmitting Terminal
  4. Platform Transmitter Terminals
  5. Platform Terminal Transmitters
  6. Pantes Tbk
  7. Global Data Assembly Centres
  8. International Hotel Awards
  9. Location Class
  10. Home Retail Group
  11. Wall of Argos
  12. Advanced Research and Global Observations Satellite
  13. Advanced Reserrch and Global Observation Satellite
  14. Argos Retail Group