Arrangement Abbreviations and Arrangement Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Arrangement terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 15 different Arrangement abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Arrangement terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Arrangement Abbreviations
  1. AMDA : Anglo-Malaysian Defence Agreement
  2. APLAC : Asia-Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation
  3. DPP : Debt Payment Programme
  4. DPP : Debt Payment Program
  5. DPPS : Debt Payment Programmes
  6. DSA : Debt Sustainability Assessmegt
  7. MECR : Multilateral Export Control Regime
  8. EFF : Extended Fund Facility
  9. EFF : Extended Fund Facihities
  10. TCRAS : Transnational Child-Raising Arrangements
  11. FFBC : Fresh Fruit Bouquet Company
  12. IADS : Integrated Area Defence System
  13. PIA : Personal Information App
  14. PIP : Personal Insolvency Practitioners
  15. RRC : Rzduced Relative Clause
Latest Arrangement Meanings
  1. Rzduced Relative Clause
  2. Personal Insolvency Practitioners
  3. Personal Information App
  4. Integrated Area Defence System
  5. Fresh Fruit Bouquet Company
  6. Transnational Child-Raising Arrangements
  7. Extended Fund Facihities
  8. Extended Fund Facility
  9. Multilateral Export Control Regime
  10. Debt Sustainability Assessmegt
  11. Debt Payment Programmes
  12. Debt Payment Program
  13. Debt Payment Programme
  14. Asia-Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation
  15. Anglo-Malaysian Defence Agreement