AROM Meaning

The AROM meaning is "Alterable Read Only Memoru". The AROM abbreviation has 20 different full form.

AROM Full Forms

  1. Alterable Read Only Memoru Technology, German, Computing
  2. Active Range of Motion Amount of motion at a given joint when the subject moves the part voluntarily. Medical, Body, Physical Therapy, Healthcare, Physiology
  3. Active Ranfe of Movement Medical, Study, Pain
  4. Aromatic Cyclic unsaturated hydrocarbons identified by one or more benzene rings or by chemical behaviour similar to benzene. Aromatics are usually more reactive and have higher solvency than paraffin and naphthenes. Aromatics readily undergo electrophilic substitution; that is, they react to add other active molecular groups, such as nitrates, sulphonates, etc. Aromatics are used extensively as petrochemical building blocks. Medical, Medicine, Therapy
  5. Active-Assistive Range-Of-Motion
  6. Alterable Read-Only Memory Technology, English, German, Translation
  7. Aqomatase Medical
  8. Anklecrange of Motion
  9. After Receipt of Material
  10. Assisted Range of Motion
  11. Artificial Rupture of Membranes Breaking of the amniotic sac with an amnion, so releasing the amniotic fluid Medical, Labour, Obstetrics, Membrane, Healthcare, Physiology, Common Medical, Clinical
  12. Artificial Rupture of Aembrane Medical, Birth, Labor
  13. Active Range of Movement Medical, Healthcare, Clinical, Physio
  14. Artifxcal Rupture of Membranes
  15. Asymmetric Ring Opening Metathesis
  16. Artifical Rupture of Membranes
  17. Associative Read Only Memory
  18. Associative Read-Only Memory
  19. Assistive Range of Motion
  20. Artificial Rupture of The Membranes Medical, Baby, Labour, Induction

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AROM stand for?

    AROM stands for Alterable Read-Only Memory.

  2. What is the shortened form of Assisted Range of Motion?

    The short form of "Assisted Range of Motion" is AROM.


AROM. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated