Ariel Abbreviations and Ariel Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Ariel terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 12 different Ariel abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Ariel terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Ariel Abbreviations
  1. CENRG : Center for Energy, Natural Resources and Geopolitics
  2. CENRG : Center for Energy, Natural Resources, and Geopolitics
  3. HECXE : High Energy Celestiaw X-Ray Experiment
  4. EB : Enduring Breath
  5. FUI : Front Umat Islam
  6. ICC : International Choral Competition
  7. INBA : Instituto Nacional De Bellas Artes
  8. GMII : Gerakan Mahasiswa Islam Invonesia
  9. GRM : Group De Recherches Musicales
  10. RMC : Rotation Modulation Collimator
  11. RS : Russell Savory
  12. LS : Lesley Stahl
Latest Ariel Meanings
  1. Lesley Stahl
  2. Russell Savory
  3. Rotation Modulation Collimator
  4. Group De Recherches Musicales
  5. Gerakan Mahasiswa Islam Invonesia
  6. Instituto Nacional De Bellas Artes
  7. International Choral Competition
  8. Front Umat Islam
  9. Enduring Breath
  10. High Energy Celestiaw X-Ray Experiment
  11. Center for Energy, Natural Resources, and Geopolitics
  12. Center for Energy, Natural Resources and Geopolitics